Computer Manufacturers Database

Total brands in database (21 December 2024) : 12229
Corresponding brands from query : 257

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Models : MSX, SPARC, PC comp., Mac clone,
A2 clone, PDP, TRS-80, ZX clone


Info 1
Info 2
V Rose Microsystems, Inc.USA-00's - 10'sPC
V-COM Enterprises, Inc.PC comp., (+8)USA-(†)90'sPC
V-marc, Inc. 2 modelsUSA198580'sPC
V. Antonic (-> Elektronika Inzenjering)GalaksijaYOU-80'sPC
V. BartenevUT-88RUS-80'sPC
V. DrozdovPentagon 48RUS-(†)90'sPC
V. S. Lukyanov 2 modelsRUS-40'sSC
V. Sugonyako/A. VinogradRUS-80'sPC
V. Sugonyako/V. Safronov/K. KonenkovOrion-128RUS-(†)80'sPC
v.d. Drukov PLAN 80ACZE-(†)80'sPC
V.N. Baryshnikov IrishaRUS-80'sPC
V&V Systems Taiwan Co., Ltd.TWN-(†)90'sPC
V3 Gaming PCUSA2010act.10'sPC
V8 MicroPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
V88 Systems, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
VA Linux Systems (-> VA Research)Linux 2130USA1999act.00'sPC-
VA Research21 modelsUSA1993(†)90'sPC
VA Technologies2 models?-(†)00'sPC
Vadem Corp. 2 modelsUSA-act.80's - 00'sPC
Vaio Corp. (-> Sony) JAP1996act.00's - 20'sPC-
Val-Tech, Inc. (VTI)1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
ValePC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
ValenitePC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
ValgaPC comp.RUS199590's - 00'sPC
Valid Logic Systems, Inc. (by DEC)5 modelsUSA1981(†)80'sPC
Valsts Elektrotehniska Fabrika (VEF) 11 modelsRUS19191999†80'sPC, TER
Valtec Technology Co., Ltd. TWN2013act.10'sPC
Value PlusPC comp.FRA-90'sPC
Valvo GmbH6 modelsGER1924act.50's - 80'sSC, PC
Van Rietschoten & Houwens1 modelsHOL18601993†70'sPC
Van Tech Data ScienceJAP196970'sPC
Vanderbilt UniversityVU68KUSA1873act.80'sPC
VanguardPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Vanguard Technologies Corp. 4 modelsUSA19791986†70'sMF, PC
Vant (div. Power Case Iberica) PC comp.SPA-act.00's - 20'sPC
Vardhaman Technology Pvt. Ltd. (Panache)IND2007act.00's - 10'sPC
Vardon & Associates, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)70'sTER
Varian Data Machines, Inc. 21 modelsUSA19671977†50's - 70'sMC, MF-
Varian-MAT GmbHMAT 144GER1967(†)70'sSC
Variscite Ltd.ISR2002act.00's - 10'sPC
Varisystems Corp.PAC-16, (+5)USA-(†)70'sMC
VarTech Systems, Inc.USA1988act.00's - 10'sPC
VastecPC comp.PER-act.00'sPC
Vastking Electronic Co., Ltd. 22 modelsCHN-act.10'sPC
Vaxum TechnologiesPC comp., (+29)USA-00'sPC
VEA s.r.l.ITA1992act.00's - 10'sPC
VEB Archimedes Rechenmaschinenfabrik GlashĂĽtteEAR 6, (+2)GER-50'sSC
VEB Buchungsmaschinenwerk Karl-Marx-Stadt (div. Robotron)Robotron, DORAM, (+7)GER-(†)80'sPC
VEB BĂĽromaschinenwerk Sömmerda (Soemtron)Soemtron, Robotron, (+7)GER-(†)80'sPC
VEB Carl ZeissZRA 1, (+4)GER1948act.60'sSC-
VEB Elektro-Apparate-Werke TreptowP8000, (+4)GER-(†)80'sPC
VEB Elektronik Gera MC-80GER1977(†)80'sPC
VEB Elektronische Rechenmaschinen ChemnitzASM 18, (+2)GER-50'sSC
VEB Geräte- und Reglerwerk Teltow (GRW) MIC80GER1954(†)80'sPC
VEB Kombinat RobotronRobotron, (+106)GER19691990†80'sPC, TER
VEB Mansfeld KombinatMPC, (+4)GER-(†)80'sPC
VEB Mikroelectronik MĂĽhlhausen (div. Robotron) 3 modelsGER195280'sPC
VEB Mikroelektronik Karl Marx Erfurt Spectral, EPR01, (+2)GER1937act.80'sPC
VEB NumerikPRG 710, (+5)GER1978(†)80'sPC, MC
VEB Piko SonnebergPiko datGER-60'sPC
VEB Polytechnik Karl-Marx-StadtPolycomputer 880GER19692006†80'sPC
VEB RAFENA-Werke Radeberg (div. Robotron) KRS, PRS, (+12)GER1956(†)70'sSC, MC
VEB Rechenelektronik GlashĂĽtte ENDIM 2000, (+2)GER1951(†)60'sSC
VEB Rechenelektronik MeiningenSER2, (+2)GER1967(†)60'sSC
VEB Robotron-Elektronik DresdenRobotron, (+11)GER-80'sPC
VEB Robotron-Elektronik RiesaZ 1013, (+5)GER-80'sPC
VEB Robotron-Elektronik Zella-Mehlis D4A, Cellatron, (+11)GER1906(†)60'sPC, MC, TER
VEB Robotron-Messelektronik Dresden K 85, K 87, (+5)GER19791990†80'sPC
VEB Schwermaschinenbaukombinat Ernst Thälmann (SKET) - MagdeburgHCXGER1953act.80'sPC
VEB Wissenschaftlich-Technisches Büro für GerätebauUNIMARGER-60'sSC
Vecow Co., Ltd.TWN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Vector Automation, Inc.2 modelsUSA1979(†)80'sTER
Vector Computer Corp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Vector General Corp.11 modelsUSA196970'sTER
Vector Graphic, Inc. 42 modelsUSA19771986†70's - 80'sPC, TER
Vector International BVBAVector mmd-dds, (+2)BEL1977act.70'sPC
Vectoria Computer, Inc.PC comp.CAN-90'sPC
Vectrix Corp.2 modelsUSA198080'sPC, TER
VegaPC comp., (+6)?-(†)90'sPC
Vega Computer Industries, Inc.PC comp.USA-act.00'sPC
Vegas Computer Communications Italia S.p.A.PC comp., (+26)ITA199090'sPC
Vegashine Technology Co., Ltd. CHN-act.10'sPC
Veidoo Digital Vision Co., Ltd. CHN2008act.10'sPC
Vektron International, Inc.41 modelsUSA1989(†)90'sPC
VELA (div. Troyes Micro Services)1 modelsFRA-(†)80'sPC
Velo Systems Ltd.PC comp.UK-act.00'sPC
Velocity Micro146 modelsUSA1997act.00's - 20'sPC
Vendex Technologies, Inc. PC comp., (+8)USA-1989†80'sPC
VenexPC comp., (+2)FRA-90'sPC
Venezolana de Industria TecnolĂłgica, C.A. (VIT) VEN-act.00'sPC-
Venoen Technology Co., Ltd. CHN-act.10's - 20'sPC
Venom ComputersPC comp.AUS-act.00'sPC
Vensin Computer Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2007act.00's - 10'sPC
Ventek Computer Systems, Inc.Wordplex, (+3)USA-(†)70'sPC
Venus Computers & CommunicationPC comp., (+2)IND-(†)00'sPC
Venus Information Industrial Co.PCCHN-(†)80'sPC
Verari Systems, Inc.8 modelsUSA199600'sPC
Veras SystemsF-8USA-70'sPC
Verbeco GmbHMT7000, (+3)GER197490'sPC
Veridata Research, Inc. PC comp., (+35)USA-(†)90'sPC
Verizon Communications, Inc.USA1999act.10'sPC
VerkkokauppaPC comp.FIN1992(†)90's - 00'sPC
Vermont Microsystems, Inc.USA-(†)80'sPC
Vernitron Corp.1 modelsUSA-(†)60'sTER
VeroPC comp., (+11)?-(†)00'sPC
VersaLogic Corp.FOX, (+5)USA1976act.80's - 10'sPC
Versatec, Inc. (div- Xerox)1 modelsUSA-80'sPC, TER
Versatyme Controls Corp. USA1980(†)80'sPC
Versyss, Inc. VS/1, (+4)USA198990'sMC
Vertegri Research Corp.Mac clone, (+7)CAN-1997†90'sPC
Vertex Advanced Research, Inc.PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
Vertex Computer S.A.PC comp., (+2)ARG-act.90's - 00'sPC
Vertex SarlMON-act.10's - 20'sPC
Verticom, Inc.2 modelsUSA19821988†80'sPC, TER
Vertos Ltd.SPARC cloneTWN-(†)90'sPC
VeryPC Ltd.PC comp.UK2006act.00's - 20'sPC
VestaPK 8000, IK-31, (+2)RUS-90'sPC
Vesta Technology, Inc.2 modelsUSA198490's - 10'sPC
Vestel Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.S. MSX, (+3)TUR1984act.80'sPC
VestwindPC comp.?-90'sPC
Vexcel Corp.PC comp.TWN-(†)90'sPC
Vextrec Technologies, Inc.PC comp., (+17)USA-(†)90'sPC
VF AssociatesUSA-(†)80'sPC
VG Systems Ltd.4 modelsUK-(†)80'sPC
VGS CaliforniaPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
VHJ Tesla - Pardubice3 modelsCZE-(†)60'sMF
VIA Systems, Inc. GATES, (+6)USA-(†)80'sPC
Viasyn Corp. CompuPro, (+3)USA1985(†)80'sPC
Viatron Computer Systems Corp.5 modelsUSA196770'sMC, PC, TER
Vice Computer ABSWE198790's - 00'sPC
Vicious ComputersPC comp., (+18)USA-act.00'sPC
Vicom Systems, Inc.3 modelsUSA198180'sPC
Vicon Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Victor (div. JVC)MSX, (+20)JAP-80'sPC, TER-
Victor Comptometer Corp.7 modelsUSA196170'sMC
Victor do Brasil EletrĂ´nica Ltda.5 modelsBRA1982act.80'sPC
Victor Technologies, Inc. 67 modelsUSA1982act.80'sPC
Victor-Micronic AB2 modelsSWE-80'sTER
Victoria University of Manchester MADAM, ATLAS, Mark 1, (+10)UK18512004†50'sSC
Victory Computer Systems, Inc.4 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Victory Enterprises Technology, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
VidéalPC comp.FRA-90'sPC
Video Data Systems GmbHTDV 2114, (+4)GER-(†)70'sPC, TER
Video Direct International (VDI)Home VisionBEL-(†)80'sPC-
Video Display System (VDS)ECO 1, (+3)ITA-80'sPC
Video Systems Corp.VST, (+3)USA-(†)70'sTER
Video Technology Ltd. (VTech)Laser, (+57)HON1976act.80'sPC
VideoBrain Computer Co. (-> Umtech)Family ComputerUSA-(†)70'sPC
Videocomputer S.p.A.PC comp.ITA-90'sPC
Videograph CompuetrPC comp.HUN-80'sPC
Videograph Computer GmbH1 modelsGER-(†)80'sTER
Videoseven (div. Ingram Micro) PC comp.GER-act.90'sPC
Videotek Systemas Electronicos Ltda.2 modelsBRA1983act.80's - 00'sPC, TER
Videoton Elektronikai Vallalat81 modelsHUN196970's - 80'sMF, PC, TER
Vierci ComputersPC comp., (+10)USA-90'sPC
Viewpaker Technology Co., Ltd HON-act.00's - 10'sPC
ViewPoint Systems, LLCMANTIS-1USA2011act.10'sPC
Viewsonic Corp.33 modelsUSA1987act.00's - 10'sPC
Viglen Ltd.106 modelsUK1975act.80's - 90'sPC
Vigor GamingUSA20042006†00'sPC
Vigor Systems Corp.PC comp.TWN-(†)80'sPC
Vigor Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-(†)90'sPC
VikingsPC comp., (+3)?-(†)90'sPC
Vikomt CZ a.s. PC comp., (+8)CZE-2003†90'sPC
ViLi (by Tesla) OndraCZE-90'sPC
Villamos Automatika IntĂ©zet (VILATI)13 modelsHUN-(†)80'sPC
Villamos BerendezĂ©s Ă©s KĂ©szĂĽlĂ©k Muvek (VBKM)Comput-80HUN1964(†)80'sPC
Vilniaus skaiciavimo masinu gamykla RUS-60's - 80'sMF, MC, PC-
Vilnius Computer Factory (VCF) (-> SKV Vychislitelnykh Mashin) LIT1956act.60's - 80'sSC-
Vilnius Factory of Computers Imeni Lenina (div. Minpribor)RUS-(†)??
Vintron Informatics Ltd.PC comp.UK-(†)90'sPC
Vinytics Peripherials Pvt. Ltd.3 modelsIND1981act.80'sPC, TER
VIPPC comp., (+2)?-(†)80'sPC
VIP Computer, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
VIPA GmbH (div. Yaskwawa) GER-act.00's - 10'sPC
VIPC Computer Corp.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)80'sPC
VIPC Computers Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Viper Systems PC comp.UK-00'sPC
Viper SystemsPC comp.USA-act.10'sPC
Viper Technology Pvt. Ltd.PC comp.PAK1995act.90's - 10'sPC
VirginPC comp.?-90'sPC
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversitySystem GUSA1872act.00'sSU-
Virsys Technology Corp.1 modelsCAM-(†)80'sPC
Virtual Microsystems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Virtual Technology Corp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Visa (div. Link Technologies)2 modelsUSA-80'sTER
VISA Computers (div. Diode)PC comp.SPA-90's - 00'sPC
Visam GmbHGER2000act.00's - 10'sPC
Visara InternationalUSA-act.00's - 10'sTER
Visentech Systems, Inc.8 modelsUSA198680'sTER
Visi-Tron, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Vision Computer Corp.PC comp.AUS-(†)80'sPC
Vision Computers, Inc.PC comp., (+27)USA1992act.00's - 10'sPC
Vision PowerMac clone, (+10)SIN-(†)90'sPC
Vision4ce, LLCUSA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Visionary Electronics, Inc.PC comp.USA1982act.00'sPC
Visionman USA1997act.00'sPC
Visshiya mashinno-elektrotekhnicheski institut "Lenin" - Sofia MUK-600, (+4)BUL1953act.80'sPC
Vist GroupPC comp.RUS199190'sPC
Vist Ltd.PC comp., (+6)UK-(†)90'sPC
Vista Controls (div. Lau Defense) USA-90'sPC
Vista Imaging5 modelsUSA-(†)80'sTER
Visual Business Systems Ltd. (VBS)1 modelsUK-(†)80'sPC
Visual Information Technologies, Inc.4 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Visual Sciences, Inc. CAN-1986†70'sTER
Visual Technology, Inc.62 modelsUSA197880'sPC, TER
Vitalink Communications Corp.4 modelsUSA-(†)80'sMC
Vitech America, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Vitek Electronics Co., Ltd. PC comp.CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Vitesse Electronics Corp.1 modelsUSA19841987†80'sMC
Vivace ComputerPC comp., (+3)KOR-80'sPC
Vizio, Inc.31 modelsUSA2002act.00's - 10'sPC
VME Microsystems International Corp. (VMIC) 1 modelsUSA19982002†90'sPC
VME Specialists, Inc.4 modelsUSA-80'sPC
VME, Inc.V4000, (+3)USA-(†)80'sPC
VNII "Electronstandart"DLM, DVM-1, (+3)RUS-70's - 80'sPC-
VNIITE Design Institute SphinxRUS19622013†80'sPC-
VNS America Corp.PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
Vobis Microcomputer AG1352 modelsGER1975act.80's - 90'sPC-
Vogue Imports, Inc.PC comp.USA197380'sPC
Volán Elektronika Zrt.1 modelsHUN-(†)80'sPC
Volker-Craig Ltd.22 modelsCAN19731982†70's - 80'sTER
Völkner Electronic GmbH & Co. KG MEWA-48GER19461990†80'sPC
VoltPC comp.?-90'sPC
Volzhsky Plant of Computer Technology (EVT)AgatRUS-(†)80'sPC-
Voodoo Computers, Inc. PC comp., (+45)USA19912006†90's - 00'sPC
Vortec (div. Samsung)PC comp., (+2)KOR-(†)90'sPC
Vortex ComputersPC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Vostok InformatikaVostokRUS-(†)90'sPC
Votrax 1 modelsUSA1917(†)80'sPC
VoxTechnologies Corp.USA1997act.00'sPC
Voy Digital, LLC PC comp., (+3)USA-00'sPC
VoyagerPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Voyager Systems, Inc.4000, (+2)USA1985act.80's - 00'sPC
Voyageur (div. Nor-Tech) PC comp.USA-act.00'sPC
VPO PrometeyVegaRUS-(†)90'sPC
VPR Matrix (div. Best Buy)PC comp., (+33)USA-act.00'sPC
VRex, Inc. PC comp.USA1993(†)90'sPC
VS Vision Systems GmbHGER1993act.90's - 10'sPC
VT Computers Ltd.1 modelsUK-(†)80'sTER
VTech Computers, Inc.PC comp., (+168)USA-90'sPC
VUJOSoft PC comp.CZE-act.90'sPC
Vulcan, Inc.FlipStart, (+3)USA1986act.00'sPC-
VUM - VoronezhMS 1212RUS-(†)80'sPC
Vums Computers s.r.o. CZE1991act.90's - 00'sSC
VĂšZ StrojSmalt - Banska Bystrica1 modelsCZE-(†)80'sPC
VXL Instruments Ltd.2 modelsIND1976act.00'sPC, TER
VYDEC, Inc.3 modelsUSA-(†)70'sPC
Vypuskalsya Penzenskim Zavodom VEM - PenzaSura-C, (+4)RUS-(†)90'sPC
Vypuskalsya Zavodom Elektroapparatury - TveriSpektr BK-001RUS-(†)90'sPC
Výrobně hospodářská jednotka (VHJ Tesla)CZE-50'sSC
VĂ˝skumno vĂ˝vojovĂ© stredisko TESLY Orava v Ĺ˝iline (VVS TO ZA) RPP-16CZE19681972†60'sSC
Vyskumny Ustav Vypoctovej Techniky (VUVT Zilina) SMEP, (+44)CZE-act.80'sMC, PC, TER
Vyzkumneho Ustavu Matematickych Stroju (VUMS) SAPO, EPOS, MSP, ZPA, (+22)CZE1953act.50's - 60'sSC, MF, MC, TER

(c) epocalc 2019