Computer Manufacturers Database

Total brands in database (29 March 2025) : 12263
Corresponding brands from query : 670

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Personal Computers (PC) : micro-computers, workstations,
servers, single boards, tablets, industrial
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ancestral computers
Super Computers (SU) : super and parallel computers
Undefined (?) : help needed, please keep in touch !
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Terminals (TER)
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Models : MSX, SPARC, PC comp., Mac clone,
A2 clone, PDP, TRS-80, ZX clone


Info 1
Info 2
i Corp Computers Co.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
I-Bus Corp. 2 modelsUSA19821991†80'sPC
I-Bus/Phoenix (div. Maxwell Technologies) SPARC clone, (+10)UK19912000†90'sPC
i-CorePC comp.USA-90'sPC
i-FriendPC comp.?-00'sPC
I-Life Technologies, Inc.USA-00's - 10'sPC
I-O Corp.7 modelsUSA1977act.80's - 00'sPC, TER
i-rocks TechnologyPC comp.TWN-act.00'sPC
I-Silicon Sdn BhdPC comp., (+13)MAL198090'sPC
I-Value Co., Ltd.TWN-act.00'sPC
I. Dohmann 2 modelsGER-(†)80'sPC
I.A. Maznitsa (Raydac)ZX PolyRUS-(†)90'sPC
I.C.P. BVPC comp.HOL-(†)90'sPC
I.H. Panda Co., Ltd.3 modelsHON-(†)80'sPC
I.P. Sharp Associates Ltd.2 modelsCAN196470'sTER
I.S.R.E.1 modelsFRA-70'sSC
I/O Devices, Inc.IOP-8, (+3)USA-70'sTER, PC
I&E Company USA1990act.90's - 10'sPC
Iasis, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sPC
iba AGGER-act.00's - 10'sPC
iBall73 modelsIND2001act.10'sPC
IBASE Technology, Inc. TWN2000act.00's - 20'sPC
IBCPC comp.ITA-90'sPC
IBC ComputersPC comp.CAN-90'sPC
IBD Mobile Solutions GmbHGER1982act.90's - 10'sPC
iBEX (div. Logic Systems International)JAP198180'sPC
IBI Systems, Inc.ST-2000, (+4)USA198790's - 00'sPC
Ibimaint S.p.A.ITA-(†)80'sPC, TER
IBP Elektronik GmbHAtari ST cloneGER19732010†80'sPC
Ibracomp Industria e Comercio Ltda. PC comp., (+12)BRA-act.00'sPC
IBS ComputertechnikSpace 83, Space 84, (+2)GER-(†)80'sPC
IBS Corp.PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
IBT Technologies, Inc.6 modelsCAN-act.00'sPC
iBUYPOWER ComputersPC comp., (+446)USA-act.00's - 20'sPC
IC Computer10 modelsGER-(†)80'sPC
IC ComputersPC comp., (+3)?-90'sPC
IC-Nexus Co., Ltd.TWN2000act.00'sPC
ICA ComputerPC comp.GER-(†)90'sPC
ICA Computer Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-(†)90'sPC
Ica Elektronische Geräte Ges.m.H.AUT-(†)80'sTER
ICD CompatiblesPC comp.?-90'sPC
Ice Computers PC comp.UK-(†)90'sPC
ICE Computers, Inc.CAN1995act.00's - 10'sPC
ICE-FelixCORAL, HC 85, HC 2000, (+46)ROM197070's - 80'sMF, MC, PC, TER
ICF-Data Technology GmbhPC comp.GER-80'sPC
ICL-KPO VSPC comp.RUS-(†)90'sPC
ICO Innovative Computer GmbHGER1991act.90's - 10'sPC
IcomPC comp.JAP-act.00'sPC
iCOM Microperipherals (div. Pertec) Attaché, (+2)USA-1977†70'sPC
ICOM S.A.SPA-(†)80'sPC
Icon International, Inc.Incon 2000, 3000, (+5)USA1986act.80'sPC
Icon Systems and Software, Inc.MPS, (+2)USA198480'sPC
Iconix International, Inc. (div. Unisys)PC comp., (+6)CAN-(†)00'sPC
ICOP Technology, Inc.TWN1989act.00's - 20'sPC
ICP America, Inc.USA-act.80's - 10'sPC
ICP ElectronicsTWN-90'sPC
ICP-DAS Co., Ltd.TWN1993act.00's - 10'sPC
iCraig (-> Craig Electronics)USA1963act.10'sPC
ICRDAPC comp., (+21)USA-90'sPC
ICS  S.p.A.Lic. Olivetti, (+6)ITA1999(†)00'sPC
ICS AdventUSA198590'sPC
ICS Computer Services SAV8000SWI-80'sPC
ICS Computer SystemsPC comp., (+6)USA-(†)90'sPC
ICS ComputersPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
ICS-Advent4 models?-90'sPC
ICS-Olivetti (-> Olivetti)PC comp.ITA-00'sPC
ID Computer SAPC comp., (+3)FRA-90'sPC
ID Systems Corp.13 modelsUSA1980(†)80'sPC, TER
Idacom Electronics Ltd.1 modelsCAN1981(†)80'sTER
Idaho Maryland Mines Corp. - Magnetics DivisionREADIXUSA185160'sMF
IDEA Associates, Inc.IDEA, (+23)USA198280's - 90'sPC, TER
IDEA Courier, Inc. 9 modelsUSA198880'sTER
Idea Nord Sp z o.o (-> California Access) PC comp.POL199800'sPC
Idea Progress s.r.l. PC comp.ITA-00'sPC
Ideal ComputingPC comp., (+12)UK-act.00'sPC
Ideal Tech PC Sdn BhdPC comp.MAL2007(†)10's - 20'sPC
Identcode-Systeme (ICS)ICS-PT-9403GER-(†)80'sPC
Identity Systems Technology, Inc.PC comp., (+9)USA199190'sPC
Ideographix, Inc.IPXUSA19721999†80'sTER
iDigital, Inc.PC comp.USA-00'sPC
IDM Research IndustriesPC comp.CAN-(†)80'sPC
iDOT Computers, Inc.PC comp., (+7)TWN1998act.00'sPC
IDR, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
IED Kammerer GmbHPROFI, (+5)GER-(†)80's - 00'sPC
IEEEPC comp., (+2)TWN-(†)90'sPC
IEI Technology Corp.TWN1997act.00'sPC
ies GmbH & Co. KGGER1966act.00's - 10'sPC
IESP Technology Co., Ltd.CHN200700's - 10'sPC
ifm Electronic GmbHGER1969act.00's - 10'sPC
IGB Eletrônica S.A. (Gradiente)BRA1964act.10'sPC-
Igel GmbH14 modelsGER1989act.90's - 10'sTER, PC
iGoLogic, Inc.USA2005act.00's - 10'sPC
IICC International INDEXFRA-(†)80'sPC
IIEGER1991act.90's - 10'sPC
iiView Corp.VpadHON200600's - 10'sPC
Iiyama Electric Co., Ltd. 962 modelsJAP1973act.00's - 10'sPC
IjamPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Ikaros Comuters (div. Micropolis)PC comp.GRE198990'sPC
Ike Technology Ltd. HON1999act.00's - 10'sPC
Ikier Technology, Inc.EagleUSA198180'sPC
Ikonas Graphic Systems, Inc. RDS-3000, (+3)USA197880'sPC
Ilene Industries Data Systems, Inc.Model 9000USA1969act.80'sMF
Ilha Service Servicos de InformaticaPC comp., (+2)BRA-(†)00'sPC
Ilheus Tecnologia e Computadores Ltda. (Itecomp)PC comp.BRA-90'sPC
Illegear Sdn Bhd PC comp.MAL-act.10'sPC
Illinois MicroPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
ImagePC comp., (+3)?-(†)90'sPC
Image Analysing Computer (IMANCO)1 modelsUSA-70'sMC
Image Company & SolutionPC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
Image Computers & Solutions, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Image Data Products Ltd.1 modelsUK19782016†80'sPC
Image IQPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Image MicrosystemsPC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Image Network Technology?-(†)90'sPC
Image Peripherals, Inc. (IPI)1 modelsUSA-80'sPC, TER
Imagination Technologies Ltd.CreatorUK-act.00's - 10'sPC
ImagineeringPC comp., (+8)AUS-1990†80'sPC-
Imaging Technology, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
IMAGO Technologies GmbHGER1994act.00's - 10'sPC
Imagraph Corp.AXXUSA19851999†80'sPC
ImAtrex Corp. Predator, (+5)USA-90'sPC
imcPC comp.FRA-80'sPC
IMCPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
iMC Computer 20 modelsTWN-(†)80'sPC
IMC Data SystemPC comp., (+2)USA-90'sPC
IMEPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
IMLAC Corp.PDS-1, (+10)USA196870's - 80'sTER
Immecor Corp.USA1995act.00's - 10'sPC
Immediate Business Sytems Plc (IBS)Nomad, (+2)UK1982(†)80'sPC
Immediate IT Co., Ltd. CHN2007act.00's - 10'sPC
ImpPC comp., (+4)USA-(†)80'sPC
Impact (-> Mega Computer)PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Impact ComputersPC comp.?-90'sPC
Impact SystemsPC comp.UK-00'sPC
Impact TechnologiesFRA-10'sPC
Impactics GmbHGER-act.00'sPC
Impaque International, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
Imperial College of LondonICCE IUK1907act.50'sSC
Imperial Computer Corp.PC comp., (+20)USA198590's - 10'sPC
Impex Italia s.r.l. (Gavi)PC comp.ITA198790'sPC
Impress, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sTER
Impression et Enregistrement des Résultats (IER)1 modelsFRA196280's - 10'sTER
ImpulsPC comp.YOU-act.00's - 10'sPC
IMPULS Computer-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG2300AUT198280'sPC
Impulse Systems, Inc.PC comp., (+12)USA-(†)90'sPC
IMS Associates, Inc. (IMSAI) VDP, (+21)USA19731979†70'sPC, TER
IMS International (-> Industrial Micro Systems)USA1978(†)70's - 80'sTER, PC
IMTCFormula 1?-(†)80'sPC
Imtec Group Plc (by DEC)CADD System, (+2)UK-(†)80'sPC
In Tensai (div. Tensai Industria)MSXSWI-act.80'sPC
IN2 (div. Intertechnique) FRA19851989†80'sMC
InaCom Corp. PC comp.USA19912000†90'sPC
Inbox Business Technologies Pvt. Ltd.PC comp.PAK2001act.00'sPC-
INCAPC comp., (+6)?-(†)90'sPC
Incaa Computers BVHOL1975act.80'sPC
INCOstartec GmbHGER199900's - 10'sPC
Incosy Hardware-Software SA SBS 8000SWI-1985†80'sPC
Incotel, Ltd.4 modelsUSA-(†)70's - 80'sMC, TER
Incoterm Corp.17 modelsUSA19681979†70'sTER
Incredibly Priced Computers (IPC)PC comp.CAN-90'sPC
Inctel Technology Co., Ltd.CHN2008act.00's - 20'sPC
InData (div. Prodata Systems)DAI, (+2)BEL-80'sPC
Indel AG1 modelsSWI1974act.80'sPC
Independent Business Systems (IBS)7 modelsUSA197880'sPC
Independent Science-Manufacturing Laboratory of Computer Techniques (ISML)Grandboard+RUS-90'sPC
IndexPC comp., (+5)?-(†)90'sPC
Indian Defense Research and Development Organization - ANURAG 1 modelsIND1988act.90'sSC-
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)PratyushIND-act.10'sSU
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)SAGA-220IND1969act.00'sSU-
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)1 modelsIND1931act.50'sSC
Indiana General Corp.USA195960'sMF
Individual Computer Products International, Ltd. (ICPI) (div. IBM)PC comp.UK19921994†90'sPC
Individual Computers Jens Schönfeld GmbHC-One, (+2)GER1994act.00'sPC
Individuelle Computersysteme GmbH (ICS)5 modelsGER-act.80'sPC
Indocomp Systems, Inc.8 modelsUSA1987act.80's - 90'sPC
Indocon Micro Engineers Pvt Ltd.PC comp.IND1993(†)90'sPC
IndTech Systems, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Inducomp Corp.thinENGINEUSA1984act.90's - 10'sPC
Industria Computer-Systeme GmbH & Co. Vertriebs KG (IC Industria)13 modelsGER-70's - 80'sMC, TER, PC
Industria de Computadores Novo Tempo Ltda.TRS, Color 64BRA-(†)80'sPC
Industria de Impressoras S.A. (ISA)1 modelsBRA-80'sTER
Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira S.A. (Intelbras)PC comp., (+18)BRA1976act.10'sPC
Industria Macchine Elettroniche S.p.A. (IME) 11 modelsITA196370'sSC
Industrial Code and Logic ,Inc. (ICL)WebSpeedCAN19952000†90'sPC
Industrial Computer Controls, Inc. (ICCI)3 modelsUSA-(†)70's - 80'sMC
Industrial Computer DesignsVantage PointUSA1979(†)80'sPC, TER
Industrial Computer Laboratories, Inc. ITSUSA-(†)70'sMC
Industrial Computer SolutionsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Industrial Computer Source, Inc.2 modelsUSA-(†)80's - 10'sPC
Industrial Computers Ltd. (ICL)UK200500's - 10'sPC
Industrial Computers, Inc. (ICI)USA1984act.90's - 10'sPC
Industrial Computing USA1995act.00's - 10'sPC
Industrial CPU Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA1989act.90's - 10'sPC
Industrial Data Technologies Corp.FactoryMate, (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
Industrial Data Terminals Corp.4 modelsUSA-(†)70'sTER
Industrial Electronic Devices, Inc. (div. Sparton) USA19952014†90'sPC
Industrial Image, Inc.USA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Industrial Micro2 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Industrial Micro Systems, Inc. 12 modelsUSA19751985†70's - 80'sTER, PC
Industrial PC, Inc.USA1996act.00's - 10'sPC
Industrial Technology Research Institute - Computers and Communication Laboratory (ITRI-CCL)SPARC clone, (+3)TWN-(†)90'sPC
Industrologic, Inc.USA-00's - 10'sPC
Industry ComputersPC comp.?-(†)80'sPC
INEL Private JSC PC comp., (+3)RUS199390'sPC
InelcoPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Inelmatic Electronics Co., Ltd. CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Ineltro Electronics GmbHAUT1968act.00's - 10'sPC
Inet DataPC comp.UK-00'sPC
InexPC comp.KOR-90'sPC
Inex Technologies, Inc.PC comp., (+13)USA199290'sPC
Infact Microsystèmes, Inc. 1 modelsCAN197780'sPC
Infinite, Inc.3 modelsUSA-(†)70's - 80'sTER, PC
Infinity Technology, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)90'sPC
Info 2000 Corp.1 modelsUSA-(†)70'sPC
Info QuestPC comp., (+3)?-90'sPC
Info-DPC comp.YOU198990'sPC
Info-Tech Development Company (div. IDRO) IRA-act.00'sSU
Info-Tech, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sTER
Infocom Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sTER
Infodata Computer Systems2000, 8000, (+2)GER-(†)80'sPC
InfoGOLD (-> American Multisystems)PC comp.USA-90's - 00'sPC
Infomark, Inc.DMS 24, (+5)USA-70'sMC
Infomatec Integrated Information Systems AGJNT SurfstationGER19882012†90'sPC
Infomatic Power Systems Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Infoquest S.A.PC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Inforce Computing, Inc4 modelsUSA2007act.00's - 20'sPC
Inforex, Inc.11 modelsUSA1968(†)70's - 80'sPC, TER
Inforite Corp.2 modelsUSA-(†)80'sTER
Inforkit, Inc.PC comp.CAN1993(†)90'sPC
Informatek SA Matek, Simis, (+4)FRA-(†)70's - 80'sMC
Informatéka Kft.PC comp.HUN-90'sPC
Informatic Systèmes TéléCom (ISTC)5000, (+5)FRA197270'sPC
Informática El Corte Inglés (IECISA)PC comp.SPA19882020†90'sPC-
Informatica S s.n.c.Sistema 2ITA-80'sPC
Informatics Communication Systems2 modelsUSA-(†)70'sMC
Informatics Computers Electronics S.A.PC comp.GRE-(†)90'sPC
Informatik Lauer CC-80GER-(†)80'sPC
Informatika PC comp.RUS1989act.10's - 20'sPC
Information Appliance, Inc.SwyftUSA-80'sPC
Information Associates, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sMC
Information Computer Ltd. (div. Magnetic Head) UK1970(†)70'sMC
Information Computer SystemsPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Information Computer Systems Ltd. (ICS)Multum, ALP, (+3)UK196870'sMC
Information Control Systems, Inc. (ICS)AstroComp, (+3)USA196270'sPC
Information DevicesPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Information Displays, Inc. IDIIOM , Idigraph, (+12)USA194560's - 80'sPC, TER
Information International, Inc. (III) FR-80, (+4)USA19621996†60's - 70'sSC, TER-
Information Machines Corp. (IMC)RegistronUSA196470'sTER
Information Management Technology Corp. (IMT)JAP-(†)80'sPC
Information Now, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Information Products Corp.1 modelsUSA196170'sTER
Information Recall Systems, Inc. (IRSI) SearcherUSA-(†)70'sTER, MC
Information SolutionsUSA1982(†)80'sPC
Information Support Systems, Inc.Voyager, (+3)USA-80'sPC
Information Systems, Inc. (ISI)ISI-609, (+3)USA195960'sSC, TER
Information Technology, Inc. (ITI)ITI 4900, (+2)USA-(†)70'sMC, PC
Informational Resource Electronics Corp.1 modelsUSA-80'sMC
Informationskreis für Raumplanung Berlin (IFR)GER-(†)?SC
Informatique Electronique Francaise (IEF)STADU, (+2)FRA198180'sPC
Informatique Industrie et Service SarlFuturSysFRA-(†)80'sPC
Informatique Provence Service (IPS)Sigma-850FRA-(†)80'sPC
Informer Computer Terminals, Inc. 56 modelsUSA197170's - 90'sPC, TER
InformTech International, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Infort PC comp.RUS-(†)90'sPC
Infoscriptel SarlAutoscriptFRA198580'sPC
Infoshop Oy ? PC comp.FIN-90'sPC
Infosistem d.d.YOU1980act.80'sPC-
Infosoft Informatica Ltda.PC comp.BRA-00'sPC
Infosphere, Inc.5 modelsUSA-80'sPC
InfosportPC comp.BUL-(†)80'sPC
Infostock Europa de Extremadura S.A. PC comp.SPA-90's - 00'sPC
Infosul InformaticaPC comp.BRA-(†)90'sPC
Infotec, Inc.Data StationUSA-60'sTER
InfoTech Cie (div. Bytec)HyperionCAN-80'sPC
Infotecs, Inc. 3 modelsUSA197670's - 80'sMC, PC
Infotek Systems1 modelsUSA-70'sTER
Infotel (div. MidWest Micro) PC comp., (+12)USA-90'sPC
Infotheek Systems BVHOL-80'sPC
Infoton, Inc.VISTA, VISTAR, (+18)USA19691980†70'sTER
Infotron Systems Corp.990NP, (+3)USA1968(†)80'sMC
Infotronic Touchscreen Systeme GmbHAUT2002act.10's - 20'sPC
Infotronics Corp.Mini/MaxUSA-(†)70'sMC
Infoware Italia S.p.A. PC comp.ITA-act.00'sPC
Infowave Computer, Inc. (ICI)PC comp.CAN-90'sPC
Ing. Büro Nausse (IBN)1 modelsGER-(†)80'sPC
Ing.-Büro W. Kanis GmbHZ80-EMUFGER1979act.80'sPC
Ingenieurhochschule für Seefahrt - WarnemündeNanosGER-80'sPC
Inglong Technology Co., Ltd CHN2008act.00's - 10'sPC
Ingram Micro, Inc.PC comp., (+36)USA-act.00's - 10'sPC
InHand Electronics, Inc.USA2000act.00's - 10'sPC
Initiative Technology, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA198790'sPC
Inlog Microsystem Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-act.00'sPC
Inmac Corp.PC comp., (+4)USA1976(†)90'sPC
InMaxPC comp., (+17)USA-00'sPC
Inmos International Plc 2 modelsUK1978(†)80's - 90'sPC
Innavtek International (HK) Ltd.HON-10'sPC
Inner Access Corp.Noel, (+3)USA-(†)80'sPC
Inno Teh PC comp.YOU-(†)80'sPC
Inno-Hit ITA1975act.10'sPC
Innoda Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2016act.10'sPC
InnoLabsEvita 2000P, (+2)TWN-(†)90'sPC
InnoScan Computing A/S (ISC)PC comp., (+2)DEN-(†)90'sPC
Innotronics Corp.Model 6100USA1977(†)80'sPC
InnovACE PC comp.CZE1995(†)90'sPC
Innovation Computer Corp.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)80'sPC
Innovation Scientifique et Réalisations Electroniques (ISRE)ISRE 80, (+2)FRA-(†)80'sPC
Innovation WestUSA-00'sPC
Innovations DirectPC comp.UK199090'sPC
Innovations to Industry (I2I)PC comp.UK1996(†)00'sPC
Innovative Electronics Technology, Ltd.ProteusCAN-(†)80'sPC
Innovative Electronics, Inc.TRAN, (+9)USA-80'sMC, TER
Innovative Imaging Solutions (I2S)FRA1979act.90'sPC
Innovative Imaging, Inc. USA19892006†90'sPC
Innovative Media Solutions (IMS) PeanutUK-1998†90'sPC
Innovative Research, Inc.2 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Innovative TechnologiesUSA-(†)90'sPC
Innovative TechnologyPC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Innovax Concepts Corp. PC comp., (+2)USA199290'sPC
InoNet Computer GmbHGER1998act.00's - 10'sPC
Inova Computers GmbHGER-00'sPC
INOVIS Live Automation AGSWI1999act.00's - 10'sPC
Input-EZ Corp.3 modelsUSA-80'sPC, TER
InsiPC comp., (+2)?-(†)90'sPC
Inside Technology A/S DEN19952001†90'sPC
Insight Direct, Inc.PC comp.USA198690'sPC
Insight Enterprises, Inc.37 modelsUSA1987act.90'sPC
Insight Terminals Ltd.VDT, (+7)UK-(†)80'sTER
InsightSolutions PC comp.TWN-00'sPC
Insignia (div. BestBuy)7 modelsUSA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Insite Technology Ltd. PC comp.NZL1986act.90's - 00'sPC
Inspectorate International AG (-> Delta Computer)PC comp.SWI-(†)80'sPC
Inspur Group Co., Ltd.9 modelsCHN194580's - 20'sPC, SU
Instant Tech (div. Group Sense)2 modelsJAP-(†)90'sPC
Instar2 modelsUK-80'sPC
Institut Blaise Pascal - Laboratoire de Calcul Numérique1 modelsFRA194650'sSC
Institut de Cluj-Napoca (-> ITCP)ROM1948act.80'sPC
Institut de Recherche de Toulouse (IRIT)3 modelsFRA1990act.90'sSC
Institut Elektronnykh Upravlyaushikh Mashin (INEUM)M-4, (+9)RUS-(†)50'sSC
Institut für Computeranwendung GmbH (IFC) TELECOMP, (+4)GER-(†)70'sPC
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA)Miria, (+2)FRA1967act.70'sSC-
Institut Yelektrodinamíki NAN Ukraini - Kiev MESMRUS1947act.50'sSC
Institut za Mikrotalasnu Tehniku i Elektroniku (IMTEL) PC comp.YOU197390's - 00'sPC-
Institute 37 K340A, (+3)RUS-60'sSC
Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT)PIM-D, (+11)JAP1982act.80'sMC, SC, TER
Institute n°1447DJS, (+2)CHN-(†)80'sPC
Institute n°1915DJS, (+2)CHN-(†)70's - 80'sMC
Institute of Computing Technology (ICT) 103, 104, HDS-9, 757, (+12)CHN1956act.50's - 80'sSC, MF, PC, SU
Institute of Energy of the Academy of ScienceM-1, (+3)RUS1724act.40's - 50'sSC
Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc)KabruIND1962act.00'sSU
Institute of Precise Mechanics and Computer Engineering (ITMiVT) - USSR Academy of SciencesDiana, (+2)RUS-(†)50'sSC
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA)ZezinhoBRA1950act.60'sSC-
Instituto Tércio Pacitti de Aplicações e Pesquisas Computacionais (NCE)BRA1967act.80'sMC-
Institutom Okeanologii AN SSSROkean-240RUS1946act.80'sPC-
Institutul de Calcul “Tiberiu Popoviciu" (ITCP)MARICA, DACICC, (+4)ROM1951act.50's - 80'sPC-
Institutul de Fizica Atomica (IFA)CIFA, (+7)ROM1956act.50's - 60'sSC
Institutul pentru Tehnica de Calcul - Bucuresti (ITC)MS-100ROM1967act.70'sPC
Institutul pentru Tehnica de Calcul si Informatica - Timisoara (ITCI Timisoara)Tim-S, Microtim, CoBra, PRAE, (+15)ROM1985act.80'sPC
Institutul Politehnic BucurestiMC-1, (+2)ROM1818act.70'sPC
Instronics Techno-Products Ltd.CAN-70'sTER
Instrumatic Electronic GmbHIdeasGER-(†)80'sPC
Instrument Plant LeninSantakaRUS-act.90'sPC-
Instrumentation Engineering, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sMC
Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc.PIXEL 100/AP, (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
Instytut Maszyn Matematycznych (IMM)XYZ, ZAM, Alpha, (+13)POL1962act.60's - 70'sSC, MF, MC, TER, PC
Inswell SystemsPC comp., (+2)?-80'sPC
Insync Peripherals Corp.PANEL, (+4)USA199590's - 10'sPC, TER
Insystec, Inc.USA-(†)80'sPC
IntacompPC comp.UK-00'sPC
Intalek, Inc.1 modelsUSA-act.80'sPC
Intec Automation, Inc.CAN198600'sPC
Intec Automation, Inc. (Steroid micros)CAN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Intech Indesign Technology Ltd. CHN200700's - 10'sPC
Intecolor Corp. 36 modelsUSA197380'sTER, PC
Integral Development Corp. PC comp.USA-00'sPC
Integral Technologies, Inc. CAN1998act.00's - 10'sPC
Integraph Corp. 1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Integrated Business Computers (IBC)Ensign, (+18)USA197980's - 90'sPC
Integrated Computer Systems, Inc.3 modelsUSA-(†)70'sPC
Integrated Computing Engines, Inc. (ICE)USA-90'sPC
Integrated Design Engineering, Inc.1 modelsUSA197980'sTER
Integrated Digital Products Corp.MiniMate, Whetstone, (+9)USA-(†)70'sPC
Integrated Electronics Co. (IEC)6 modelsIND-(†)80'sPC
Integrated Inference Machines, Inc. (IIM) 1 modelsUSA198680'sPC
Integrated Intellect Corp.?-(†)?PC
Integrated Micro Computer Ets. (IMC)PC comp.SWI-(†)90'sPC
Integrated Micro Products Plc (IMP) 5 modelsUK19821996†80's - 90'sPC
Integrated Processing Systems TX-3GER-80'sSU
Integrated Solutions, Inc. (ISI)Optimum, (+13)USA-(†)80'sSC, PC
Integrated Systems, Inc. (ISI) WebPDAUSA19802000†90'sPC
Integrated Tech.PC comp., (+2)?-(†)90'sPC
Integrated Technologies Co., Ltd.JAP-(†)90'sPC
Integrated Terminals801USA-(†)80'sTER
Integrated Vision Systems Ltd. (IVS) (by Sage)IMAGE-1, Six/80UK-(†)80'sPC
Integrated Workstations, Inc. (IWI)USA-(†)90'sPC
Integris ABPC comp.SWE-00'sPC
Integrix, Inc.SPARC clone, SWS20, (+13)USA199090'sPC
Integrys Ltd.USA1997act.00'sPC
Intel Corp. iPSC, (+259)USA1968act.70's - 20'sPC, SU
Intel Kiosk Co.,Ltd. CHN2009act.00's - 20'sPC
Intelab Applied Physics Laboratories, Inc.2 modelsUSA1979(†)80'sMC
Intelec Technologies, Inc. 1 modelsUSA199090's - 00'sPC
Intelex Systems, Inc. 2 modelsUSA-60's - 70'sMF
IntelicPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
IntelicomPC comp., (+26)USA-act.00'sPC
Intelisys, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Intelitec Systems Corp.1 modelsUSA-80'sPC-
Intell-tronic Industrial Co., Ltd. (ITI)PC comp., (+3)TWN-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Intellect Systems Ltd.PC comp., (+18)UK-act.00'sPC
Intelledex, Inc.PC comp.USA198180'sPC
Intellicomp Technologies, Inc.5 modelsUSA-(†)90'sPC
IntellicsisSPARC cloneUSA-(†)90'sPC
Intelligence TechnologyPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Intelligence Technology Corp. (ITC)PC comp., (+9)USA-(†)90'sPC
Intelligent Business Machines Corp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Intelligent Communication Network, Inc.ZINIXUSA-(†)80'sPC
Intelligent Computer & Technologies, Inc.PC comp., (+9)USA-(†)90'sPC
Intelligent Computer Integration, Inc. (ICI)USA-(†)80'sPC
Intelligent Data Systems, Inc. (IDS)PC comp., (+30)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Intelligent Decisions, Inc.PC comp., (+2)USA1988(†)90'sPC
Intelligent Hardware SolutionsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Intelligent Information Systems Ltd. (IIS)19 modelsISR-2004†80'sTER
Intelligent Micro Systems (IMS)1 modelsUSA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Intelligent Network Technology1 models?-00'sPC
Intelligent Notebook Systems, Inc.PC comp., (+3)USA199390'sPC
Intelligent Systems Corp. (ISC)CompuColor, Intecolor, (+47)USA197370's - 80'sPC, TER
Intelligent Technologies International Corp.KennetUSA-(†)80'sPC
Intelligent Terminals, Inc.2 modelsUSA-(†)80'sMC
Intellimac, Inc.68 Magnum, (+4)USA-(†)80'sPC
IntelliMedia Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Intellivision (-> Mattel)ECSUSA-80'sPC
Intelliworxx, Inc.VoiceTabletUSA19982003†90'sPC
Inter Composants SA PC comp., (+5)FRA-(†)80'sPC
Inter Control MCS 4085, (+2)GER1964act.70'sPC
Inter-Orient & World. Corp. (-> iMC Computer) IMCTWN-(†)80'sPC
Interact Electronics, Inc. 3 modelsUSA19761980†70'sPC
Interaction Systems, Inc.TT-150, (+3)USA-(†)80'sTER
Interactive Computer Services, Inc.6 modelsUSA-(†)70'sPC
Interactive Data Systems Ltd.OSCAR, (+2)UK-80'sPC
Interactive Drawing Office Systems Ltd.1 modelsUK-(†)80'sPC
Interactive Images, Inc. 1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Interactive Machines, Inc. (IMI)USA-(†)80'sPC
Interactive Systems Technology, Inc.IST 86 USA1977(†)80'sPC
Interactive Terminals Corp. (div. Bendix)1 modelsUSA-70'sTER
InteramPC comp.UK-80'sPC
Interaq ABPC comp., (+2)SWE198790'sPC
Intercom Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN1987(†)80'sPC
Intercomp S.p.A.74 modelsITA1983act.80'sPC
InterCompex HobbitRUS-(†)80'sPC
Intercomputer Corp.I-50, I-270, (+6)USA-70'sMC, PC
Intercontinental Micro Systems Corp.CPZ-48000, (+12)USA-(†)80'sPC
Interdata SistemiITA-80'sPC, TER
Interdata, Inc. 41 modelsUSA19661973†60's - 70'sMC, PC
Interface Amita Solutions, Inc. (IAS)JAP2006act.00's - 10'sPC, TER
Interface ConceptFRA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Interface Corp.USA19862006†00'sTER
Interface Data Systems, Inc.2 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Interface Electronics, Inc.Neptune Business Computer, (+7)USA1974(†)80'sPC, TER
Interface MechanismsUSA-60'sTER
Interface S.A.SPA-(†)80'sPC
Interface Technology, Inc.4 modelsUSA197370's - 80'sPC, TER
Interfield Systems, Inc.4 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Interfirm Graphic Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Intergon, Inc.1 modelsUSA198380'sPC
Intergraph Corp. 146 modelsUSA1969act.70's - 00'sPC, TER
InterlakenPC comp.FRA-90'sPC
Interland Information Systems, Inc.TWN1987act.80's - 00'sPC
Interlink Business Network Corp. bpx-1, (+2)USA-80'sPC
Interlink Computer Sciences, Inc.PDP comp., (+2)USA-(†)80'sMC
Interlink Computer Services1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sMC
Interlogic Industries, Inc.USA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Intermas-Elcom GmbHGER1969act.90's - 10'sPC
Intermec Technologies Corp. 58 modelsUSA196600's - 10'sPC, TER
Intermedics, Inc. 1 modelsUSA1973act.80'sPC
Intermetrics, Inc. 1 modelsUSA19691998†70'sSC-
International Anasazi, Inc. EmulogUSA197980'sTER
International Business Machine Corp. (IBM) NORC, AN, AS, 700, 360, 1400, PC, (+8363)USA1911act.40's - 10'sMF, MC, PC, SU, TER
International Communications Corp. (ICC)2 modelsUSA-(†)70'sTER
International Communications Service Co., Ltd. (ITS Japan) Sigma 3200, (+2)JAP-(†)80'sPC, TER
International Compuhelp Corp.USA198890'sPC
International Computer (IC) (div. eBizcuss)Mac clone, (+4)FRA-90'sPC
International Computer Concepts, Inc.PC comp.USA-act.00'sPC
International Computer SystemsPC comp.?-90'sPC
International Computer TerminalsSPD 10USA-(†)70'sTER
International Computers and Tabulators (ICT) ATLAS, ORION, (+22)UK19591968†60'sMF
International Computers Indian Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (ICIM) ICIM-101, (+9)IND196380'sPC
International Computers Ltd. (ICL) Basiscomputer 120, SPARC clone, BBS Micro, (+503)UK19682001†70's - 90'sMF, PC, TER
International Computing Co.1 modelsUSA-(†)70'sMC
International Connect France (ICF)PC comp.FRA-00'sPC
International Data Equipment Co., Ltd. (dux)Pasona-1JAP-(†)70'sPC
International Data Management Ltd. (IDM) 1 modelsIND197780'sPC
International Data Products Corp. (IDP)PC comp., (+11)USA-(†)90'sPC
International Data Systems, Inc. (IDS)USA-(†)90'sPC
International Digital Electronics Associates (IDEA)Bitelex, (+2)USA-(†)80'sTER
International Digital Equipment s.r.l. (IDE) PC comp.ITA-80'sPC
International Electronics & Computers, Inc. (IECI)GT5000USA-(†)80'sPC
International Entry Systems, Inc. (IESI)2 modelsUSA197570's - 80'sTER, PC
International Imaging Systems, Inc. (I2S)3 modelsUSA-(†)70'sPC
International Information Product Company, Ltd. (IIPC) (div. Great Wall) PC comp.CHN1994act.90'sPC
International Instrumentation,Inc.PC comp., (+15)USA196990'sPC
International Keytech Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
International Memory Products of California, Inc. (IMPC)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
International Office Products (Pvt.) Ltd.PC comp.PAK1984act.00's - 10'sPC
International Parallel Machines, Inc. (IPM)IP-1USA1980act.80'sMC, SU
International Quartz Ltd.PC comp., (+3)HON-(†)80'sPC
International Scientific Co., Ltd.KAISERJAP-80'sPC
International Software Corp.1 modelsUSA-(†)90'sTER
International Systems Marketing, Inc. (ISM)PC comp., (+11)USA-(†)90'sPC
International Tech. Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
International Telecommunications and ComputersUSA-(†)90'sPC
International Telemeter Corp.TC-1, TECHNITRAL, (+2)USA195150'sSC
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)Xtra, ITT-2020/3030, (+29)USA1920act.50's - 80'sSC, MC, TER, PC
International Trade and Marketing Consultants (ITMC) YenoFRA-80'sPC
Internationale Computer Systeme GmbH & Co. KG (ICS)GER-70'sPC
Internationale Sammetinger-Electronic (ISE)ISE-10, ISE-20, (+15)GER-(†)70'sPC
Interphase Corp.1 modelsUSA19752015†00'sPC
Interpro Microsystems, Inc.NB, SERVERUSA-act.90's - 10'sPC
InterPro Workstations Ltd.PC comp.UK2010act.10'sPC
Interscan GmbHVideocomputer 6100, (+3)GER-(†)70'sMC
Intersil Systems, Inc. 17 modelsUSA19671984†70's - 80'sPC, MC
IntersoftPC comp.YOU-90'sPC
Interstate Electronics Corp. (IEC) 3 modelsUSA1956(†)70's - 80'sTER
InterSystems (-> Ithaca InterSystems)DPS-1USA-70'sPC
Intersystems (Wetronic)1 models?-(†)80'sPC
InterTAN, Inc. (div. Tandy) PPC10USA19862009†90'sPC
Intertec Data Systems Corp. Superbrain, (+33)USA197380'sPC, TER
Intertechnique SA Multi, (+31)FRA1951act.70's - 80'sMC, PC
InterTek Systems, Inc. (ISI)1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Intertel, Inc.2 modelsUSA-(†)80'sSC, TER
Intertube (-> Intertec)USA-(†)70'sTER
InterVision System Corp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Inteva Microsystems, Inc. PC comp., (+102)USA-90'sPC
Intex Technologies (India) Ltd.16 modelsIND1996act.00's - 10'sPC
Intra Electronics Co., Ltd.PC comp., (+3)TWN-(†)90'sPC
IntRamPC comp.?-90'sPC
Intreprinderea de Echipamente Periferice (IEPER) (-> FEPER)ROM1975(†)80'sPC
Intreprinderea de Electronica Industriala si Automatizari (IEIA) - Cluj Napoca DAF, (+9)ROM1975(†)70's - 80'sPC, TER
Intreprinderea Electronica Bucuresti CIP, (+4)ROM1981act.80'sPC
IntrexPC comp., (+5)?-(†)00'sPC
Intrinsyc Technologies Corp.Open-QCAN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Intronet Group PlcPC comp.UK-(†)00'sPC
Intronics Computer Corp.PC comp., (+3)USA-(†)80'sPC
intY Ltd.1 modelsUK1997act.00'sPC
Invair Technologies AG2 modelsSWI2000act.00'sPC
Invensys Systems Ltd. UK1999act.10'sPC-
Invent Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Inventa Electronics Co., Ltd. PC comp.TWN1975act.80's - 90'sPC-
Inventec Corp. TWN1975act.90's - 10'sPC
Inves (by Investronica)NoobiSPA-00's - 10'sPC
Investronica S.A. Spectrum+, (+31)SPA-80's - 90'sPC
Inwar S.A. PC comp., (+3)POL-(†)90'sPC
IO TechIona, (+3)?-(†)80'sPC
IOcomm International Technology Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Iolair Engineering PC comp., (+3)?-(†)90'sPC
IonaPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Iota Systems, Inc.3 modelsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Iowa State UniversityCYCLONE, (+2)USA1858act.60'sMF
IP ComputersPC comp.RUS-00'sPC
IP SystèmesFRA1988act.10's - 20'sPC
iP SystemsTX2, (+2)GER-(†)80'sSU
IP-Link Oy ? PC comp.FIN-90'sPC
IP3 TechnologyPC comp.CHN-act.10'sPC
Ipason Technology, Inc.PC comp.PHI2013act.10'sPC
IPC (div. 3D Microcomputers)PC comp., (+3)CAN-(†)90'sPC
IPC Archtec AGPC comp., (+4)GER-00'sPC
IPC ComputerPC comp.AUT-(†)00'sPC
IPC Corporation Pte Ltd.PC comp., (+150)SIN-(†)80'sPC
IPC Technologies, Inc. (-> Austin)PC comp., (+9)USA1981act.90's - 00'sPC
IPC-Markt GmbHGER1986act.80's - 00'sPC
IPC2U GmbH GER1995act.90's - 20'sPC
Ipcas GmbH SPARC cloneGER198890'sPC
Iper (-> Hauppauge)USA-(†)90'sPC
Ipex ComputersPC comp., (+2)?-80'sPC
Ipex Information Technology Pty Ltd. PC comp., (+451)AUS1994199490's - 00'sPC
IPEX International, Inc.IPEX 85USA-80'sPC
IPL Systems, Inc. 7 modelsUSA197380'sMF
IPO TechnologieFRA1991act.90's - 10'sPC
IPSOInfoPC comp.ITA-(†)00'sPC
Ipush Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2015act.10'sPC
IQM Quantum ComputersFIN2018act.20'sSC
Ira SystemsIRASCOPE, SPIRAS, (+2)USA-(†)70'sMC, TER
Irbis218 modelsRUS-act.90's - 10'sPC
iRi2 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Iridium Portable ComputersPC comp., (+13)UK199200'sPC
irl Industriesteuerungen GmbH1 modelsGER1988act.90'sPC
Iron and Steel Design Institute - BaotouCHN-(†)80'sPC
Iron LogicPC comp.RUS-2008†00'sPC
Iron Systems47 modelsUSA2002act.00's - 10'sPC
Ironics, Inc.13 modelsUSA-80'sPC
IRSIA-FHRS (-> Bell Telephone) BEL-50'sSC
iRU (div. NKA-Group)56 modelsRUS2002act.00's - 20'sPC
Irvine Business Systems Ltd.IBS 750UK-(†)80'sPC
ISA Co., Ltd. (by Morrow Design)2 modelsJAP-(†)80'sPC
ISAB Electronics s.r.l.NimbusITA-(†)80'sPC
Isac s.r.l.ITA1994act.00'sPC
ISC PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
ISC (div. MLL Group) TerryISR-(†)80'sPC
ISC Systems Corp. 1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
ISEEIGEPSPA2006act.00's -20'sPC
Iset - Kamensk-UralskyArusRUS-(†)90'sPC
Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)1 modelsIRA1977act.00'sSU-
ISG KamcoPC comp., (+3)?-90'sPC
ISG Technologies, Inc.PowerPCUSA-(†)90'sPC
ISH Ingenieursozietät GmbHGER1989act.90's - 20'sPC
ISI Computer GmbH MF 211, MF 223, (+2)GER-(†)80'sMC
ISI International Corp. 5 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
ISIC A/SDEN1997act.10's - 20'sPC
Iskra Delta ComputersPartner, Triglav, (+9)YOU-80'sPC-
Iskra elektromehanika Kranj (Iskra Data)Paka, (+2)YOU1946(†)70's - 80'sTER-
Iskra Production Association - Smolensk6 modelsRUS1968(†)80's - 90'sPC-
ISM PC comp.?-90'sPC
ISM ComputersPC comp.RUS1995act.90's - 20'sPC
Isotron, Inc.Ohio Scientific, (+7)USA-(†)80'sPC
Isotropic Computer, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) - MBT DivisionISAC 77ISR1948act.70'sSC
Israel Ministry of Defence - Scientific DepartmentSABRACISR-act.60'sSC
Issam (div. Atelco) (by Mitac) PC comp., (+11)GER-90's - 00'sPC
ISSU SofiaIntelatBUL-(†)80'sPC
ISTI Mentor Sciences5 modelsFRA-(†)80'sPC
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)APE-100ITA1951act.90'sSU-
ISYS Business SystemsPC comp., (+2)UK-90'sPC
IT Computer Services Ltd. (ITCS)Alpha, Zita, (+3)UK198280'sPC
Itaico Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN1990(†)90'sPC
ITAL.S.EL.DA s.r.l. Tobia, (+8)ITA-80'sPC
Italcomputers s.r.l.Challenger, (+2)ITA-80'sPC, TER
Italdata S.p.A. ITA1974act.80's - 00'sMC, PC
Italtel Group S.p.A.Office PC, (+2)ITA1921act.80'sPC, TER
Itaú Tecnologia S.A. (Itautec)Grifo04, (+141)BRA197980's - 10'sPC, SU, TER
Itautec Philco S.A. Infoway, (+29)BRA19892005†90'sPC
ITD Display Equipment Co., Ltd. PC comp.CHN2014act.10'sPC
Itek Corp.MCP-1, ATAC, (+3)USA19571996†60's - 80'sPC, MC
Itel Corp.Advanced System, (+22)USA1967act.70'sMF
IternoPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
ITGPC comp., (+4)?-(†)90'sPC
Ithaca Intersystems, Inc.Graphos, DPS-1, (+12)USA197870's - 80'sPC, TER
Itland (ITL)1 modelsBIE-act.10'sPC
ITOS Computer GmbH 12 modelsGER199090'sPC
Itron, Inc.T5000, (+2)USA1977act.90'sPC, TER
Itronix Corp. 22 modelsUSA19892005†90's - 10'sPC
ITT Courier Terminal Systems, Inc.28 modelsUSA-(†)80'sTER
ITT Federal LaboratoriesUSA-(†)60'sMF
ITT-Scanips AB (by SANCO)iBEXSWE-80'sPC
ITX Warehouse PC comp., (+13)UK-00'sPC
ITZR Technology Co., Ltd. CHN200100's - 10'sPC
Ivasim d.o.o.Ivel Ultra Model 1, Model 2, Z3, (+3)YOU197480'sPC, TER
IVC Displays, Inc.USA2003act.00's - 10'sPC
Iverson Technology Corp.13 modelsUSA197880's - 90'sPC
IVKPC comp., (+5)?-(†)90'sPC
Ivo Lola Ribar InstituteLola, PA512, (+4)YOU1963act.80'sPC
Ivy Microcomputer Corp.5 modelsUSA-80'sPC
iWave Systems Technologies Pvt. Ltd.IND1999act.00'sPC
Iwill Corp. (-> Iwill Science And Technology)PC comp., (+5)TWN1989(†)00'sPC
Iwill Science And Technology Co., Ltd. CHN1999act.00's - 10'sPC
IXO, Inc.TC200, (+4)USA1981(†)80'sPC, TER
iXsystems, Inc. 11 modelsUSA2001act.00's - 10'sPC
IXXAT (-> HMS Industrial Networks)SWE-act.00's - 10'sPC
Izchislitelna Zapisvashta i Organizatsionna Tekhnika (IZOT)RYAD, VAX comp., (+59)BUL-70's - 80'sMF, MC, PC, TER

(c) epocalc 2019