Computer Manufacturers Database

Total brands in database (21 December 2024) : 12229
Corresponding brands from query : 709

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Super Computers (SU) : super and parallel computers
Undefined (?) : help needed, please keep in touch !
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Models : MSX, SPARC, PC comp., Mac clone,
A2 clone, PDP, TRS-80, ZX clone


Info 1
Info 2
P. Habersetzer HCC-80GER-(†)80'sPC
P. Hakala MikrospectraFIN-(†)70'sPC
P. Kitsun (Syd)Speccy2007RUS-(†)00'sPC
P. LohmerCP/M RechnerGER-(†)70'sPC
P. RustonV6Z80PUK-act.00'sPC
P. Ryal RC-3USA-(†)00'sSC
P.A.L. 2 modelsGER-(†)80'sPC
P.C. Innovation ComputersPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
P.S. Inc. (Pascal Software)USA1971(†)80'sPC
P&C Shiten Enterprise Co., Ltd. PC comp., (+10)TWN-(†)80'sPC
P&Y Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2016act.10'sPC
P1 GmbH PARWELL 1GER-(†)80'sSC
Paavo-Paimen OyPP-200, (+2)FIN196470'sPC
Pacesetter Peripherals 1 modelsAUS-80'sTER
Pacific ComputersPC comp., (+4)NZL-80'sPC
Pacific Cyber/Metrix, Inc. (PC/M)PCM-12, (+4)USA197870's - 80'sPC
Pacific Data Systems, Inc. (PDS) (div. EAI) 2 modelsUSA196160'sMF, SC
Pacific Electro Data, Inc. USA-90'sPC
Pacific IndustryPZ-80JAP-(†)80'sPC
Pacific International Computing Corp. ATS, Compspec, (+2)USA-(†)70'sPC
Pacific Microcomputers, Inc.PM200, PM400, (+9)USA1981(†)80'sPC
Pacific PC Ltd.PC comp.UK-00'sPC
Pacific Royal Enterprises Ltd.PC comp., (+5)CAN-90'sPC
Pacific Star Communications, Inc. (PacStar)PC comp.USA2000act.00'sPC
Pacific Universal Research, Inc.PortabrainUSA-(†)80'sPC
Pack-In-Tell ElectronicsPC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
Packard Bell PBC 1000, (+3060)USA1926act.60's - 20'sMF, MC, PC
Packtron IntegrationPC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
Pacomp EDV Produkte GmbH (div. Comtech)PC comp., (+8)GER-90'sPC
Pactron Integration Computer, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA199090'sPC
Pagine Corp.2 modelsUSA-(†)90'sTER
PAIA Electronics, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sPC
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) PC comp., (+3)PAK1971act.00'sPC-
Pako Corp.USA-70'sMC
Pako Corp.USA191070'sMC
Pakom d.o.o.PC comp.YOU-00'sPC
Pal Systems Ltd.PC comp.CAN-90'sPC
Palicomp Ltd.PC comp.UK2003act.00'sPC
Palm, Inc. 36 modelsUSA19922011†00'sPC
Palmax Technology Co., Ltd. 13 modelsTWN199090'sPC
Palmcom International Ltd.PC comp.HON-90'sPC
Paltec, Inc.PC comp.JAP-act.00'sPC
Palyn AssociatesEMMYUSA-(†)70'sSC
PAMPC comp.?-90'sPC
Pam Pacific Associates, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Pan American Electronics, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Pan United Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Pan-Asia Electronics Co.STD-Z80, (+7)TWN-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Pan-United Corp.PC comp., (+5)USA-(†)80'sPC
Panafacom Ltd. 42 modelsJAP197370's - 80'sPC
Panasonic Co. (div. Matsushita)HHC, (+3823)JAP1962act.70's - 10'sMC, PC, TER
Panatek ComputerSPARC clone, (+14)TWN-(†)90'sPC
PandaBoard1 modelsSPA-act.00'sPC
PanData Computersysteme GmbHPanda 3000, (+3)GER-(†)80'sPC
Panel s.r.l.ITA1998act.00's - 10'sPC
Panel SASysteme 802, (+2)SWI19561986†70'sPC
Panora Corporation Pvt. Ltd.PC comp.SRI-act.00'sPC
Panrix35 modelsUK19902000†90's - 00'sPC
Pansco ComputersPC comp.UK-(†)90'sPC
Panstwowego Instytutu Matematycznego - Grupie Aparatow Matematycznych (GAM)EMAL, (+5)POL-(†)50'sSC-
Pantech Wireless, Inc. 1 modelsKOR1991act.10'sPC
Pantex Computer, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PantherPET consoleUK-70'sPC
Panther ComputersPC comp., (+8)UK-90'sPC
Panther SystemsPC comp., (+8)USA-(†)90'sPC
Panzhong Digtal Technology Co., Ltd. PC comp.CHN2007act.00's - 10'sPC
PAO Pribornyy zavod "Tenzor" - DubnaDubna-48RUS1968act.90'sPC
Pao-Ku International Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN1972(†)90'sPC
Paoku P&C Co., Ltd. (-> P&C Shiten)PC comp.CHN1972(†)80'sPC
ParacelFDF3USA1992act.90's - 00'sSC
Paracom (-> Parsytec)1 modelsGER-(†)80'sSC
Paradigit Computers BVPC comp., (+16)HOL1992act.90's - 10'sPC
Paradigm (div. Future Shop)PC comp.CAN-90'sPC
Paradise Computers (div. Computronics)PC comp.UK-90'sPC
Paradise Systems, Inc. ConvertibleUSA-(†)80'sPC
Paradyne Corp.PortaBrain, (+24)USA196980'sMC, TER, PC, SC
Paragon Development Systems, Inc. (PDS)PC comp.USA-act.90'sPC
Paragon Technology (UK) Ltd.PC comp., (+3)UK-90'sPC
Parallel Computer, Inc. 6 modelsUSA19831988†80'sPC
Parallel Quantum Solutions (PQS)USA1997act.00's - 10'sPC
Parasitic EngineeringEquinoxUSA-70'sPC
Paravant Computer Systems, Inc.7 modelsUSA198280's - 90'sPC
Pargos Electronic GmbHNIC-12GER1982act.80'sPC
Parker Hannifin Corp.USA1917act.00'sPC
Pars PC comp.?-(†)00'sPC
ParsysTA9000, (+5)USA1988(†)90'sSU
Parsytec AG CCe, (+20)GER1985(†)80's - 90'sSU
Partaker (div. Inctel Technology)CHN2008act.00's - 10'sPC
Partec GmbH5 modelsGER-80'sPC
Partner TechKOR1990act.00's - 10'sPC
Parvac Corp.CAN-70'sTER
Parvus Corp. USA19832013†00'sPC
Pasco International, Inc.Atlantis, (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
Pascot1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Pastoriza Electronics, Inc. 1 modelsUSA19611969†60'sSC
PAT Prozess Automatisierungstechnik GmbH & Co. KGGER-(†)80'sPC
Patch ComputersPC comp., (+4)?-90'sPC
Path Computer Equipments, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)70'sSC
Pathway Technologies, Inc.USA-00's - 10'sPC
PatisonicAleste, Amstrad clone, (+4)RUS1991act.90'sPC
Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (PCS Industries) PC comp., (+286)IND19782012†80' - 90'sPC
Patrick Computer Systems, Inc.4 modelsCAN-80'sPC
PatriotPC comp., (+16)?-90's - 00'sPC
Patriot Computer Corp. (-> ACOM ?)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PAV Electronik GmbH3 modelsGER-(†)80'sPC, TER
Pax Electronica Japan Corp.7 modelsJAP-(†)70'sPC
PaymenttelPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Paysan Innovation Co.1 modelsUK-(†)00'sPC
pb-electronic3 modelsGER-80'sPC
PC & Network Services, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PC 2000PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PC AmericanPC comp.USA-80'sPC
PC ArkPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
PC Arts Argentina S.A.MagnumARG-act.10'sPC
PC AwardPC comp.FRA-90'sPC
PC Brand, Inc. PC comp., (+30)USA-1991†80'sPC
PC Channel, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PC Chips Group PC comp.HON-90'sPC
PC ClubPC comp., (+44)USA19922008†90's - 00'sPC
PC CommPC comp., (+13)USA-(†)90'sPC
PC ConnectionPC comp.USA1982act.00'sPC
PC Corner Corp.PC comp.PHI-act.10'sPC
PC Craft, Inc.PC comp., (+86)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
PC DepotPC comp., (+2)UK-00'sPC
PC Designs, Inc.PC comp., (+13)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
PC DirectPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
PC Direct New Zealand Ltd.PC comp., (+8)NZL-(†)90'sPC
PC DiscountPC comp., (+3)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
PC EngineeringPC comp., (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
PC Engines GmbH2 modelsSWI1995act.00'sPC
PC Expanders, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
PC Express, Inc.PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
PC Halle (PCH)PC comp.FRA-90'sPC
PC House, Inc.PC comp.TWN-(†)80's - 90'sPC
PC ImportersPC comp., (+17)USA-(†)90'sPC
PC Innovation ComputersPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PC InnovationsPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PC Link Corp.PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
PC MartPC comp.USA-80'sPC
PC MasterPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
PC MAXPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PC Network, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
PC Nextday Ltd.PC comp.UK199200'sPC
PC Notebook, Inc.PC comp., (+15)USA-act.00'sPC
PC NOW!PC comp.UK-(†)90'sPC
PC OfficePC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PC Partner Ltd.PC comp., (+26)HON1997act.00'sPC
PC PlusPC comp.YOU199290'sPC
PC PlusPC comp.ITA-(†)90'sPC
PC ProgresPC comp., (+11)USA-00'sPC
PC Roots Production Srl. PC comp.ROM2000act.00's - 10'sPC
PC Science Ltd. (PCS Direct)PC comp., (+2)UK-1999†90'sPC
PC SolutionsPC comp.UK-(†)90'sPC
PC SourcesPC comp., (+3)?-(†)90'sPC
PC Specialist Ltd.PC comp.UK-act.00's - 20'sPC
PC StationPC comp.UK-00'sPC
PC SupplyPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PC SystemsPC comp.USA-80'sPC
PC TechPC comp., (+6)?-(†)90'sPC
PC TECH Com. e Ind. Ltda.PC comp.BRA-(†)80'sPC
PC Time DataPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PC Turbo Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PC UnlimitedPC comp., (+2)?-(†)90'sPC
PC ValuesPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PC vert (div. A2TEO)PC comp.FRA-(†)10'sPC
PC Ware s.r.l.PC comp.ITA-00'sPC
PC WarehousePC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PC Warehouse (UK)PC comp.UK199190'sPC
PC WelcomePC comp.FRA-90'sPC
PC Winner International, Inc.TWN197200'sPC
PC World (div. Dixons)PC comp.UK1991act.90's - 00'sPC-
PC-CraftPC comp., (+3)?-90'sPC
PC-Ease, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PC-EPhone, Inc.1 modelsUSA199800'sPC
PC-Koubou (div. Unitcom)PC comp.JAP-act.00'sPC
PC-Plus Technologies, Inc.PC comp.USA198890'sPC
PC-Sel Computer ServicesPC comp., (+4)USA-(†)90'sPC
PC-SpezialistPC comp., (+13)GER-90'sPC
PC-SuperStore Oy (PCSS) PC comp.FIN-00'sPC
PC-TECPC comp., (+3)?-90'sPC
Pc'S Limited, Inc. 21 modelsUSA19841987†80'sPC
PC/M Bubbl-TecUSA197880'sPC
PC&C Research Corp.PC comp., (+19)USA-(†)90'sPC
PC2000PC comp.SPA-90's - 00'sPC
PC77PC comp.FRA1997act.90'sPC
PCAPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
PCArkPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
PCBOXARG-act.00's - 10'sPC
PCC Business Systems1 modelsUSA-80'sTER
PCE SystemsVoyager, (+3)USA1977(†)80'sPC
PCFX TechnologyPC comp.USA-00'sPC
PCI Embedded Computer Systems, Inc.USA200300'sPC
PCI Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-act.90's - 10'sPC
PCM, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
PcPRIME Systems, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)80'sPC
PCPRO Systems,Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PCS Systemtechnik GmbHGER1970act.90's - 10'sPC
Pcs2000PC comp., (+9)USA-(†)90'sPC
PCSXPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
PCTronicsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PCUSAPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PCW SalesPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PCX Computers d.o.o. PC comp., (+2)YOU199190'sPC
pd Computer GmbH2 modelsGER-(†)80'sPC
PDS Technologies, Inc.Yankee, (+3)USA1962(†)80'sPC, TER
PE Nelson Systems3 modelsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Peace DataPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Peach MicrosystemsExecutive, (+2)CAN-(†)80'sPC
Peacock Computer GmbHPowerserver, (+293)GER1978(†)90'sPC
Peanut Computer Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-(†)80'sPC
Peapod Distribution Ltd.1 modelsUK-90'sPC
Peaq (div. Media Markt)2 modelsGER2010act.20'sPC
PEAR Systems SAPear 805, (+2)FRA-80'sPC
Pearcom BV3 modelsHOL-80'sPC
Pearl Computer Pty Ltd.PC comp.AUS-80's - 90'sPC
Pearlson Development Corp.PDCUSA-90's - 00'sPC
Peartree Computers Ltd.PC comp.UK-80'sPC
Pebe Datentechnik AG1 modelsSWI-(†)80'sPC
Pecos SistemasPecos 128ARG-(†)80'sPC
Peerless1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Pegasus Data Systems3 modelsUSA196580'sPC
Pegasus Electronics (Wholesale) Ltd. PC comp.UK-(†)90'sPC
Pegatron Corp. TWN2008act.10's - 20'sPC
Pei Chow Industry Co., Ltd.TWN-(†)90'sPC
PEK Electronic 1 modelsGER-(†)70'sSC
Pekhai Trading Co., Ltd.PC comp.HON1950act.00's - 10'sPC
PEL VarazdinOrao, Galeb, (+4)YOU-80'sPC
Pelham Sloane, Inc.PC comp.USA-act.00'sPC
PelicanMobile Computers, Inc.PC comp.USA199600'sPC
Pencept, Inc.PenpadUSA198080'sTER-
Pendragon Computer SystemsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Penflex Elektronik GmbH2 modelsGER-70'sTER
Pengin International Trading Co., Ltd. CHN2011act.10'sPC
Penguin Computing, Inc.Linux 8000, (+137)USA-act.00's - 20'sPC, SU
Pengyangda Digital Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2012act.10'sPC
Pennu Computer Technology AS (PCT) PC comp.EST1998(†)90'sPC
Penril Data Communications1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Penta Adlink Technologie GmbHGER1994act.90's - 10'sPC
Penta Systems International, Inc.Black Star S8, Multistar, (+3)USA-80'sPC
Pentacomp Kft. PC comp., (+2)HUN199090'sPC
Pentagon Rugged Systems India Pvt. Ltd.IND200390's - 10'sPC
Pentasonic SAProf-80FRA197680'sPC
Pentek, Inc.TalonUSA1986act.90's - 10'sPC
Pentel Co., Ltd.Leta-Con, (+3)JAP-(†)80'sPC
Penzenskom Radiozavode - Penza Symbol, RYAD, (+2)RUS-(†)70's - 90'sMF, PC
Peopleware Systems, Inc.2 modelsUSA-80'sPC
PEP Elektronik Systeme GmbHCPS 2000, PEP 2000, (+12)GER-(†)80'sPC
Pep Modular Computers GmbH 5 modelsGER19832000†80's - 00'sPC
PEP PCPC comp., (+3)?-(†)90'sPC
Pepper Computer, Inc.PepperPad, (+3)USA2005act.00'sPC-
Percom Data Corp.3 modelsUSA1976(†)80'sTER
PerComp Association PC comp.HUN-(†)80'sPC
Percomp Microsystems, Inc.PC comp., (+6)USA-(†)90'sPC
Peregrine ComputersPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Peren-IT SASFRA-act.00's - 20'sPC
Perfect / Al Mithali (by Daewoo)KUW-(†)80'sPC
Perfect Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-(†)80'sPC
Perfect Terminal, Inc.6 modelsUSA-80'sTER
Perfectron Co., Ltd. (div. 7Starlake)TWN-act.10's - 20'sPC
Performance Business Machines (div. MicroPro) PBS 1000, (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
Performance Computer SystemsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Performance Technologies, Inc.9 modelsUSA-80'sTER
Pericom Data Systems Ltd.9 modelsUK1975act.70's - 80'sPC, TER
Periféria Ultra Kft.PC comp.HUN-(†)90'sPC
PerifericSig/net, FAZ, (+4)USA-(†)80'sPC, TER
PerifiTech, Inc.1 modelsUSA198990's - 00'sPC
Perimatique (by Pertec)PCC, (+2)FRA-(†)80'sTER
Perimetre SAPC comp.FRA-(†)90'sPC
Peripheral Data Machines, Inc.Magnyx, (+2)USA-(†)60'sTER
Peripheral Processor Co.PPC-50USA-(†)70'sMC
Peripheral Systems, Inc.EagleUSA197780'sPC
Peripheral Technology, Inc.PTK68K2, (+6)USA1980(†)80's - 90'sPC, TER
Peripherals Plus, Inc.USA-(†)80'sPC
Peripherals s.a.s. PC comp., (+2)ITA-90'sPC
Periphere Computer Systeme GmbH (PCS)Cadmus, (+29)GER-(†)80'sPC, TER
Periphonics Corp.T-Comm 7, (+16)USA1969(†)70's - 80'sMC, PC, TER
Peritek Corp.1 modelsUSA197980'sTER
Perixx Computer GmbHPC comp.GER2006act.00'sPC
Perkin Elmer Corp.Bantam, (+62)USA193180'sPC, MC, TER
Perkon Teknoloji AÅžTUR1996act.10'sPC
PERQ Systems Corp.LN3000, (+7)USA19741986†80'sPC
Perry Data Systems, Inc.11 modelsUSA1967(†)80'sTER
Personal Agroelektronikai GTAircomp-16, URD-85, (+3)HUN-(†)80'sPC, TER
Personal Computer & Communication (-> AT&T)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Personal Computer Graphics Corp. (PCG)PC comp., (+3)USA198490'sPC
Personal Computer Products, Inc. (PCPI)PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
Personal Computer Quality Technology AB (PCQT) 1 modelsSWE-90'sPC
Personal Improvement Computer Systems (PICS), Inc.USA1968act.70's - 00'sPC, SC
Personal Micro Computers, Inc. (PMC)MicroMate, PMC-80, (+10)USA196980'sPC, TER
Personal SolutionPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Perstor Systems, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Pertec Computer Corp.22 modelsUSA197070'sMC, TER; PC
Pertech Computers Ltd. (PCL)PC comp., (+9)IND1995(†)90'sPC
Perto S.A. Perifericos para AutomacaoPC comp.BRA-(†)90'sPC
PET Computer Service Pte Ltd.PC comp.SIN-(†)90'sPC
Pet ComputersPC comp., (+13)?-80'sPC
Peters Plus, Ltd.Sprinter, (+6)RUS19932004†80'sPC
PetraPC comp.CZE-(†)00'sPC
Petronic International, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PexPC comp., (+41)?-(†)90'sPC
PEZY ComputingSuiren, (+5)JAP-(†)00'sSU
PF Technology Co., Ltd. PC comp.CHN200300's - 10'sPC
PFU Corp. 5 modelsJAP1987act.80's - 10'sPC
PGA Technology Ltd.PC comp.?-90'sPC
PGI Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PGI WholesaleUSA-(†)80'sPC
PH6 Technologies Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Phase One TechnologiesPC comp., (+7)USA-00'sPC
Phase X Systems, Inc.27 modelsUSA-(†)90'sTER
Phase5 Digital Products (div. AS&S) Amiga cloneGER199290'sPC-
Phaze Information Machines Corp.6 modelsUSA1982(†)80'sTER
PHC, Inc.USA-(†)80'sPC
PHD ComputerUSA-(†)90'sPC
Phecda Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2007act.00's - 10'sPC
Pheecom Technology Corp.PC comp.TWN1989(†)00'sPC
Philco Corp. TRANSAC, (+35)USA1892act.50's - 60'sMF, MC, TER
Philco-Ford Corp. OL9, (+2)USA19661974†60'sTER, MF
Philips Business Systems, Inc. (div. Philips) 1 modelsUSA-70'sPC
Philips Electronics NV Pascal, Micom, Minitel, VG5000, (+345)HOL1891act.50's - 90'sTER, PC, MC
Philips Kommunikations Industrie AG (PKI) (-> Philips)GER-(†)80'sPC
Phillips Control Corp.USA194750'sSC
Phitowin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. PC comp.CHN2007act.00's - 10'sPC
Phobos InformaticaPC comp.BRA-(†)90'sPC
PhocusPC comp., (+5)?-(†)90'sPC
Phoenician FiarePC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PhoenixPC comp., (+3)?-(†)90'sPC
Phoenix Computer GmbH & Co KG PC comp., (+4)GER1985act.80'sPC
Phoenix Computer Graphics, Inc.PHOENIX 1024, (+3)USA1976(†)80'sPC, TER
Phoenix Computer Systems, Inc.3 modelsUSA-80'sTER
Phoenix Contact Ltd.UK-act.00's - 10'sTER
Phoenix Digital Corp.5 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Phoenix Group, Inc. (PGI) 15 modelsUSA19942000†90'sPC, TER
Phoenix SystemsStratos, (+2)UK-(†)80'sPC
Phone 12 modelsUSA1976(†)70'sTER
Phonic Corp.PC comp.TWN1974(†)90'sPC
PhonolaMSX, (+5)ITA1929act.80'sPC
PhotonPC comp.AUS-(†)80'sPC
Photophysics1 modelsUSA-(†)70'sTER
Phurun Hanul (Blue Sky ) iMac cloneNKO-act.00's - 10'sPC
Phylec (div. MB Electronique)UTC 2000FRA-(†)80'sTER
Physical & Electronic Laboratories Ltd. 3 modelsUK-50'sSC
Phytec Messtechnik GmbH3 modelsGER1988act.90's - 20'sPC
Phywe AGGER-60'sPC
PI Systems, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PI-Computer AGPC comp.GER-90'sPC
Pico Systems (div. AJP)PC comp., (+34)UK-90'sPC
PicoPeta Simputers Pvt. Ltd.Sinputer, (+5)IND1999act.00'sPC-
Picos GmbHGER-act.00's - 10'sPC
Picture Element Ltd.VSPUSA-(†)80'sMC
Pierre Fontaine Informatique SA (PFI)Fontel, Galaxie, Espace, (+10)FRA197670's - 80'sPC
Piesia Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2009act.00's - 10'sPC
Piiceon, Inc.8 modelsUSA197780'sPC
Pillokat-Systeme und Pheripherie PSP GmbH2 modelsGER-act.00'sPC
Pilot Computer Ltd.PalmcomHON-(†)90'sPC
Pilyugin’s Scientific-Research Institute for Automation and Instrument Building (NII AP) 4 modelsRUS19631992†70's - 80'sSC
Pilz Apparatebau GmbHGER-(†)80'sPC
Pine Computer, Inc. (Pinecom)DP-64USA-80'sPC
PINE64 Inc.2 modelsUSA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Pineapple Computer Products Ltd.6400, (+2)CAN-(†)80'sPC
Pinetree Computer Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sTER
Pinnacle Data SystemsSPARC cloneUSA-(†)90'sPC
Pinnacle Holdings Ltd. 2 modelsRSA-act.90'sPC
Pinnacle Products Ltd.PC comp.HON2009act.00's - 10'sPC
Pinnacle Systems, Inc.4 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Pinus Computer Oy PC comp., (+6)FIN-90's - 00'sPC
Pinzone International, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sTER
PioneerPC comp., (+6)?-(†)90'sPC
Pioneer Century Engineering Ltd.PC comp.HON2007act.00's - 10'sPC
Pioneer Computers AustraliaPC comp.AUS1996act.00's - 10'sPC
Pioneer Electronics Corp. MSX, Mac clone, (+11)JAP1973(†)80'sPC
Pioneer Trading Co., Ltd.1 modelsJAP-80'sTER
Pionex Technologies, Inc. (div. Fountain Technologies) PC comp., (+174)USA-act.90's - 00'sPC
PIOS Computer AGMac clone, (+10)GER-(†)90'sPC
PIP GmbH3 modelsGER-80'sPC
Piper, Inc.Piper Computer KitUSA2014act.10'sPC
Pipo Technology Co., Ltd.90 modelsCHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Pirit ComputerPC comp.RUS-00'sPC
Pista Cero Informatica (PCI)PC comp.SPA1994(†)90's - 00'sPC
Pitney BowesPC comp.USA1920act.90'sPC
Pivot Computer Corp. PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Pixar Animation StudiosPixar Image Computer , (+2)USA1986act.80'sPC
Pixel Communication SarlFRA-(†)80'sPC, TER
Pixel ComputerPixelStationGER-act.00'sPC
Pixel Computer, Inc. 4 modelsUSA1983(†)80's - 90'sPC
Pixel USA Computer, LLCUSA199190's - 10'sPC
Pixsys Electronics srlITA-act.10's - 20'sPC
PK Computer GmbHGER1991act.00's - 10'sPC
PKTronics GroupFRA2011act.10's - 20'sPC
PLAEDelta 1, (+2)ITA-(†)70'sPC
Plamar Computer SystemsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Planet ComputersPC comp., (+24)USA-00'sPC
Planet Micro Ltd.PC comp.UK-00'sPC
Planhold Computers BVPC comp.HOL-90'sPC
Plantron Computer GmbHPC comp.GER-(†)80'sPC
Plantron Computer Ltd.PC comp., (+5)HON-(†)80'sPC
Plantronics, Inc.USA1961act.80'sTER
Plastic Service Group (PSG)GER-act.00's - 10'sPC
Platform Solutions1 modelsUSA-90'sPC
Plessey Microsystems59 modelsUK19171989†60's - 80'sMF, PC, TER
Plexcom, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Plexus Computers, Inc.13 modelsUSA1980(†)80'sMC, PC
PLM AvtomatikaExpressRUS-(†)90'sPC
Plugtech do Brasil Ltda.PC comp., (+4)BRA1998act.00'sPC
Plus&Plus Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-(†)80'sPC
PNY Technologies, Inc.USA1985act.00's - 10'sPC
PO Schetmash - KishinovIskra 85, (+11)RUS1994(†)90'sPC
Podi Electronics Co., Ltd. CHN-10'sPC
POFA Technology Corp.PC comp., (+2)TWN-80'sPC
Pogo Linux, Inc.27 modelsUSA1999act.00'sPC
Pogo Technology Ltd.1 modelsUK199900'sPC
Pohjanmaan Mikro Oy (POMI)PC comp., (+10)FIN199190'sPC
Poin2 Lab.KOR2014act.10'sPC
Poindus Systems Corp.TWN2009act.00's - 20'sPC
Point 4 Data Corp.Mark, (+15)USA1978act.80'sMC
Point MobileKOR2006act.00's - 20'sPC, TER
Pointer SystemsPC comp.BEL2004act.00'sPC
PointmaxPC comp.?-90'sPC
Pokini (div. Exone)GER-act.10's - 20'sPC
Poko Computer, Inc.USA1991(†)90'sPC
Polar Technology30 modelsUK-00'sPC
PolarisPC comp., (+2)?-(†)90'sPC
Polaris Microcomputers, Inc.USA1978(†)80'sSC
Polaroid Corp.18 modelsUSA1937act.10'sPC
Policonsult Scientifica s.r.l.PCS 84000, (+3)ITA1977act.80'sPC
Politechniki WarszawskiejGEO, ANOPS, (+12)POL1915act.60's - 80'sSC-
Politecnico di Milano3 modelsITA1863act.90'sSC
Polo Microsystems, Inc.2 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Polska Akademia Nauk (PAN)KAR-65, (+2)POL1951act.60'sSC-
Poly13 models?-(†)90'sPC
Poly (-> Polywell)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PolyComputers, Inc.PolyEtte, (+7)USA-80'sMC
Polycorp New Zealand Ltd.Poly 1NZL-80'sPC
Polymathic Computer Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Polymax Sistemas e Periféricos S.A.Poly Plus, (+8)BRA-(†)80'sPC
PolyMorphic SystemsPoly-88, (+14)USA197570'sPC
PolyRianda, Inc.Comet, Dancer, (+2)USA-80'sPC
Polytechnic University of TimisoaraMECIPT, (+3)ROM1920act.60'sSC
Polywell Computers, Inc.492 modelsUSA198780's - 10'sPC
Ponex TechnologyPC comp., (+2)USA-90'sPC
Poni MicrosystemsPC comp., (+5)USA-(†)90'sPC
Pont Ksz. PFR 860HUN-(†)80'sPC
Pontron Group Ltd. CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Pony Computers, Inc.PC comp., (+6)USA-(†)90'sPC
Poqet Computer Corp. 6 modelsUSA198880's - 90'sPC-
PortablePC comp., (+3)USA-00'sPC
Portable Business Systems Ltd.1 modelsUK-(†)80'sPC
Portable Microsystems4 modelsUSA-70'sTER
Portable WarehouseUSA-(†)90'sPC
Portables & UpgradesPC comp., (+3)UK-90'sPC
Portables Direct Ltd.PC comp.UK-00'sPC
Portexa LLCNOTEPACUSA2018act.10'sPC
Portico TechnologyMiracleUK-(†)80'sPC
Portland State University HRRGUSA1946act.00'sPC
Portwell-Laxsons India Pvt. Ltd. IND-00'sPC
Portwell, Inc.TWN1993act.90's - 10'sPC
Poseidon Technology, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Posiflex Technology, Inc.TWN1984act.20'sPC
Positive Corp. (by Tandon)PC comp., (+5)USA-(†)90'sPC
Positivo BGH BRA-act.00'sPC
Positivo Informatica S.A.383 modelsBRA1989act.90's - 10'sPC
Positron Computers9000, (+2)UK-80'sPC
Post Office Research StationCOLLOSSUS, MOSAIC, (+2)UK1909act.40's - 50'sSC-
Post-, Telefon- und Telegrafenbetriebe (PTT)LESLI-80SWI19281998†80'sPC
Potter Instrument Co., Inc. PICOMM, (+2)USA194260'sMC, TER
PotzBitsMac clone, (+2)GER-(†)90'sPC
Powell Electronics, Inc.PC comp.TWN-(†)80'sPC
Power CPC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Power Computing Corp.Mac clone, (+25)USA-(†)90'sPC
Power Computing Ltd.Amiga clone, (+2)UK1993199390's - 00'sPC
Power Point Technology Ltd.PC comp.HON2008act.00's - 10'sPC
Power Solutions, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sTER
Power Systems (-> Trillian)PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Power Systems Computer Ltd.SUNDERLANDUK-(†)60'sSC
Powerbox SystemsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Powercom Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-(†)90'sPC
Powerdata (div. Data Shop)PC comp., (+4)ITA-90'sPC
PowerDome (Umax)Mac clone, (+5)GER-(†)90'sPC
PowerEx Systems, Inc.Mac clone, (+5)USA-(†)90'sPC
Powerhouse MicrosPowerhouse 2, 3, (+2)UK-(†)80'sPC
PowerlandPC comp., (+11)?-(†)90'sPC
Powernet (div. Unika)PC comp.FRA-00'sPC
PowerNoteBooksPC comp.USA1999act.00'sPC
Powers-Samas Accounting Machine Ltd.PCCUK192950'sSC
PowerSpec USA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Powertip Technology Corp.TWN1991act.90's - 20'sPC
PowerToolsMac clone, (+12)USA-1997†90'sPC
Powertran Cybernetics Ltd.Cortex, (+2)UK-80'sPC
Powtek Electronics Co., Ltd.TWN-80'sPC
PPM, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
PPZ Amepol MX-16POL-(†)80'sMC-
PPZ AMEPROD - Poznan 8 modelsPOL-(†)80'sPC
PPZ ApinaZX clone, (+3)POL-(†)80'sPC
PPZ Computex4 modelsPOL-(†)80'sPC
PPZ IMPOL I2 modelsPOL-(†)80'sPC
PPZ IMPOL II4 modelsPOL-(†)80'sPC
PPZ POL-ROLIBM clone, Amstrad clonePOL-(†)80'sPC
PPZ Polbrit International Spectrum clone, (+4)POL198280'sPC
PR Electronics A/SDEN1974act.80'sSC
Pracownia Elektroniki Medycznej (PEM)NeptunPOL1968act.80'sPC
Pragati Computers Pvt. Ltd.IND1986act.80'sPC
Pragma Ltd.Visual 200UK-(†)80'sTER, PC
Pragmatic Designs, Inc.CPU-1, (+2)USA1979(†)80'sPC
Praim s.r.l.ITA1987act.80's - 10'sPC, TER
PRAN Systems, Inc.CAN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Pravetz Computers OODPC comp.BUL2013act.10'sPC
Precisa (div. Hermes-Precisa) SWI193580'sPC
PrecisionPC comp., (+5)?-90'sPC
Precision America, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Precision Concepts Corp.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
Precision Scientific Technology Pty Ltd.AUS1993act.90's - 10'sPC
Precision Systems GroupPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Precision Technology, Inc.4 modelsUSA-80's - 90'sPC
Preferred Networks, Inc.1 modelsJAP2014act.10's - 20'sSU
PremierPC comp.?-(†)80'sPC
Premier Computer Handels GmbHGER-act.00's - 10'sPC
Premier Computer Innovations, Inc.PC comp., (+7)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Premier Computer Systems, Inc.2 modelsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Premio Computer, Inc.124 modelsUSA198990's - 10'sPC
Premio Express (-> CompuTrend)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Premium LogicUSA-(†)90'sPC
Premium-PCPC comp.FRA2003act.00's - 20'sPC
Prentice Electronics Corp.1 modelsUSA-CP70'sMC, TER
President Computers AUS1970(†)80'sPC
President Computers Corp.2 modelsCAN-(†)80's - 90'sPC
President Technology Corp.PC comp.TWN1967(†)80'sPC
Pressco Technology, Inc.USA-act.90'sPC
Prestige CompexPC comp.TUR-(†)80'sPC
Prestige ComputerPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
PrestigioPC comp., (+2)?-(†)90'sPC
Pretech Industrial Co., Ltd. CHN2006act.00's - 10'sPC
Preview Computadores Ltda.PC comp.BRA-(†)90'sPC
Priad Computer SystemsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Priboj plant - Novosibirsk Elix-89RUS1981(†)80'sPC
PrimaPC comp.TWN-80'sPC
Primagraphics Ltd. 1 modelsUK19822004†80'sTER, PC
Primax BusinessworldPC comp., (+5)CAN-80'sPC
Primax Data Corp.PC comp., (+18)USA-(†)90'sPC
Prime Computer AGSWI2013act.10's - 20'sPC
Prime Computer, Inc.PRIME, (+96)USA19721998†70's - 90'sMF, MC, TER
Prime Portable ManufacturersPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
PrimeBook (-> Atasi Tech.)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Priminfo SAPC comp.BEL1985act.80's - 10'sPC
Prince Information Systems Co.PC comp.TWN-(†)90'sPC
Prince Technology ComputerPC comp.TWN-90'sPC
Princeton Electronic Products, Inc.801, (+10)USA196970's - 80'sTER
Princeton University - Institute for Advanced StudyIASUSA1930act.50'sSC-
Printaform SA de C.V. MEX1961act.70's - 90'sPC
Printed circuits plant - RuseIZOT, (+3)BUL-(†)80'sPC
Printer ProductsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Printer Technology1 modelsUSA-70'sTER
Priority One Electronics (P1E)PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Prism Micro-informatique SA1 modelsFRA-80'sPC
Prism Technologies, Inc.PC comp.USA-80'sPC
Prisma Supercomputers Sparc cloneUSA198880'sPC
Pritom TechnologyCHN-(†)10'sPC
Pritronix, Inc.USA-(†)80'sPC
Privac, Inc. 1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Private Label PCSPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Privileg (div. Quelle) PC comp.GER1964act.90'sPC
Pro Book, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA-00'sPC
Pro DataPC comp., (+5)?-90'sPC
Pro Didaktik GmbH1 modelsGER-(†)70'sPC
Pro Log8 modelsUSA-80's - 90'sPC
Pro ServePC comp.USA-80'sPC
Pro SynergyPC comp.UK-00'sPC
Pro-America Systems, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Pro-Automation Pty Ltd.PC comp., (+2)AUS-80'sPC
Pro-Link TechnologyPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Pro-Log Corp.PLS, (+28)USA-(†)70'sPC
Pro-Plus Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Problem Solver Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sTER
ProCA spol. s r.o. PC comp., (+5)CZE19932005†90'sPC
Proceda Tecnologia S.A.1 modelsBRA-(†)80'sPC
Process Computer Systems, Inc. (PCS)Micropac, (+11)USA-(†)70'sPC
Process Technology Corp.1 modelsUSA-70'sPC
Processor Technology Corp. Sol-20, (+5)USA19751979†70'sPC
Procom TechnologyPC comp.ITA-(†)90'sPC
Procom Technology, Inc.11 modelsUSA-00'sPC
Procomp Industria Eletronica Ltda.PC comp., (+62)BRA198590'sPC
Procomp Informatics Ltd.PC comp.TWN19912004†90'sPC
ProComs Servis s.r.o. PC comp.CZE-act.00'sPC
Procontrol Elektronika Kft.1 modelsHUN1984act.80'sPC
Prodata Systems NV (-> InData)BEL1971act.80'sPC
Prodigy Systems, Inc. ProdigyUSA197970's - 80'sPC
Prodrive Technologies BVHOL1993act.00's - 20'sPC
Product Associates, Inc.ZDISK-1, (+4)USA1976(†)80'sPC
Products4AutomationUK-act.00's - 10'sPC
Professional Business SolutionsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Professional Computer Mfg.PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Professional ConceptsPC comp., (+28)USA-(†)90'sPC
Professional Data Computer GmbH (PDC) Clipper, Consult, Contact, (+7)GER-(†)80'sPC
Professional Electronic Products (PEP)2 modelsIND-(†)80'sPC
Professional TechnologiesPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Profex Electronic GmbH & Co. KGPC comp., (+2)GER-(†)90'sPC
Profi PC comp.?-90'sPC
Profit TechnologyUSA-(†)80'sPC
Profound Computer (Australia) Pty Ltd.PC comp., (+8)AUS-80's - 90'sPC
ProGen Technology, Inc.PC comp., (+17)USA198490'sPC
ProgitechPC comp.FRA-90'sPC
Programmed Control Corp.Prophet 21, (+2)USA-(†)70'sMC
Programmin Methods, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sMC
Progress Systems, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Progressive Micro SystemsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Progressive Technologies, Inc.PC comp., (+4)USA-(†)90'sPC
Project Assistance Informatique (PAI)Mazel IIFRA-(†)80'sPC
ProLinear Corp.Tidalwave clone, (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
Prolink Corp.1 modelsUSA198080'sPC
Prologic Designs, Inc.2 modelsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Prológica Indústria e Comércio de Microcomputadores Ltda.CP-300, CP-500, (+29)BRA197680'sPC
Promark TechnologyPC comp., (+7)USA1980act.00'sPC
Promark Technology West, Inc.PEPUSA-(†)90'sPC
Promatek Industries Ltd.Copitrak, (+3)CAN-90'sPC-
ProMax ComputerPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
ProMAX SystemsPC comp.USA1994act.00'sPC
Promedia (div. Sung Il Computec)PC comp.KOR-(†)90'sPC
Promedics Data Corp.1 modelsUSA-(†)70'sPC
ProMedionPC comp., (+25)HOL19962006†90's - 00'sPC
Promethean Electronics Distribution (Pvt) Ltd. PC comp.ZIM-(†)90'sPC
Promethean World Ltd. USA1997act.20'sPC
ProMicro Technologies13 modelsUSA-00'sPC
Prominent ComputerPC comp.?-(†)?PC
Pronetics Corp. 1 modelsUSA-70'sPC
Pronto Computers, Inc.Serie 16, (+16)USA198380'sPC
Pronto Electronic Systems Ltd.1 modelsUK-70'sTER
ProntoTech (-> Citus)USA-(†)00'sPC
PropellerpoweredMicromiteUSA-act.00'sPC, TER
Proper AssociationPC comp.HUN-(†)80'sPC
Proprietary Computer Systems, Inc. PCSUSA-(†)70'sPC
ProScan (by Technicolor)3 modelsFRA199000's - 10'sPC
Proside Corp.68 modelsJAP19872008†80's - 90'sPC
Prosisa InformaticaMPCBRA-(†)80'sPC
ProSlimPC comp., (+2)?-(†)90'sPC
ProSoft Wonderlite Computer AGPC comp.GER-(†)90'sPC
ProSource Industrial Co., Ltd.TWN-act.00'sPC
Prostar ComputerPC comp., (+268)USA1992act.90's - 10'sPC
Prosys-Tec Corp. PC comp., (+102)CAN199190'sPC
Protac (div. PC Chips)PC comp., (+3)UK-90'sPC
Protac International Computer Ltd.PC comp., (+9)TWN1994act.00'sPC
Protec Microsystems, Inc.Pro-80CAN-80'sPC
Protech Australia PC comp., (+18)AUS-80's - 90'sPC
Protech Systems Co., Ltd.TWN1980act.90's - 10'sPC
Protegé Computer ProductsPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Protek (Europe) Ltd.PC comp.UK1996act.90'sPC
Proteus Industries, Inc. 9 modelsUSA1978act.80'sPC
Proteus International5 modelsFRA197870'sPC
Proteus Technology Corp.PC comp., (+15)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Proteva Computers, Inc. PC comp., (+5)USA19891999†90'sPC
Protex Industries, Inc. 1 modelsUSA-80'sMC
Protocol Computers, Inc.3 modelsUSA-(†)80'sMC, TER, SC
Proton Computer Vertriebs GmbHPC comp., (+5)GER199090'sPC
Proton Corp.PC comp., (+279)USA-(†)90'sPC
Proton Electronics Ltd.Utopia, Concorde, (+3)NZL-(†)80'sPC
Protronic Enterprises Corp.1 modelsTWN-(†)80'sPC
Provence Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.CHN2011act.10'sPC
Providence Technology Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Provider CenterPC comp.GER-90'sPC
Prowin's (by V.Tech)PC comp.HON-(†)90'sPC
Prowtech Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-(†)80'sPC
Przedsiebiorstwo Zagraniczne Wielobranzowe EMIX5 modelsPOL-(†)80'sPC, TER
Przemyslowy Instytut Elektroniki MSP-80POL19562007†80'sPC-
PS ComputerPC comp.USA-80'sPC
PS ComputersPC comp.USA-80'sPC
PSC, Inc.FalconUSA-(†)00'sPC
PSI 2000 PC comp.FRA-(†)90'sPC
PSI Data Systems Ltd. 1 modelsIND1976(†)80'sMF, MC, PC
Psion Plc31 modelsUK19802013†80's - 90'sPC, TER
Psion Teklogix International, Inc.Netpad, (+7)CAN-(†)00'sPC, TER-
PsiTech, Inc.17 modelsUSA1980act.80's - 90'sTER, PC
Pskov Radio Parts PlantK-200RUS-(†)70'sSC
PSP2 modelsGER-(†)80'sTER
PsychosoftPCPC comp.USA-act.00'sPC
Psystar USA20082009†00'sPC-
Psytek, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sPC
PT Berca Cakra Teknologi (div. Berca Group)RelionIND1988act.10'sPC
PT-Data Oy ? PC comp.FIN-90'sPC
PTT Centraal LaboratoriumPTERA, ZEBRA, (+2)HOL195550'sSC
Pubblimar Systems (Micromar)PC comp.ITA198080'sPC
Publix Computer GmbHPC comp., (+2)GER-90'sPC
Puget SystemsUSA2000act.00's - 10'sPC
Pulau Electronics Corp.USA1975act.80'sPC
Pulsar Electronics Pty Ltd.Series 6000 (Little Big Board), (+3)AUS197980'sSC
Pulse Train Technology Ltd.1 modelsUK-(†)80'sTER
Purdue UniversityCoates, (+3)USA1869act.00'sSU-
Pure Data Ltd.CAN-(†)90'sPC
Purism, SPC2 modelsUSA2014act.10'sPC
Puritron International, Inc.TWN1994act.00's - 10'sPC
Purple ComputersPC comp.UK-00'sPC
Purpose Co., Ltd. JAP2011act.00'sPC-
Putnam ElectronicsPE6502USA-act.00'sPC
Pyongyang Computer Assembly FactoryPC comp.NKO1989act.90'sPC
Pyongyang Electronic Calculator Factory PC comp.NKO1988act.80'sPC
Pyongyang Electronics Development Company PC comp.NKO-act.00'sPC
Pyongyang University of Computer Technology (PUCT)PC comp.NKO1985act.80's - 90'sPC
Pyramid Computer GmbH23 modelsGER1985act.90's - 10'sPC, SU
Pyramid Technology Corp. RTP-50/400, Nile-100/150, (+60)USA19811995†80's - 90'sMC, SU
PZ Karen Quasar PCPOL1983(†)80'sPC
PZ KOMPLEX EFC 2 modelsPOL-(†)80'sPC

(c) epocalc 2019