Computer Manufacturers Database

Total brands in database (29 March 2025) : 12263
Corresponding brands from query : 466

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Super Computers (SU) : super and parallel computers
Undefined (?) : help needed, please keep in touch !
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Models : MSX, SPARC, PC comp., Mac clone,
A2 clone, PDP, TRS-80, ZX clone


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Info 1
Info 2
B. BuzbeeMagic-1USA-(†)00'sPC
B. Hübler/K.-P. EvertAusbaufaehiger Mikrocomputer mit dem U 880GER-80'sPC
B&B Laboratory Corp.TWN2011act.10'sPC
B&MMfR-101, (+2)?-(†)80'sPC
B&R Industrial Automation GmbHPROVIT, (+8)GER-act.90's - 20'sPC
B2Go Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2014act.10'sPC
Baaske Medical GmbH & Co. KG GER2007act.10's - 20'sPC
Babco Data SystemsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Bacher Elektronische Geräte GmbHSYS 310AUT-(†)80'sPC
Backplane Systems Technology Pty Ltd.3 modelsAUS1989act.90's - 10'sPC
Bacoc GmbHPC comp.GER199400'sPC
Badger Computers (div. Group Technology)GT-110, (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Badger Meter, Inc.3 modelsUSA-(†)70'sTER
Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik (BASF)19 modelsGER1865act.70's - 80'sPC
Baehr Computer SystemsSS-50GER-70'sPC
Bagotronix, Inc.USA1991act.00's - 10'sPC
Bahr Technologies, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Bailey Controls Co.LTEWS, (+7)USA19161999†70's - 90'sPC
Bainbridge Research and Development, Inc. (BRD)Dolphin, (+2)USA-70'sPC
Baird-Atomic, Inc. 1 modelsUSA195650'sSC
Bajtek S.A.PC comp.POL-90'sPC
BAKO Systemintegration GmbH & Co., KGGER1994act.00's - 10'sPC
Baku Plant (div. Minradioprom) Korvet, (+3)RUS-(†)80'sPC
Baku Radio Factory Nairi-3RUS-(†)60'sSC
Balance (Wal-Mart)PC comp.USA-act.00'sPC
BaldaPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Ball Computer Products, Inc. 1 modelsUSA197470'sMC
Ballard Technology, Inc.USA1986act.90's - 10'sPC
Ballistic Research Laboratories (BRL) BRLESC, (+2)USA19381992†60'sMF
Bally ManufacturingAstrocade expansion, (+7)USA1932act.70'sPC
Baltijets JukuRUS19471993†80'sPC
Bandai Electronics, Ltd. BitJAP1950act.80'sPC
Bandata4100, (+2)USA-70'sPC
Bando (-> Transtec) GDT-8200GER-(†)80'sTER
Bang & Olufsen (B&O) ZX cloneHOL1925act.80'sPC
BanghoARG2006act.10's - 20'sPC
Banksia Information Technology Ltd. (BIT)PC comp.HON198580'sPC
Banyan Systems, Inc.CNS, (+2)USA1983(†)80's - 00'sPC-
Baoding Radio 14 FactoryDJSCHN-(†)70'sPC
Baooyang Electech Co., Ltd.PC comp.CHN2007act.00's - 10'sPC
Barbatan Ltd.PC comp.UK-80'sPC
Barber Colman Co. 3 modelsUSA18841983†50'sSC
BarcellosAMT 100UK-(†)80'sPC
Barco NV 1 modelsBEL1934act.70's - 00'sPC, TER
Bargate Ltd.PC comp.HON-(†)80'sPC
Baron Computer Systems GmbHPC comp.GER-80'sPC
Barreto & Associates, Inc.MicroMasterUSA1980(†)80'sPC
Barrington International Corp.E’LiteUSA1980(†)80'sPC
Barrister Systems17 modelsUSA1968(†)80'sPC
Barron Technical Products, Inc.1 modelsUSA197870'sPC
Bartec Top Holding GmbHGER1975act.00's - 10'sPC
Bas TechnologyUSA-(†)90'sPC
Base Informations Systems, Inc.2 modelsUSA-70'sPC
Basic + Micro ProductsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Basic Automation Logistic1 modelsUSA-(†)70'sMC
Basic Eletrônica Ltda.PC comp.BRA-(†)80'sPC
Basic Telecommunications Corp.DataVoiceUSA197980'sTER
Basic Time, Inc.6 modelsUSA-70's - 80'sPC
Basic Timesharing, Inc. (BTI Computer Systems)10 modelsUSA19682002†70's - 80'sMC
Basic/Four Corp. (div. MAI) Dataword, (+66)USA196970'sMC, TER
Basicon, Inc.6 modelsCAN1982(†)90'sPC
Basis Microcomputer GmbH108, 208, (+3)GER-80'sPC
Basis Microcomputers, Ltd. (div. Basis)MedflyHON-(†)80'sPC
Basis, Inc.USA198080'sPC
Bass Electronics, Inc.USA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Batch-PCPC comp.SPA-90's - 00'sPC
Batra InternationalPC comp., (+4)USA-(†)90'sPC
Bauer Computer und Optische Speichersysteme GmbH SPARC cloneGER-90'sPC
Bauer Systems Group (BSG)PC comp.USA1993act.90's - 10'sPC
Baumüller Nürnberg GmbHGER-act.00's - 10'sPC
Bauz GmbHBasys-PCGER-80'sPC
Bawareth EnterpriseMSX, (+3)SAU-(†)80'sPC
Baxter Computer Company, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Bay Area ComputersPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Bay Micro Computers, Inc.PC comp.USA-00'sPC
BaycomPC comp., (+17)GER-(†)90's - 00'sPC
Baytec, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
BB Data ABPC comp., (+3)SWE-90'sPC
Bben Intelligent Technology Group Co., Ltd. CHN2006act.00's - 10'sPC
BBG Electronics Industry Corp. Ltd. (by Subor)BBG-1, LikoRUS-(†)90'sPC
BBL Industries, Inc.USA197380'sPC
BBN Computer Corp.BitGraph, (+14)USA-(†)80'sMC, TER, PC
BCD GmbH3 modelsGER-80'sPC
BCH Systems, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
BCL LogicPC comp., (+4)?-(†)90'sPC
BCM Advanced Research, Inc.25 modelsUSA1990act.90's - 10'sPC
BCOM Electronics, Inc.PC comp., (+4)TWN198390'sPC
BCT Computer AGGER-(†)80'sPC
BdiPC comp., (+8)?-(†)90'sPC
BDS Computer Corp.1 modelsUSA-70'sMC
BDS, Inc. 5 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Be, Inc.2 modelsUSA19902001†90'sPC
BeagleBoard FoundationBeagleBone, (+4)USA-act.00's - 10'sPC
BEAMPC comp., (+6)?-80'sPC
Beam, Ltd.UK-act.00's - 10'sPC
BearPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Bear Microcomputers Systems Newbear 77-68UK-70'sPC
Beaugrand Datentechnik GmbH & Co.Alphatext 102, (+3)GER-70'sPC
Beaver Computer Corp. (BCC)PC comp., (+12)USA-(†)90'sPC
Beavercreek Computer Systems1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Beaverton Computers, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
beblu Systems PC comp.UK-00'sPC
BEC (Systems Integration) Ltd.UK-act.00's - 10'sPC
BEC Computer Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Beck Corp.USA197780'sPC
Beck PC (BCP.COM)PC comp.SWI2005act.00'sPC
Beckhoff Automation GmbHGER1980act.90's - 10'sPC
Beckman Instruments, Inc.8 modelsUSA1934act.50's - 60'sSC, MF, MC
Bedford Computer Corp. 6 modelsUSA-70's - 80'sTER, PC
Beehive Electrotech, Inc.AlphaUSA196870's - 80'sPC, TER
Beehive Medical Electronics, Inc.Bee, Topper, (+87)USA-1988†70's - 80'sPC, TER
Beelink (-> AZW)Z83CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Beep (div. Ticnova) PC comp.SPA1987act.90's + 00'sPC
BEG Bürkle GmbH & Co. KGGER1983act.00's - 20'sPC
Beijer Electronics GmbH & Co. KG GER1985act.90's - 20'sPC
Beijing Computer Factory n°1 3 modelsCHN-(†)70's - 80'sSC, PC
Beijing Computer Factory n°2BCM-3, (+3)CHN-(†)80'sPC
Beijing Computer Factory n°3 DJS, (+4)CHN1965(†)70'sPC
Beijing Computer Factory n°5CS 2115C, (+3)CHN-(†)80'sPC
Beijing Computer Technical Research InstituteBCM-2, (+5)CHN-(†)80'sPC
Beijing Radio Factory4 modelsCHN-(†)60'sSC
Beijing Radio Factory n°15 modelsCHN-(†)70'sSC, MF
Beijing University of Technology - Electronic Instrument FactoryDJS-11, (+9)CHN1960act.80'sPC
Beijing Wire Communications Factory DJS, (+20)CHN-(†)80'sPC
Beijing-Guangdong Chinese Characters Computer Technology Research and Development Center1 modelsCHN-(†)80'sPC
Beko Elektronik A.S.PC comp., (+4)TUR1967act.90'sPC
Bel-Air TechnologiesVistaUSA-(†)90'sPC
Belgravium Technologies Plc TouchStarUK19822016†90's - 10'sPC
Belinea GmbH (div. Maxdata)20 modelsGER1991act.00'sPC
Bell & Howell 3 modelsUSA1955act.80's - 10'sPC
Bell Computer SystemsPC comp., (+5)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Bell Northern Research Europe Ltd. 1 modelsUK-act.90'sSC
Bell Science Information Technology Ltd.PC comp.UK199700'sPC
Bell Technologies, Inc.2 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Bell TechnologyPC comp., (+7)UK-90'sPC
Bell Telephone Laboratories Model I-VI, (+11)USA1925act.40's - 50'sSC-
Bell Telephone Mfg. Co.IRSIA-FNRSBEL187950'sSC-
Bellcom Corp.1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Belorussian Academy of Science LUCH, (+2)RUS1929act.50'sSC
Belton Electronics s.r.l. (div. Jen Elettronica)Lemon II, PC comp.ITA-80'sPC
Beltron (div. PC Craft)PC comp., (+8)USA-(†)80'sPC
Beltron Computer SystemsPC comp., (+9)USA-(†)80'sPC
Beltronic IPC AGSWI1979act.80's - 10'sPC
Bematech BRA199010'sPC
Benchmark Technologies Ltd.Brisc, (+2)UK-(†)80'sPC
Bencse Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. PC comp.HON1996act.00's - 10'sPC
Bendix Aviation Corp. G-15, (+17)USA19241983†50's - 70'sMF, MC, TER
BeneCom Co., Ltd.KOR2003act.00's - 10'sPC
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)CP-UAP, (+2)MEX-act.80'sPC
Beneon Corp.PC comp.TWN-90'sPC
Bentley Computer ProductsPC comp., (+4)USA-(†)80'sPC
Bentron1 modelsGER-(†)80'sTER
Berg-Haus Corp. USA-1973†70'sMC
Berghof Automation GmbHGER-act.00's - 10'sPC
Berkel Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-70'sPC
Berkeley Enterprises, Inc. SIMPLAC, SIMON, (+2)USA195450'sSC
Berkeley Scientific Laboratories, Inc.GP-30USA-(†)60'sTER
Berkeley SystemsPC comp.USA198280'sPC
Bernstein AGGER1947act.00's - 10'sPC
Bertelsmann Computer Haus GmbH (BCH)GER-(†)80'sPC
Bertin TechnologiesSymptomeFRA1956act.??
Berufsförderungszentrum Essen GmbH (BFZ)MFAGER1968act.70'sPC-
BES Electronic System Ltd.ISR-act.00'sSC
Bescoo Technology Co., Ltd. CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Besdone Science & Trading Co. PC comp.CHN-00's - 10'sPC
Best PC comp., (+2)?-90'sPC
BEST Computer, Inc.PC comp., (+9)USA-90's - 00'sPC
Best Price ComputersPC comp.AUS-act.10'sPC
Best Price Computers Ltd.45 modelsUK199500'sPC
Best Systems Corporation of Canada, Inc.PC comp., (+7)CAN-80'sPC
Bestar (div. Hertie)MSS 5000GER-(†)90'sPC
BeStar Electronics Co., Ltd.CHN2002act.10'sPC
Bestco Co., Ltd.PC comp.CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Bestcomp Computadores Ltda.PC comp., (+5)BRA-act.00'sPC
Bestek Computer Co., Ltd.2 modelsTWN1987(†)90'sPC
Bestway Systems, Inc. (BSI)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Bestworld Corporation Ltd.PC comp.HON2005act.00's - 10'sPC
Beta Computer DevicesUSA-(†)80'sPC
Betacom1 modelsUSA-80'sMC
BetacompPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Bethel Electronics International, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Better Business Systems (BBS)PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Bettex, Inc.3000, (+2)USA-(†)80'sPC
Beyond 2000 Systems, Inc.2 modelsUSA-90'sPC
BEZPC comp.CZE-(†)80'sPC
BGH S.A.ARG1913act.00's - 10'sPC
BGR Computers Pty Ltd.Excalibur 64AUS-(†)80'sPC
BGW Systems, Inc.U86USA1971act.90'sPC
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) ANUPAMIND1954act.70's - 10'sSC, SU
Bharat Electronics Pvt. Ltd.AmidaIND1954act.00'sPC
BHG Fejlesztési IntézetSLAVE, MASTER, (+3)HUN197880'sPC-
BHP S.A. 1 modelsSPA-(†)80'sPC
Bi AmZX spectrum, (+2)RUS-90'sPC
Bi Computer Pty Ltd.PC comp.AUS-(†)80'sPC
Bi-link Computer, Inc.27 modelsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Bi-Tech Enterprises, Inc.PC comp., (+6)USA-(†)80's - 10'sPC
BICC-Vero Electronics GmbH 1 modelsUK196470's - 80'sSC
BicosPC comp., (+2)?-90'sPC
Bidcom S.R.L.ARG-act.10'sPC
Big Master Group Co. Ltd (Elovo) CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Big Master Group Co., Ltd. CHN2007act.20'sPC
Big Monkey ComputerMonkey 1GER-(†)80'sPC
Big Red Computers PlcPC comp., (+23)UK199500'sPC
BigBay Technologies, Inc.PC comp., (+4)USA-act.00'sPC
Bill Godbout Electronics (-> Compupro)USA-70'sPC-
Billings Computer Corp.BC-12, (+16)USA197680'sPC, TER
Bimex Computer1 modelsHOL-(†)80'sPC
Binary Data Systems, Inc.UCOM, (+3)USA-(†)70'sMC
Binary Logic2 models?-(†)90'sPC
Binary Technology, Inc.7 modelsUSA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Bio Research, Inc. (BRI)1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.USA-(†)90'sSC
Biohazard Computer Systems, Inc.PC comp., (+17)USA-act.00'sPC
Bion Computers Pvt. Ltd.IND1992act.80'sPC
BIOS TradingUSA-(†)90'sPC
Biostar Microtech International Corp.TWN198690'sPC
BiPOM Electronics, Inc.USA1984act.10'sPC
Birch Technology, Inc.TWN-act.00's - 10'sPC
Birmingham Sound Reproducers (BSR) lic. BBC MicroUK19321985†80'sPC
Birostroj Computer d.d. Binar BC-300, (+2)YOU-80's - 90'sPC
Bison Science Technique Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-80'sPC
BIT Computer, Inc.PC comp., (+14)USA-90'sPC
BIT ComputersPC comp.ITA-(†)80'sPC
Bit Corp.BIT-90, (+2)TWN19821992†80'sPC
Bit Shop Industria, Comercio, Exportacao e Importacao Ltda.PC comp., (+12)BRA-act.00's - 10'sPC
BIT Tradition GmbH (Beltronic)GER-00's - 10'sPC
BitacPC comp.HOL-(†)80'sPC
BitblazeRUS2009act.10's - 20'sPC
Bitech, Inc.Micro-2000USA-(†)70'sPC
Bitmaster KyPC comp.FIN-00'sPC
Bits & PCsPC comp., (+8)UK-90'sPC
BittiMikro PC comp.FIN-90'sPC
Bitwise Designs, Inc.PC comp., (+36)USA-(†)90'sPC
Bizerba SE & Co. KGGER1866act.00's - 10'sPC
BL MicroelectronicsBiprocUK-80'sPC
Black Box Services Ltd.PC comp.UK199900'sPC
Black CatPC comp., (+45)?-(†)90'sPC
Black Diamond Advanced Technology, LLC (BDATech)USA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Blackcore Technologies Ltd.UK2015act.10's - 20'sPC
Blackhawk Computer SystemsIII, (+2)USA1979(†)80'sPC
BlackmatePC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Blackship Computer Systems, Inc.PC comp., (+52)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
BlackwolfPC comp.?-(†)00'sPC
Blaise, Fraiberger & Moulin (BFM)BFM-186FRA-80'sPC
Blaupunkt-Werke GmbH18 modelsGER19232016†80's - 10'sPC, TER
Bleasdale Computer System PlcSentinel, (+2)UK-(†)70's - 80'sSC, PC
Bleck-Tec Computer GmbHPC comp., (+2)GER-(†)90'sPC
Bleistein-Rhode Systemtechnik GmbHGER-(†)80'sTER
Bleujour (Kubb)FRA-act.00'sPC
Bleximo Corp.USA2017act.20'sSC
BLH ComputersPC comp.USA-act.00's - 10'sPC
BlissSpire, (+16)RUS-act.10'sPC
Blitz Computer, Inc.PC comp., (+7)USA-(†)90'sPC
Blovedream Technology Co., Ltd. CHN2008act.10'sPC
Blue Candle Computers, Inc.PC comp.USA-00's - 10'sPC
Blue Chip Electronics Pty Ltd.PC comp.AUS-(†)80'sPC
Blue Chip International, Inc.Horizon, (+16)USA1982act.80'sPC
Blue Chip Technology Ltd.USA1986act.00's - 10'sPC
Blue Circle Group, Inc. (BCG)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Blue Coat Systems, Inc.CacheFlowUSA20012016†90's - 00'sPC-
Blue Dolphin Computers, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Blue Earth, LLC4 modelsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Blue Line A/SDEN1986act.10's - 20'sPC
Blue Max Technology, Inc.PC comp.USA196990'sPC
Blue Ridge International Computers SrlPC comp.ROM-90'sPC
Blue Rose Computer Systems, Inc.PC comp., (+9)USA199290'sPC
Blue Smoke Entertainment Systems, LLCPC comp.USA2008act.00'sPC
Blue Star Computer, Inc.PC comp., (+2)USA-90'sPC
Blue Star Marketing, Inc.PC comp., (+2)USA198690'sPC
Bluebird Soft, Inc. (Pidion)1 modelsKOR1995act.10'sPC
Bluechip Computer AGPC comp.GER1992act.90's - 10'sPC-
BluediskPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Bluelans Communication Co., Ltd.CHN2008act.00's - 10'sPC
Bluemax Computer Corp.PC comp., (+7)USA-(†)90'sPC
BMB CompuScience Canada Ltd.SuperPETCAN-70'sPC
BMC DistributingPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
BMC Dr. SchetterGER1988act.90's - 10'sPC
BMG Microsystems Ltd.500, (+3)UK-(†)80'sPC
BML Computer Design Pte Ltd.PC comp.SIN-80'sPC
BNPO KirovBashkiria-2M, (+2)RUS-(†)80'sPC
Bo Nyman AB (ABN)Wegematic, Teledata, (+3)SWE-(†)60'sSC
Boardcon Technology Ltd.CHN2008act.00'sPC
Bobst Graphic SAScrib, (+2)SWI1917act.70'sPC
Boeing Airplane Co.BEAC, (+2)USA1916act.50's - 60'sSC, MF
Boeun Electronics Co., Ltd.1 modelsKOR-(†)80'sPC
Boffin Ltd. PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
BOLData Technology, Inc.PC comp., (+13)USA1984act.90's - 10'sPC
Boldline Computers (div. Micomp-Tech)WearnesPOL-(†)80'sPC
Boles & Co, Inc.3 modelsUSA-80'sTER
Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN) IMP, Butterfly, (+3)USA19482009†60's - 70'sSC, TER, SU
Bolton PCPC comp.UK200400'sPC
Bona Technology, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Bonar August Systems Ltd. CS 330UK19781997†80'sPC
Bonavio, Inc.USA-act.90' - 10'sPC
Bondwell Industrial Co., Inc. 51 modelsHON19831993†80's - 90'sMC, PC
Bondwell Informatica Ltda.PC comp., (+2)BRA-(†)80'sPC
BonsaiSM 3000, (+2)?-(†)80'sPC
Book Digital Co., Ltd.SmartBook, (+6)CHN-00'sPC
Bootstrap Computer Laboratories PC comp., (+3)AUS-80'sPC
Boris Systems, Inc.PC comp.USA1982(†)90'sPC
Borrer ComputersystemeSystem 4000SWI-70'sPC
Borsu Computer GmbHPC comp., (+2)GER-90'sPC
BOS Systems2 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Bosch Rexroth AGGER-act.00's - 10'sPC
Bosche GmbH & Co. KGGER2001act.00's - 10'sPC
Boscoop Agráripari Egyesülés Homelab II, (+3)HUN-(†)80'sPC
BOSER Technology Co., Ltd.TWN198690's - 10'sPC
Boss Technology Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Bossman Technology Co., Ltd.TWN-(†)90'sPC
Boston Ltd.PC comp.UK-act.00'sPC
Boswin Electronic Ltd.PC comp.CHN2008act.00's - 10'sPC
Bottomline Technologies, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Bouchette Electronics, Inc.USA1981act.00's - 10'sPC
Boundary Devices, Inc.4 modelsUSA2003act.00's - 10'sPC
Boundless Technologies, Inc. Capio, (+4)USA1994act.90's - 00'sPC, TER
BovoData Système SAPC comp., (+3)FRA-90'sPC
Böwe Informations- und Systemtechnik GmbH1 modelsGER-(†)80'sTER
BowerPC comp., (+10)FRA-90'sPC
Bowne Time Sharing, Inc. Word/OneUSA-(†)70'sPC
Boxlight Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
BOXX Technologies, Inc.PC comp., (+10)USA1996act.00's - 10'sPC
BPC ComuterPC comp.FRA-90'sPC
BPK "Sever"ZX clone, (+2)RUS-(†)80'sPC
Bplan (by Genesi)1 modelsGER-act.90's - 00'sPC-
Braebo ComputersPC comp.USA-act.00'sPC
Braegen Corp.B-40, (+20)USA1976(†)70'sMC, TER
Brain Computer Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Brain Trust Computer Corp.Joky JoyTWN-80'sPC
Brainium Technologies, Inc.DreamMax, DreamWriter, (+4)USA19922004†00'sPC
Brandt (div. Thomson-Brandt)Jo-7400FRA1924act.80'sPC
Brankamp GmbHGER-act.00's - 10'sPC
Brascom Computadores Brasileiros Ltda3 modelsBRA1980(†)80'sPC, TER
Brasil Trade Center (BTC)PC comp., (+2)BRA-(†)80'sPC
Brastek InformáticaPC comp.BRA-(†)90'sPC
Brave (div. ProCa) PC comp.CZE-(†)00'sPC
Bravo (div. K-Trade)PC comp.UKR-(†)90's - 00'sPC
Brent Computers (div. Cybernex)PC comp.UK-90'sPC
Brentford AGSWI1994act.00's - 20'sPC
Bressner Technology GmbHGER1994act.00's - 10'sPC
Brest Electromechanical Plant (BEMZ)BYTE, RYAD, (+4)RUS-(†)70's - 90'sMF, PC
Brett ComputersPC comp., (+11)FRA199090'sPC
Brevi (WinBlu)PC comp.ITA-act.00'sPC
Brian Integrated Systems Ltd.NIG2003act.10'sPC
Brick Computer Co.PC comp., (+65)USA-act.90's - 00'sPC
Bridge Communications, Inc. 2 modelsUSA19811987†80'sPC-
Bridge Computer Co. (div. Sea Data) USA-80'sPC
Briel ComputersUSA2003act.00'sPC
Bright Sunny Digital Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.CHN2005act.00's - 10'sPC
Bright Up Industries Co., Ltd.PC comp.TWN-80'sPC
Brikon, Inc.USA198180'sPC
Brilliant System Ltd.1 modelsHON198790'sPC
Brinel PC Prod Srl 1 modelsROM-2000†90'sPC
Brisbane's Deakin UniversityDream 6800AUS1974act.80'sPC
Bristol Research Corp.BRCUSA-(†)90'sPC
BRITEurope 2000 321, (+5)FRA-80'sPC
Britannia Computer Ltd.Microword, (+4)UK-(†)80'sPC
Brite ComputersPC comp., (+118)USA-00'sPC
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)BBC, micro:bitUK1922act.80's - 00'sPC
British Micro (div. Hegotron) Mimi 8xx, (+4)UK198180'sPC
British Tabulating Machine (BTM)DIANA, HEC, (+6)UK19021959†50'sSC
Britton Lee, Inc. IDS, (+6)USA19791990†80'sPC, MC
BroadAx Systems, Inc. (BSI) 139 modelsUSA1986act.90's - 20'sPC
Broadberry Data Systems Ltd.62 modelsUK1989act.00's - 10'sPC
Broadrack, Inc. USA2000act.00's - 10'sPC
Broadwell Technology Co., Ltd. 3 modelsCHN2011act.10'sPC
Bromcom Computer PlcPro-PDAUK1986act.90'sPC-
Bromley Computer ConsultancySuperstarUK-(†)80'sPC
Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL)MERLINUSA1947act.50'sSC
Broomall Industries, Inc.USA-70'sSC
Bross Datensysteme GmbH & Co.Datasystem 1, (+2)GER-(†)70'sMC
Brother ComputerPC comp., (+4)KOR-(†)90'sPC
Brother Industries, Ltd.112 modelsJAP1908act.80's - 90'sPC
Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co.USA183380'sPC
Brown Enterprises1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Brown-Boveri Co. (BBC) DP-100, (+5)SWI18911988†70's - 80'sPC, TER
Brown's Operating System Services Ltd.PC comp.UK1969act.00'sPC
Brutech Electronics MicrosystemsBEM, (+4)HOL197580'sPC
Brysis Data, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
BS ProcesorPC comp.YOU-90'sPC
BSM Computer, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
bSquare Corp.Maui, (+2)USA199400'sPC
BSR (div. DAK)PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
BT Enterprises1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
BT TechnologiesPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
BT-Mikro Oy PC comp.FIN-00'sPC
BTA - SofiaInterlab, (+3)BUL-(†)80'sPC
BTG TechnologyPC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
BTG, Inc. 3 modelsUSA198280's - 90'sPC
BTO PC comp.HOL2000act.00's - 10'sPC
BTOPC comp., (+3)?-(†)90'sPC
BTO "Crystal" UVS-01RUS1970(†)70'sPC
Bubbl-Tec (-> Pacific Cyber/Metrix)1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Budai Járási Háziipari Szövetkezet (BJH) MikromatHUN-(†)60'sSC
Budapest Technical University (BME)MESZ-1, (+2)HUN1782act.50'sSC
Budapesti Radiotechnikai Gyar (BRG)Lic. ABC 80, (+5)HUN-(†)80'sPC
Budavox Telecommunication Foreign Trading (-> Tertar) 1 modelsHUN-70'sTER
Budd Electronics, Inc.STRADAP, (+3)USA-(†)60'sMC
Budget ComputerPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
BuffettiB2, B3, (+11)ITA1852act.80'sPC
Bühler ComputersPC comp.GER-80'sPC
Build ReduxPC comp.USA2018act.00's - 20'sPC
Bulgarian Academy of Science - Center for Informatics and Computer Technology 1 modelsBUL1971act.90'sSC
Bulgarian Academy of Science - Instituta po matematika (IMI) VitoshaBUL1947act.60'sSC
Bulgarian Academy of Science - ITKR MIK, (+3)BUL1979act.80'sPC
Bulgarian Academy of Science - NPSP "Scientific Instrumentation"BioComp 1300BUL-(†)80'sPC
Bulgarian Academy of Science - Robotics InstitutePC comp., (+5)BUL-(†)80'sPC
Bull GAMMA, TERA-100, (+327)FRA1931act.50's - 10'sTER, SC, MF, MC, PC, SU
Bull General Electric (-> Bull) 3 modelsFRA19641970†60'sMF
Bull Micral (div. Bull) DPX, (+12)FRA198380'sPC
Bull Telesincro S.A. (div. Bull)2 modelsSPA198080's - 90'sTER
Bull Worldwide Information Systems, Inc. (-> Bull) USA199390'sPC
Bulldog Computer ProductsPC comp.USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Bullman GmbH & Co. KGPC comp.GER1990act.90's - 10'sPC
Bung Enterprises Ltd.Doctor PCHON1994act.90'sPC
Bunker-Ramo Corp.34 modelsUSA196460's - 80'sMC, TER, PC
Burcon, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
BURDA Enterprises Inc.PC comp.TWN-80'sPC
BurgoynePC comp.USA-90'sPC
Burham Computer SystemsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Burlingame Associates, Ltd. USA192860'sSC
Burnt Hill Electronics Ltd.2 modelsUK-70'sMC, TER
Büromaschinen Export GmbH (BME)1 modelsGER-(†)70'sMC
Burr-Brown Research Corp.4 modelsUSA19562000†60'sPC, SC, TER-
Burroughs Corp. UDEC, (+262)USA18861986†50's - 80'sMF, MC, TER, PC
BUS Computer System, Inc.PC comp., (+6)USA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Busch GmbH & Co. KG MicrotronicGER1955act.80'sPC
Busicomputers Ltd.Prophet 2, (+2)UK-80'sPC
Business Computer Ltd. (BCL) Molecular, (+11)UK19681985†70's - 80'sMC, PC
Business Computer ServicesPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Business Control Systems Corp.2 modelsUSA197670's - 10'sMC
Business Data Systems of California, Inc.2 modelsUSA-70'sPC
Business Forum Oy PC comp.FIN-90'sPC
Business Information Technology Systems & Pcs Ltd. (BITS & PCs)PC comp.UK2009act.90'sPC
Business Information Technology, Inc. (BIT Inc.) BIT-480, BIT-483, (+4)USA19641995†60'sMC, PC
Business Machine Corp. (BMC) (by OKI) if800, (+4)JAP197980'sPC
Business Operating Systems, Inc. (BOS)2 modelsUSA1978(†)80'sPC
Business Systems Products, Inc. (BSP)Adviser III, (+3)USA197670'sMC
BusinessNet, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Bustec Computer GmbHSPARC cloneGER-(†)90'sPC
BuyPCBitsPC comp., (+2)UK-2006†00'sPC
BVM Equipamentos e Projetos Ltda.Fast 1, (+3)BRA-(†)80'sSC
BVM Ltd.UK1989act.00's - 10'sPC
Byelecs Technology Co., Ltd. (Byeast) CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
BYON PC comp., (+20)IND-00's - 10'sPC
BYTE Computer S.A.PC comp., (+2)BRA-(†)90'sPC
BYTE Computer SAGRE1983act.00'sPC
Byte Computer Superstore Ltd. PC comp.UK19931998†90'sPC-
Byte Mfg. (Byte Shop)Byt-8, (+4)USA-(†)70'sPC
Byte On Industria E Comercio Ltda.PC comp.BRA-90'sPC
Byte Shop Sogoh1 modelsJAP-(†)70'sTER
Bytec Management Corp. (div. Comterm)HyperionCAN198180'sPC
Bytec-Comterm Inc. (-> Bytec)HyperionCAN197380'sPC-
ByteProPC comp.?-90'sPC
ByteSpeedUSA199900's - 10'sPC
BytewellPC comp.UK-90'sPC
Bytewise Technology Ltd.PC comp.UK199090'sPC
Bytex Corp.ATS-1000USA1981(†)80'sSC
Bytronix Microcomputers Ltd.13 modelsUK197780'sMC
Byturbo International Corp. (by Hyundai)PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Bywood ElectronicsSCRUMPI, (+3)UK197270'sPC

(c) epocalc 2019