Calculator Bibliography
The references below are refering to the history, economics and technology of calculators in the 1970s and 1980s.
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Article |
Magazine |
Date |
15 nouveaux Micro-ordinateurs au banc d'essai |
Science & Vie n°792 |
1983/09 |
A certain portable electronic calculators |
United States International Trade Commission, USITC Publ. 1732 |
1986/07 |
A low cost Home Calculator you can build from a Kit |
Electronic Illustrated |
1972/05 |
A versatile pocket calculator |
Frye, J. T., Popular Electronics |
1972/05 |
Add 4 Functions to Novus 850 |
Radio-Electronics |
1976/12 |
事務管理 - 電子計筧機要貴の適性テ ス ト (Administration -
Electronic measurement equipment aptitude test) |
Daily Ewara Shinposha |
1967/08 |
Adler 88-T |
Radio Electronica |
1976/01 |
Aristo M80 |
Radio Electronica |
1976/05 |
Aristo M85 |
Radio Electronica |
1976/11 |
An Early Electronic Calculator, the Friden EC-130 |
Flamm Bruce, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 20, n°3, 1998 |
1998 |
An Under-$90 Scientific Calculator Project |
Martin Meyer, Popular Electronics |
1975/01 |
Annuario calcolatrici programmabili |
M&P Computer |
1979-12 |
Annuario calcolatrici programmabili |
M&P Computer |
1980-02 |
Architecture for cheaper chips |
New Scientist |
1975/11 |
Arithmetik aus winzigen Plättchen |
T. von Randow, Die Zeit |
1972/11 |
Avez-vous votre ordinateur personnel ? |
Science & Vie n°757 |
1980/10 |
Build The 'Senior Scientist' Calculator |
Martin Meyer, Popular Electronics |
1975/10 |
Buying and using a pocket calculator |
Popular Electronics |
1974/05 |
Calcu-Letter : News of pocket calculators – and how to have fun with them |
Huff Darrell, Popular Science |
1977 - 1980 |
Calculating Machines |
Swartzlander Earl, in "From 0 to 1 : an authoritative history of modern computing", Oxford University Press |
2002 |
Calculators |
Consumer Reports |
1975/09 |
Calculators |
Swartzlander Earl, IEEE Annals of the History
of Computing, n°1 |
1977 |
Calculators: 24 scientific and financial calculators |
Which? |
1977/09 |
Calculators : from abacus.. to the electronic calculator |
Radio Electronics |
1972/12 |
Calculator boom |
New Scientist |
1975/01 |
Calculator developments at the end of 1974 |
IEEE Spectrum |
1975/01 |
Calculator firms muscle into watchmaker's business |
New Scientist |
1975/05 |
Calculator for a pocket |
1972/12 |
Calculators for kids |
New Scientist |
1979/06 |
Calculator or Computer - Wich Should Your Pocket ? |
Popular Mechanics |
1982/08 |
Calculator prices continue to plummet |
New Scientist |
1974/06 |
Calcolatore tascabile a otto cifre |
Sperimentare |
1972/12 |
Calculators : How to chose the right one ? |
Popular Mechanics |
1973/02 |
Calculators get smaller, smarter and cheaper |
Popular Science |
1974/12 |
Calculators of the future |
Moorshead H. , ETI - Electronics Tomorrow |
1977 |
Calculators take the fuss out of computing |
New Scientist |
1974/02 |
Calculators - How To Keep Them Running |
Radio-Electronics |
1973/08 |
Calculators : The sums they can do and how they do them |
Which? |
1982/01 |
Calculatrices et calculatrices : le mot et les choses |
Peskine Marc |
1995/03 |
Calculatrices et navigation |
L. Houneau - La jaune e la rouge |
1983 |
Calculatrices : laquelle est la plus précise ? |
Science & Vie n°748 |
1980/01 |
Calculatrices, des remarques à faire ? |
Peskine Marc, CNDP-DIE |
1995 |
Calcolatrici elettroniche |
Selezione Radio |
1975/11 |
Calcolatrici registratori |
Selezione Radio |
1978/11 |
Canon F-5 |
Radio Electronica |
1975/11 |
Canon F-7 |
Radio Electronica |
1975/12 |
C.Itoh SR12 |
Radio Electronica |
1976/12 |
Compucorp 322 |
Radio Electronica |
1973/07 |
Corvus 500 |
Radio Electronica |
1976/09 |
Ces minis qui imitent les grands |
Ferrtei Marc |
1974 |
Che cosa c'è dietro.. le calcolatrici |
Marinacci Marco, Suono Stereo Hi-Fi |
1976/11 |
Choisir une calculatrice |
Quebec Science |
1976/04 |
Collector’s Guide to Pocket Calculators |
Ball Guy, Flamm Bruce, ed. Tustin, Wilson/Barnett Publishing |
1997 |
Coming of age in the calculator business |
New Scientist |
1975/11 |
Computer für die Westentasche |
Otte F., Die Zeit |
1974/07 |
Costruiamo una calcolatrice elletronica |
Sperimentare |
1976/05 |
Creativity and contribution |
Kashio Tadao, Casio |
1993 |
Dans cette poche une calculatrice. Non...un ordinateur! |
Science & Vie n°668 |
1973/05 |
Das Einmal Eins ist Nebensache |
Hobby n°19 |
1978/09 |
Der Rechenschieber der Zukunft |
Der Spiegel, n°23 |
1972/06 |
Der wissenschaftlich-technische Taschenrechner |
Schubert Karl-Heinz , Elektronisches Jahrbuch 1982 |
1981/03 |
Desktop calculators that print their results |
Popular Mechanics |
1977/04 |
Die andere rekenmachines passen mar neet in ur aktenas |
Radio Electronica |
1973 |
Do Electronic Calculators Belong the Cockpit ? |
Lert Peter, Flying |
1974/08 |
Du zéro à l’ordinateur, une brève histoire du calcul |
Piguet Christian, Hügli Heinz, PPUR |
2004 |
Electronic Calculator Markets and Suppliers |
Milton R., Beaumont A.J., Finresearch Series |
1974 |
Electronic Calculators and Data Analysis: A Consumer's
on the SR-51, HP-21, HP-55, and HP-65 |
Tufte Edward R., American Journal of Political Science |
1975/11 |
Electronic desk calculators you can build |
Edward Roberts, Popular Electronics |
1971/11 |
Electronic mini-calculators |
Consumer Reports |
1973/06 |
工レクトロニクス (Engineer Electronics) |
1980/10 |
Entwicklungstendenzen bei elektronischen Taschenrechnern |
Schubert Karl-Heinz , Elektronisches Jahrbuch 1977 |
1976/03 |
Equipment review : the HP-80 business pocket calculator |
Bromberg Alan R.,
The Business Lawyer |
1974/04 |
Featured new products and management consultation |
Office management |
1967/08 |
Focus on Scientific Calculators |
Electronic Design |
1978/03 |
Give a calculating gift |
Changing Times |
1989/12 |
Gleitendes Koma |
Der Spiegel, n°47 |
1972/11 |
Grands nombres et petites calculatrices |
Science & Vie n°755 |
1980/08 |
Grand nombres et calculatrices |
Science & Vie n°759 |
1980/12 |
Growing family of small machines at $50 and up does complex math |
Electronic Design |
1975/11 |
Guida marcato - Calcolatrici programmabili e accessori |
M&P Computer |
1980-11 |
Guide to HP Handheld Calculators and Computers |
Mier-Jedrzejowicz Wlodek, HHC |
2007 |
Hanimex ESR 1010SN |
Radio Electronica |
1976/03 |
HP-21 |
Radio Electronica |
1975/04 |
HP-35 : révolution de poche (1972) |
Elektor |
2012/12 |
HP-65 in space with Apollo-Soyuz |
65 Notes, vol. 2, n°6 |
1975/07 |
HP Calculator Articles |
Mier-Jedrzejowicz W., DATAFILE, HPCC |
1992 |
Hand-held calculators, market survey |
Electronics Today International |
1974/08 |
Hand-held computers |
Popular Science |
1980/11 |
Hand-held printing calculators |
Popular Science |
1982/04 |
Hand-held micros lose hold |
InfoWorld |
1984/02 |
Here are the new programmable calculators ! |
Popular Electronics |
1976/05 |
Hewlett-Packard and Personal Computing Systems |
Ch. House, A History of Personal Workstations |
1988 |
High Speed Calculator |
Practical Electronics |
1972/07 |
Hoe kiest u eem Rekenmachine |
Electronica |
1978/08 |
Introduzione al calcolo |
Selezione Radio |
1979/12 |
How the Computer Got Into Your Pocket |
May Mike, Invention & Technology |
2000 |
How to get the most of your pocket calculator |
Mullish Henry, Collier Books |
1974/03 |
How To Add Functions To Simple Hand Calculators |
Donald Shapiro, Popular Electronics |
1975/09 |
How to build a hand-held electronic calculator |
L. Russell, B. Yates, Electronic Experimenters |
1974/12 |
I calcolatori programmabili |
Radiorama |
1977/07 |
IC Pocket Calculator |
Green, W.L., Radio-Electronics |
1972/05 |
Il punto sui calcolatori tascabili |
Giancarlo Zagarese, Paolo Martini, CQ Elettronica |
1975/09 |
Investigation of card programmable and chip programmable pocket calculators and calculator systems for use at Naval Postgraduate School and in the naval establishment |
Kruse Harry R., Burkett Hugh A., U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California |
1977 |
International Association of Calculator Collectors |
The International Calculator Collector |
1988 |
Japanese calculator gets U.S. circuitry |
Electronics |
1969/09 |
Kalkulatori - pamet v zepu |
Moj Mikro |
1985/09 |
Keystone 2050 |
Radio Electronica |
1976/08 |
Jouez avec votre calculatrice |
Jeux & Stratégie n°11 |
1981/10 |
Kopf-rechnen überflüssig |
Hobby |
1974 |
La première « mini » programmable à cartes magnétiques |
Science & Vie n°678 |
1974/03 |
Le calcolatrici HP |
Jurassic News n°45 |
2013/01 |
La calculatrice de poche et le scientifique : révéler l'insondable |
Jouenne Noël |
2003 |
Le calcolatrici elettroniche |
Selezione Radio-TV |
1975/11 |
Le guide pratique des calculatrices de poche |
Science & Vie n°677 |
1974/02 |
Les calculatrices de poche : genèse d’un instrument de calcul |
Jouenne Noël |
2004 |
Les ordinateurs tablettes de chocolat |
Science & Vie n°777 |
1982/06 |
Les plus petites calculatrices du monde |
Luc Fellot, Science & Vie n°647 |
1971/08 |
Lorsque les ingénieurs voulaient diffuser les calculatrices de poche |
Jouenne Noël, Les Génies de la Science |
2007/02 |
Mapping with an Electronic Calculator |
Blakeslee, Donald J. , Journal of Field Archaeology, Volume 6, Number 3 |
1979 |
Maxicalculator challenge to the minicomputer |
New Scientist |
1976/06 |
Mechanics simulations for the HP-67/97 |
1979/04 |
Mikroelektronik: Die Zukunft in der Hand |
Gault R., Die Zeit |
1979/06 |
Microelectronic shrinks the Calculator |
Popular Science |
1971/05 |
Mini Computers |
Motor Boating |
1975/06 |
Minute calculator packs a mighty punch |
New Scientist |
1973/06 |
New Calculators Kits : From pocket minis to versatile desk models |
Popular Mechanics |
1973/05 |
Nieuwe algerbraische tafelcomputer en elektronisch rekenlineeal von Hewlett-Packard |
Radio Electronica |
1972/05 |
Novelty Calculators – more than problem solvers |
Popular Science |
1977/01 |
Now it's pocket calculators |
L. Buckwalter, Mechanics Illustrated |
1973/02 |
Now-there’s a personal calculator for every purpose |
Popular Science |
1975/01 |
Office supplies - History - Calculators |
Dubbey N R in Ofice Management |
2009 |
Once Upon a Pocket:
Programmable Calculators from
the Late 1970s and Early 1980s and
the Social Networks Around Them |
Ristanovic Dejan, Jelica Protic, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing |
2012 |
Origines et développement des calculatrices électroniques de poche |
Ifrah Georges, L’intelligence des hommes
racontée par les nombres et le calcul, vol. 2, éd. Bouquins |
1994 |
Personal computer, calcolatrici programmabili e schede microcomputer |
m&p Computer |
1979/09 |
Personal computer, calcolatrici programmabili e schede microcomputer |
m&p Computer |
1979/12 |
Personal computer, calcolatrici programmabili e schede microcomputer |
m&p Computer |
1980/03 |
Pick and choose your pocket calculator |
Elementary Electronics |
1974/11 |
Pocket Electronic Calculator for Bart and Stroud Dendrometers |
Jager Douglas J. , Journal of Forestry,
Volume 74, Number 7 |
1976/07 |
Pocket calculators for more than math |
Popular Science |
1979/04 |
Pocket Calculators: Number Power! |
Management Accounting |
1975/12 |
Ponsbandlezer voor een elektronische tafelrekenmachine |
Radio Electronica |
1971/09 |
Pourquoi les calculatrices électroniques |
Magallon M., Travail et méthodes |
1971/08 |
Price war in the calculator business |
New Scientist |
1972/06 |
Programmable calculators – computer power in pocket-size packages |
Popular Science |
1979/05 |
Printing calculators |
Popular Mechanics |
1978/01 |
Prinztronic SC3001M |
Radio Electronica |
1976/03 |
Production of calculating aids in Croatia |
Dr. sc. Boris Halasz, Uni Zagreb |
Programming ? It's Simple ! |
Kilobaud |
1977/01 |
Programmeerbare zakrekenapparaten |
Radio Electronica |
1976 |
Push Button Nagigators |
Motorboating |
1977/05 |
Rekenen wordt steeds gemakkelijker... HP-45, HP-46 |
Radio Electronica |
1973/10 |
RPN Calculators in 1975 |
IEEE Spectrum |
1975/04 |
Schock aus Ubersee |
Der Spiegel, n°39 |
1974/09 |
Schöne Hülle |
Der Spiegel, n°45 |
1976/11 |
Scientific Calculators |
Electronics Today International |
1975/10 |
Scientific calculators |
Which? |
1982/02 |
Selecting a calculator |
Frye, J.T., Popular Electronics |
1975/12 |
Sharp EL-1100 |
Radio Electronica |
1975/11 |
Sharp PC-1001 |
Radio Electronica |
1976/06 |
Shopping around for a calculator |
New Scientist |
1973/05 |
Single-chip calculators hits the finish line |
Electronics |
1971/02 |
Six calculatrices à l’affut des nombres premiers |
Science & Vie n°762 |
1981/03 |
Specialized calculators |
Popular Science |
1976/11 |
STARS: Electronic Calculators: Desktop to Pocket |
Swartzlander Earl, IEEE STARS |
2013/12 |
Super math from simple kits |
Popular Science |
1975/05 |
Survey of Scientific Calculators |
Electronics Today International |
1976/01 |
Teach your pocket calculator |
Popular Science |
1974/12 |
Technological Innovation and Product Evolution : theoretical model and its applications |
Shintaku Junjiro, Gakushuin Economic Papers,
Vol. 26, n°3 |
1990/01 |
Tests & Verdicts : Calculators |
Wich ? |
1979/08 |
Texas Instrument SR-50 |
Radio Electronica |
1976/01 |
Texas Instrument SR-51 |
Radio Electronica |
1975/09 |
The Best of Creative Computing - Calculators in the Classroom |
Pendleton Leelee , ed. David Ahl |
1977 |
The best price is not always the cheapest |
New Scientist |
1975/11 |
The brain in your pocket |
Wright Michael, Industrial Management & Data Systems |
1976 |
The calculator threat to numeracy |
New Scientist |
1975/11 |
The complete pocket calculator handbook |
Mullish Henry |
1977 |
The electronic slide-rule comes of age |
New Scientist |
1975/02 |
The first calculators - how they got in your pocket |
Invention & Technology |
2000 |
The History of the Hand Held Electronic Calculators |
Hamrick Kathy B., The American mathematical monthly, vol. 103, n°8 |
1996 |
The Power of the HP-67 Programmable Calculator |
1979/03 |
The Small Electronic Calculator |
McWhorter Eugene W., Scientific American |
1976/03 |
The SR-52 : Another Worlds's |
1976/04 |
The buried gold in the SR-52 |
1976/12 |
The New Calculators |
Administrative Management |
1966/02 |
The Pocket Calculator Is Marketed |
Chronology of XXth Century History - Business and Commerce - Vol. II |
1972/09 |
The Wireless World Desk Calculator |
Wireless World |
1974/10 |
Thinking Computers ? Think small... |
Melvin Whitmer, Radio-Electronics |
1967/05 |
Today’s scientific calculators offer more computing power |
Electronic Design |
1977/03 |
Those Little under-$100 electronic calculators |
Popular Science |
1973/03 |
Those incredible new scientific pocket calculators |
Popular Science |
1974/04 |
Those works-saving, time-saving, problem-solving programmable calculators |
Popular Science |
1977/02 |
Toutes les maths appliquées en 5 circuits intégrés |
Science & Vie n°701 |
1976/02 |
Un triomphe japonais : la calculatrice de poche |
Jouenne Noël, Pour la Science, Les génies de la science, n°21 |
2004/11 |
Understanding Calculator IC's |
Lancaster Don, Radio-Electronics |
1974/07 |
Van éénmaalééen tot maanlanding |
1977/12 |
Vers la fabrication des « cerveaux électroniques » : L’invention de la calculatrice de poche |
Jouenne Noël |
2004 |
Wettenschappelijke zakrenapparaten |
Radio Electronica |
1975/10 |
Which computer - Desk Top -Mini- or Time Sharing |
Electronics World |
1971/09 |
General books
Autor |
Title |
Info |
Editor |
Date |
Abel H., Arbeiter J. |
Elektronische Taschenrechner |
1980 |
Adler David A. |
Calculator Riddles |
Holiday House |
1996 |
Altwegg Werner, Onken Kurt |
Elektronisches Rechnen |
Technisches Lehrinstitut Onken |
1978 |
Athen Hermann, Bruhn Jörn |
Blitzrechnen mit dem Electronik- Taschenrechner v1 |
Bertelsmann-Ratgeberverlag |
1975 |
Athen Hermann, Bruhn Jörn |
Blitzrechnen mit dem Electronik- Taschenrechner v2 |
Bertelsmann-Ratgeberverlag |
1976 |
Aust Joachim |
Adam Riese in der Tasche |
Kaleidosko Bücher Semrau Verlag |
1976 |
Babani M. H. |
Electronic Calculator Users Handbook |
Babani Press |
1976 |
Barbudo, Igniacio |
La calculadora a bordo |
I. Barbudo |
1983 |
Ball Guy, Flamm Bruce |
Collector’s Guide to Pocket Calculators |
Tustin, Wilson/Barnett Publishing |
1997 |
Beakley Georges C, Leach H.W. |
The slide rule, electronic hand calculator, and metrification in problem solving |
McMillian |
1975 |
Birtwistle Claude |
Make the most of your calculator |
Coles |
1980 |
Birtwistle Claude |
The Electronic Calculator in Business, Home and School |
Paperfronts, Elliot Right Way Books |
1976 |
Bischof Bernd, Seidel Manfred |
Zum Einsatz elektronischer Taschenrechner als Unterrichtsmittel in der Berufsausbildung |
Bezirkskabinett für Weiterbildung d. Kader d. Berufsbildung |
1985 |
Bradbeer Robin, Bawtree Michael |
The Sinclairs Book of Student's Calculations |
Martin Books |
1979 |
Braun Ernest, MacDonald S. |
Revolution in miniature - the history and impact osemiconductor electronicsf |
Cambridge University Press |
1977 |
Buckwalter Len |
100 ways to use your pocket calculator |
Fawcett Books |
1975 |
Bujchstav, Kanevsky, Yoylov |
Электронные клавишные вычислительные машины (Electronic keyboard computers) |
Energy, Leningrad |
1974 |
Marakhovskyi, Kanevsky |
Принципы построения электронных клавишных вычислительных машин (Principles of construction of the electronic keyboards computers) |
Energy, Leningrad |
1976 |
Campbell Stafford |
The yachtsman's guide to calculator navigation |
Ziff-Davis Pub. Co |
1980 |
Caravella Joseph R. |
Minicalculators in the Classroom |
National Education Association |
1977 |
Carter L.R., Huzan E. |
The Pocket Calculator |
Hodder and Stoughton |
1979 |
Conradt Rainer |
Taschenrechner Kurs, Arbeitsblätter, Lösungen, Literatur, Lehrnziele, Methoden, Unterrichtsplanung |
Ferdinand Schöningh |
1979 |
Csakany Antal |
Mein Taschenrechner |
VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin |
1980 |
Danilov I. D., Slavin G.V. |
5 вечеров с микрокалькулятором (5pm calculators) |
Finansy i statistika |
1988 |
Dickson Thomas R. |
The Handcalculator Handbook |
Alchemy Press |
1978 |
Dixon Conrad |
Navigation by Pocket Calculator |
Adlard Coles Ltd. |
1979 |
Dixon Conrad |
Navegación con calculadora |
Nautica Paraninfo |
1986 |
Fanghänel Günter |
Mein Freund der Taschenrechner |
VEB Verlag, Volk und Wissen |
1988 |
Feldzamen A.M., Henle Faye |
The Calculator Handbook |
Berkley Publishing Corp |
1973 |
Fink L.M. |
Папа, мама, я и микрокалькулятор (Dad, Mom, I and the calculator) |
- |
1988 |
Fleischhauer P. |
Aufgaben lösen und Spiele mit dem Taschenrechner |
Falken-Vlg. |
1977 |
Florent Roger |
Les calculatrices |
Les dossiers des éditions du Pen-Duick |
1981 |
Frenzel Loius E. |
99 Ways to Know and Use Your Electronic Calculator |
Howard W. Sams & Co. |
1975 |
Geller Klaus |
Rechnen mit elektronischen Taschenrechnern |
Fischer Handbücher |
1983 |
Gilbert Jack |
Advanced applications for pocket calculators |
G/L Tab Books |
1975 |
Gilde W., Altricher Siegfried |
Schneller leichter genauer, Möglichkeiten des Taschenrechners |
Fachbuchverlag Leipzig |
1987 |
Glaser Herbert |
Fit mit dem Taschenrechner |
Ravensburg/Maier (CHIP) |
1983 |
Goldberg Kenneth P. |
The parent's book on calculators |
Oxford University Press |
1983 |
Goult R.J., Pratt M.J. |
The Pocket Calculator Pocket Book |
Stanley Thomas |
1976 |
Greynold Elbert B., Cox Edwin L. |
Executive Calculator Guidebook |
Texas Instruments Inc. |
1980 |
Haddock Thomas F. |
A Collector's Guide to Personal Computers and Pocket Calculators |
Books Americana |
1993 |
Häfliger E. |
Einführung und Übungsaufgaben zum Taschenrechner |
- |
1979 |
Harris M. J. |
Navigation by pocket computer |
Sheridan House Inc. |
1989 |
Houston Keith |
Empire of the Sum |
W.W, Norton & Company |
2023 |
Hunter William L. |
Getting the most out of your electronic calculator |
Tab Books |
1974 |
Hyatt Hermann R., Feldman Bernard |
The Handheld Calculator - Use and Applications |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1979 |
Jackson Sid |
Calculate ! |
Pantheon Books |
1979 |
Jansson Lars |
Make the most of your pocket calculator |
W.Foulsham & Co. Ltd. |
1977 |
King David |
The Daily Telegraph Calculator Book |
Daily Telegraph |
1980 |
Konshak Michael V. |
Electronic Slide Rules Calculators 1972-1979 |
Int. Slide Rule Museum |
2023 |
Kreul Hans |
Was kann mein elektronischer Taschenrechner ? |
VEB Fachbuchverlag |
1981 |
Kreul Hans |
Elektroniczny kalkulator kieszonkowy |
1979 |
Kroyl G. |
Что умеет мой микрокалькулятор? (What can my calculator?) |
1981 |
Langdon & Davies |
Practice your calculator skills |
Usborne Publishing Ltd. |
1983 |
Lartigue R., Delepoulle Y. |
Formidable ma calculatrice |
Magnard |
1981 |
Levinson Henry |
Astro-Navigation by Calculator |
Olympic Marketing Corp. |
1984 |
Lewis John |
Pocket Calculator Book |
Usborne Publishing Ltd. |
1982 |
Lewis John |
Calculadoras de Bolsillo |
Ediciones PLESA |
1984 |
Löthe Herbert, Müller Kurt Peter |
Taschenrechner |
B.G. Teubner |
1979 |
de Lisle Christian |
Wie man Taschenrechner im Geschäftsleben effektiv einsetzt |
Moderne Industrie |
1985 |
Lohberg Rolf |
Taschenrechner Ganz Einfach |
Esslinger |
1984 |
Lodatko Y.A. |
Школьнику о вычислениях с микрокалькулятором (Calculators in the school) |
Prosveshcheniye |
1985 |
Litovchenko, Elizabetina |
наьлижени обчислення |
Madison Arnold, Drotar David L. |
Pocket Calculator |
Dutton Juvenile |
1978 |
Maschmann Hans-Peter,
Rübcke Karl-Heinz |
Taschenrechner, Anwendungen, Beispiele, Übungen |
Westermann |
1983 |
McCarty George |
Calculator Calculus |
EduCALC Publications |
1980 |
McHale Zhomas A., Witzke Paul E. |
Calculation and Calculators |
Addison Wesley |
1977 |
Mier-Jedrzejowicz Wlodek |
Guide to HP Handheld Calculators and Computers |
2007 |
Mier-Jedrzejowicz Wlodek, Wales Frank |
RCL 20: People, Dreams & HP Calculators |
2002 |
Mills H. Robert |
Positional Astronomy and Astro-Navigation Made Easy: A new approach using the pocket calculator |
Stanley Thornes |
1978 |
Milton, R., Beaumont, A.J. |
Electronic Calculator Markets and Suppliers |
Finresearch Series |
1974 |
Morten Andrew |
The Pocket Calculator Story |
Amberley Publishing |
2024 |
Müller Hans-Joachim |
Come si usa il calcolatore tascabile |
F. Muzzo & Co. Editore |
1978 |
Müller Hans-Joachim |
Taschenrechner |
Humboldt Verlag |
1976 |
Müller Kurt Peter |
Beispiele zum Stand der Taschenrechner-Diskussion |
Pädag. Hochsch. |
1980 |
Mullish Henry |
How to get the most of your pocket calculator |
Collier Books |
1974 |
Mullish Henry |
Comment tirer le maximum d'une mini-calculatrice |
Les Editions de l'Homme |
1975 |
Mullish Henry |
The complete pocket calculator handbook |
Collier Books |
1977 |
Mullish Henry |
How to Use a Pocket Calculator: Guide for Students and Teachers |
Arco N.Y. |
1978 |
Nora Simon, Mink Alain |
Convivere con il calcolatore |
Bompiani Editore |
1984 |
Ochkov V.F., Khmelyuk V.A. |
От микрокалькулятора к персональному компьютеру (from calculator to PC) |
1990 |
Osaki, Shinichiro |
電卓のデザイン (Design of Electronic Calculators ) |
Ohta |
2012 |
Ravn E. Dam |
Bogen om lommeregnere |
J. FR. Clausens Forlag |
1976 |
Ravn E. Dam |
Calculadoras Electronicas de Bolso |
Editorial Presenca |
1978 |
Reinhold Piene |
Zur Frage der Verwendung elektronischer Taschenrechner im Mathematikunterricht der Gymnasien |
Forsch.- u. Entw.-zent. für Obj. Lehr. - u. Lernverf. |
1975 |
Piguet Christian, Hügli Heinz |
Du zéro à l'ordinateur |
Presses Polytechniques Universitaires Romandes |
2004 |
Prenzioli, Clinceo |
Maquina calculadora, sus secretos |
Editorial Mitre |
1984 |
Rade Lennart, Kaufman B. A. |
Entdeckungen mit dem Taschenrechner |
Aulis-Verlage |
1981 |
Rade Lennart, Kaufman B. A. |
Enigmi e giochi matematici con il calcolatore tascabile |
Anthropos |
1984 |
Rebola Silvano |
La navigazione con ila calolatore tascbile |
- |
1977 |
Reid Larry |
TSD rallying with a programmable calculator |
Tab Books |
1978 |
Roberts Edwards H., Mims Forrest M. |
Electronic Calculators |
H.W. Sams |
1974 |
Rogoff Mortimer |
Calculator navigation |
Norton |
1979 |
Romanovski, T.B. |
Микрокалькуляторы врассказах и задачах |
- |
1988 |
Saks Mark |
The Calculator Cookbook |
Prentice-Hall |
1983 |
Sharp James N.C. |
The Calculator Work Box |
Addison Wesley Publishing Company |
1977 |
Schenk Bobby |
Taschenrechner in der Navigation |
Klasing+co |
1979 |
Schumny Harald |
Taschenrechner Handbuch |
Viewweg |
1977 |
Schumny Harald |
Taschenrechner + Mikrocomputer Jahrbuch 1980 |
Vieweg & Sohn |
1979 |
Schumny Harald |
Taschenrechner + Mikrocomputer Jahrbuch 1981 |
Vieweg & Sohn |
1980 |
Schumny Harald |
Taschenrechner + Mikrocomputer Jahrbuch 1983 |
Vieweg & Sohn |
1980 |
Schweizerisches Forum für den Mathematikunterricht |
Der Taschenrechner im Mathematikunterricht der obligatorischen Schulzeit und seine Auswirkung auf die Lehrpläne |
1978 |
Schwob Pierre R. |
How to use pocket calculators |
Petrocelli/Charter |
1976 |
Seibold Rudolf |
Rechnen mit dem Taschencomputer. Für Schule
und Beruf |
Buch und Zeit Verlagsgesellschaft |
1976 |
Sieber H. |
Taschenrechner im Unterricht - Algebraische Rechenlogik mit Hierarchie |
Klett |
1981 |
Sieber H., Fischer O., Ebeling F. |
Taschenrechner im Unterricht |
Klett |
1978 |
Sippl Charles J. |
Calculator Users Guide and Dictionary |
Matrix Publishers |
1976 |
Smeesters Luc |
L'ordinateur de poche |
Marabout |
1985 |
Smith J.R. |
Desk calculators |
Crosby Lockwood |
1973 |
Staps M.J.P. |
Codenames of HP Handheld Calculators and PDAs: Facts and Speculations |
1996 |
Steinbroker Dan |
Calcu / Letter |
Strauss Egon |
Minicaluladoras Electronicas |
H.A.S.A. |
Tatzl Gerfried |
Vom Taschenrechner zum Home-Computer |
Vogel |
1984 |
Tozzo Pepe |
Retro.Electro - Collecting Technology |
Universe, pp. 11-43 |
2005 |
Trohimenko J. K., Lubich, F.D. |
Микрокалькулятор, Ваш ход! (Calculator, you turn !) |
Radio i svyaz |
1985 |
Trovato Mario |
Guida al Calcolatore Tascabile |
Mondadori |
1977 |
Trovato Mario |
Il calcolatore tascabile nella scuola |
Mondadori |
1984 |
Trovato Mario |
Il calcolatore tascabile in casa |
Mondadori |
1984 |
Tweedale Geoffrey |
Calculating Machines and Computers |
Twire Album |
1990 |
Vangeluwe M., Detemmerman F, Glorieux P. |
La calculatrice de poche au Lycée |
Hachette |
1977 |
White John |
Racing Systems with the Pocket Calculator |
Foulsham |
1992 |
Wilde B. A., Bell D.A. |
The Calculator Revolution : How To Make The Most Of Your Calculator |
White Lion Publisher |
1977 |
Wilson F.A. |
Your electronic calculator and your money |
Bernard Babani Publishing |
1979 |
Whitsitt R. E., Kelly K. A.,
LaMont M. D. , Oliva R. A. |
Calculator Decision-Making Sourcebook |
Texas Instruments |
1977 |
Wynands A., Wynands U. |
Elektronische Taschenrechner in der Schule |
Vieweg Verlag |
1978 |
- |
Patenten Ideen, Taschenrechner Technologie 1975 - 2006 |
Verlag Thorsten Schwerte |
2006 |
Romanovsky Tomass B. |
Микро-калькуляторы в рассказах и играх |
Universitetskoe |
1989 |
Demenchuk V. V. |
Многочлены и микрокалькулятор |
Vysshaya shkola |
1988 |
Lyubimov K. V., Revunov A. D., Chezhegov A. A. |
Микрокалькулятор на занятиях по физике в 7 классе |
Prosveshcheniye |
1985 |
Gilde V. |
С микрокалькулятором в руках |
Mir |
1987 |
Dyakonov V. P. |
Справочник по расчётам на микрокалькуляторах |
Nauka |
1985 |
Parkhomenko, V. P. Zakharov, N. P. Romashkovo |
Программируемые микрокалькуляторы - Устройство и пользование. |
Radio i svyaz |
1990 |
Astanin L. YU., Dorskiy Y. D., Kostylev A. A. |
Применение программируемых калькуляторов для инженерных и научных расчетов |
Energoatomizdat |
1986 |
Barashikov A. Y., Gol'dberg M. G., Kushnarev Y. N. |
Справочник по расчету строительных конструкций на программируемых микрокалькулятора |
- |
1989 |
Chapka A. M. |
Расчетно-проектировочные работы на программируемых микрокалькуляторах |
Mashinostroyeniye |
1988 |
Meyos Z. |
Астрономические формулы для калькуляторов |
Mir |
1988 |
Lengdon N., Kuk Dzh., Lyuis D |
В мире математики и калькуляторов |
Pedagogika |
1990 |
Tsimring S. Y. |
Специальные функции и определённые интегралы. Алгоритмы. Программы для микрокалькуляторов |
Radio i svyaz |
1988 |
Sviderskiy E.A. |
Решение технологических задач в машиностроении с применением микрокалькуляторов |
Mashinostroyeniye |
1987 |
Uchihashi Katsuto |
考える一族 カシオ四兄弟・先端技術の航跡 (Thinking clan Casio four brothers) |
Shinchosha |
1985 |
Tamizu Umiteru |
(Calculator games) |
Mikasa books |
1978 |
Sasaki K., Satoshi Akira |
プログラム電卓による土木設計 (Civil engineering with calculator programs) |
I/O Books |
1982 |
Fuji Akirahikari |
電卓占い術 (Calculator divination) |
- |
1978 |
Tamizu Umiteru |
新電卓ゲーム (New calculator games) |
Mikasa books |
1978 |
- |
プログラム電卓ゲーム (Programmable calculator games) |
I/O Books |
1981 |
Shigerumi Nishio |
1000円電卓活用法 1 (1000 yen calculator utilization method) |
- |
1983 |
Shigerumi Nishio |
1000円電卓活用法 2 (1000 yen calculator utilization method) |
- |
1983 |
Gaming books
Autor |
Title |
Info |
Editor |
Date |
Adler David A. |
Calculator Fun |
Franklin Watts |
1981 |
Birtwistle Claude |
The Calculator Puzzle Book |
Paperfronts, Elliot Right Way Books |
1976 |
Donner Michael |
Calculator Games |
Goldencraft |
1977 |
Donner Michael |
Spiele mit Tachenrechner |
Maier |
1983 |
Du Plessis Robinson |
Jeux de calculatrices |
M.A. Editions |
1983 |
Feldzamen A.M., Henle Faye |
The Calculator Handbook |
Berkley Publishing Corp |
1973 |
Gajchtut A.G. |
Kalkulator - tvoj pomochnik y sopernik v igrach |
1988 |
Gilbert Jack |
Advanced applications for pocket calculators |
G/L Tab Books |
1975 |
Gilde Werner, Altricher Siegfried |
Mehr Spass mit dem Taschenrechner |
Fachbuchverlag |
1978 |
Gilde Werner, Altricher Siegfried |
Noch mehr Spass mit dem Taschenrechner |
VEB Fachbuchverlag |
1981 |
Gilde Werner, Altricher Siegfried |
С микрокалькулятором в руках (Mehr Spass mit dem Taschenrechner) |
1987 |
Gilde Werner, Altricher Siegfried |
С микрокалькулятором повсюду (Noch mehr Spass mit dem Taschenrechner) |
1988 |
Gilde W., Altricher Siegfried |
Schneller leichter genauer, Möglichkeiten des Taschenrechners |
Fachbuchverlag Leipzig |
1987 |
Guérin D., Vaschalde P., Warusfel A. |
Le calculateur de poche et ses jeux |
Hachette |
1976 |
Guérin D., Vaschalde P., Warusfel A. |
La calculadora de bolsillo y sus juegos |
1978 |
Guérin D., Vaschalde P., Warusfel A. |
Le calculateur programmable de poche et ses jeux |
Hachette |
1978 |
Hamilton Ben |
Calculator Fun + Games |
Armada by Fontana Paperbacks |
1981 |
Hartman Arlene |
The calculator game book for kids of all ages |
New American Library |
1977 |
Hussey Mike |
Calculator Games |
Ward Lock Limited |
1984 |
Jefimenko Oleg |
How to entertain with your pocket calculator |
Electret Scientific |
1975 |
Judd Wallace |
Games, Tricks, and Puzzles for a Hand Calculator |
Dymax |
1976 |
Judd Wallace |
Giochi, Truccchi e rompacapi per un calcolatore tascabile |
SugarCo Edizioni |
1981 |
Judd Wallace |
Games Calculators Play |
Warner Books |
1979 |
Judd Wallace |
Dogfight and more games calculators play |
Warner Books |
1977 |
Langdon Maurice |
Jouer et apprendre avec sa calculatrice |
Hachette , Echos Electronique |
1984 |
Lewis John, Davies Helen |
Rechnen und Spielen mit dem Taschenrechner |
Ravensburger, Otto Mayer Verlag |
1982 |
Olney Ross R., Olney Patricia |
Pocket Calculator Fun & Games |
Watts |
1977 |
Pallas Norvin |
Calculator Puzzles, Tricks and Games |
Dover Books |
1979 |
Pask Gordon |
Calculator Saturnalia |
Vintage Books |
1981 |
Rade Lennart, Kaufman Burt A. |
Adventures with your pocket calculators |
Penguin Books |
1984 |
Rade Lennart, Kaufman Burt A. |
Aventures avec votre calculateur |
1984 |
Rade Lennart, Kaufman Burt A. |
Entdeckungen mit dem Taschenrechner |
Aulis-Verlage |
1981 |
Rogers James T. |
The calculating book: Fun and games with your pocket calculator |
Random House |
1975 |
Rogers James T. |
Spelen met uw rekenmachientje |
Meulenhoff |
1976 |
Schlossberg Edwin, Brockman John |
The pocket calculator game book |
Morrow (Corgi) |
1975 |
Schlossberg Edwin, Brockman John |
The pocket calculator game book #2 |
Morrow |
1977 |
Schlossberg Edwin, Brockman John |
50 jeux avec votre calculatrice électronique |
Editions Radio |
1976 |
Schlossberg Edwin, Brockman John |
Spiel und Spass mit dem Taschenrechner |
Mosaik Verlag |
1976 |
Schlossberg Edwin, Brockman John |
The Kid's Pocket Calculator Book |
W.H. Allen / Virgin Books |
1978 |
Schlossberg Edwin, Brockman John |
50 Giochi facili con il calcolatrore tascabile |
SM |
1975 |
Sieverling Guido |
Spiel, Spass...und Arbeit |
Books on demand |
2007 |
Snover Stephen L. |
Brain ticklers: Puzzles & pastimes for programmable calculators |
Prentice-Hall |
1981 |
Tatzl Gerbert |
Spielpartner Mini-Computer |
Bauverlag |
1983 |
Thiaragarajan S., Stolovitch H.D. |
Games with the Pocket Calculator |
Dilithium |
1976 |
Vannier Elie, Chauveau Pierre |
Comment jouer avec votre calculatrice de poche |
Fayard |
1976 |
Vannier Elie, Chauveau Pierre |
Como jugar y divertirse con su calculadora de bolsillo |
Altalena |
1979 |
Vannier Elie |
Nuevas formas de jugar y divertirse con su calculdora |
Altalena |
1978 |
Vannier Elie |
Nouveaux jeux pour votre calculatrice de poche |
Fayard |
1977 |
Vine James |
Boggle: Calculator word / number games |
Price, Stern, Sloan Publishers |
1975 |
Wallace Judd |
Giochi, trucchi e rompicapi per un calcolatore tascabile |
Sugarco Edizioni |
1981 |
Wallace Judd |
電卓パズル&ゲーム遊びながら数学に強くなる珍問・難問 (Calculator puzzles & games: Rare and difficult questions that will help you improve your math skills) |
Sankei Books |
1977 |
Wyler Rose, Elting Mary |
Math Fun With a Pocket Calculator |
Julian Messner |
1992 |
Technical books
Autor |
Title |
Info |
Editor |
Date |
Abdullayev I. |
Математические задачи с микрокалькулятором (Mathematical problems with the calculator) |
Prosveshcheniye |
1990 |
Alt Helmut |
Angewandte Mathematik, Finanzmathematik, Statistik, Informatik für UPN-Rechner |
Springer |
1979 |
Alt Helmut |
Allgemeine Elektrotechnik, Nachrichtentechnik, Impulstechnik für UPN-Rechner |
Springer |
1980 |
Alt Helmut |
Elektrische Energietechnik, Steuerungstechnik, Elektrizitätswirtschaft für UPN-Rechner |
Springer |
1980 |
Ash/Robinson |
Basic college mathematics - a calculator approach |
Addison-Wesley |
1981 |
Ball John A. |
Algorithm for RPN calculators |
Wiley-Interscience |
1978 |
Barr Roy, Zehna Peter W. |
Statistics by calculator: solving statistics problems with the programmable calculator |
Prentice Hall |
1982 |
Beakley George C. |
The slide rule, electronic hand calculator, and metrification in problem solving |
Macmillan |
1975 |
Billings/Moursund |
Problem solving with calculators |
Dilithium Press |
1979 |
Briggs Robert J. |
Electronic calculators & office machines |
South Western |
1978 |
Buchaneck Jack, Bergin E. J. |
Piloting/navigation with a Pocket Calculator |
G/L Tab Books |
1976 |
Buckel Friedrich W. |
Rechnen mit Stab und Taschenrechner |
Hueber + Holzmann |
1975 |
Chinn/Dean/Tracewell |
Arithmetics and Calculators |
W. H. Freeman |
1978 |
Cortini Giulio, Fasano Petroni Margh. |
Fisica e matematica con il calcolatore tascabile |
Loescher |
1980 |
Daryanani Sital |
Building systems design with programmable calculators |
McGraw-Hill |
1980 |
Didi Roger, Ferrant Marc |
Thèmes mathématiques et calculatrices - Série AN |
Bordas |
1979 |
Didi Roger, Ferrant Marc |
Thèmes mathématiques et calculatrices - Série AL |
Bordas |
1979 |
Diepold Peter |
Taschenrechner-Programme zur Statistik: Eine Programmsammlung zum Lehrbuch Clauss/Ebner: Grundlagen der Statistik für Psychologen, Pädagogen und Soziologen |
H. Deutsch |
1979 |
Dodin J. Daniel |
Enter: Reverse Polish notation made easy |
1984 |
Dubish Roy, Vernon R. Hood |
Basic mathematics with hand-held calculator |
Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co. |
1979 |
Duffet-Smith Peter |
Practical astronomy with your calculator |
Cambridge University Press |
1988 |
Duffet-Smith Peter |
Astronomia pratica con l'uso del calculatore tascabile |
Sansoni Editore |
1983 |
Dunlop David L. |
Problem Solving with the Programmable Calculator |
Prentice-Hall |
1983 |
Düser Richard |
Programmierte Berechnung stehenden Holzes mit dem Taschenrechner nach der Düser-Flori-Formel |
Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift |
1978 |
Ebeling F., Fischer O., Sieber H. |
Taschenrechner im Unterricht |
Klett |
1978 |
Eisberg/Hyde |
Countdown: skydiver, rocket and sattelite motion on programmable calculators |
Dilithium Press |
1979 |
Elich Joseph |
Precalculus With Calculator Applications |
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. |
1982 |
Elich Joseph |
Trigonometry using calculators |
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. |
1980 |
Ewen Dale |
Scientific calculator Handbook |
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. |
1984 |
Finkelstein/McCarty |
Calculate basic statistics |
1982 |
Gerison Paul |
Cockpit computers |
McGraw-Hill |
1982 |
Gloistehn Hans Heinrich |
Numerische Methoden bei Integralen und gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen für programmierbare Taschenrechner (AOS) |
Vieweg |
1982 |
Goldberg Kenneth |
Pushbutton mathematics |
Prentice-Hall |
1982 |
Green David R., Lewis John |
Le scienze con il calcolatore tascabile |
Editore Franco Muzzio |
1980 |
Green D.R., Lewis Jane |
Science with Pocket Calculators |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
1978 |
Greynolds/Aronovsky/Fraine |
Financial analysis using calculators: time value of money |
McGraw-Hill |
1980 |
Hainer Karl |
Numerische Algorithmen auf programmierbaren Taschenrechnern |
Bibliographisches Institut |
1980 |
Hauf Annemarie |
Erfahrungsberichte zur Pilotstudie Programmierbare Taschenrechner im Unterricht |
Inst. für Unterrichtswiss. |
1980 |
Hauf A., Sturm |
Taschenrechner im Unterricht - Aufgabensammlung |
Klett |
1979 |
Henrici Peter |
Essential of numerical analysis with pocket calculator demonstrations |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1982 |
Hering Ekbert, Kicherer Hans-Peter |
Taschenrechner für Wirtschaft und Finanzen. Finanzmathematik |
Vieweg Friedr. + Sohn Ver. |
1980 |
Hesteness/Hill |
Alebgra and Trigonometry with calculators |
Prentice-Hall |
1981 |
Höhnle Adolf |
Elektrotechnik mit dem Taschenrechner. Einführung in das Programmieren |
Teubner B.G. GmbH |
1981 |
Hollister Herbert |
The real estate amth primer; problem solving with the hand-held calculator |
Prentice-Hall |
1983 |
Hutchins Anthony G. |
Modern Financial Computation |
Hutchins |
1983 |
Huffman Harry |
Principles of Business Mathematics Using the Electronic Calculator |
McGraw-Hill |
1978 |
Hyatt Hermann R., Small Laurence |
Trigonometry, a calculator approach |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1982 |
Ickenroth Peter |
Planen, kalkulieren, kontrollieren mit BASIC Taschenrechner |
Sybex |
1984 |
Jones Aubrey |
Mathematical astronomy with a pocket calculator |
John Wiley & Sons |
1978 |
Jones Aubrey |
Astronomia con il calcolatore tascabile |
Franco Muzzio Editore |
1981 |
Kerle Hanfried |
Getriebetechnik Dynamik für Upn- und AOS-Rechner |
Springer |
1982 |
Keys Gerry |
Practical navigation by calculator |
Stanford maritime |
1982 |
Knoerr R. |
Montages autour d'une calculatrice |
Ed. Techniques et scientifiques francaises |
1982 |
Lartigue R. |
Pratique de la calculatrice scientifique |
Magnard |
1981 |
McCarty George |
Calculator Calculus |
1980 |
Meeus Jean |
Astronomical formulae for calculators |
William-Beil |
1982 |
Morgan Kenneth Scott |
Calculator Programs for Pipe Stress Engineering |
Wiley |
1986 |
Morris Janet |
How to Develop Problem Solving Using a Calculator |
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
1981 |
Moser Otto |
Der elektronische Taschenrechner als nützliche Hilfe im grafischen Gewerbe |
Allg. Gewerbeschule |
1979 |
Müller Rudolf |
Die Elektronik entdecken mit selbstgebautem Taschenrechner |
Rudolf Müller Verlag, Technik & Natur |
1975 |
Mullish/Kestebaum |
Financial analysis by calculator |
Prentice-Hall |
1982 |
Nahrstedt Harald |
Statik - Kinematik - Kinetik für AOS-Rechner |
Springer |
1980 |
Milovidov G.P., Perlov I.P., Prichodko V.M. |
программируемый микрокалькулятор в учебном процессе (Programmable microcalculator in the educational process) |
1987 |
Noack Siegfried |
Statistische Auswertung Von Mess- Und Versuchsdaten Mit Taschenrechner Und Tischcomputer |
Walther de Gruyter & Co. |
1980 |
Noel George, Bastier Jacques |
Mathématiques et calculatrice de poche
Technique et Vulgarisation |
1978 |
Noll Edward M. |
Basic Electronics math with a scientific calculator |
Sams |
1977 |
Ocana Alexandre |
Stratégie pour le calcul scientifique |
Casio |
1984 |
Oliva R. A., LaMont M. D., Fowler L. R. |
The Great International Math On Keys Book |
Texas Instruments |
1976 |
Patterson G.A. |
Energy analysis with a pocket calculator |
Basic Science Press |
1981 |
Patterson G.A. |
Engine thermodynamics with a pocket calculator |
Basic Science Press |
1983 |
Paxson Edwin W. |
Hand calculator programs for staff officers |
Rand |
1978 |
Franco Potenza |
La matematica per il calcolatore tascabile |
Ulrico Hoepli Editore |
1980 |
Roberts Edward M. |
Fingertip Math |
Texas Instruments |
1974 |
Roberts Edward M. |
Fingertip Math |
Radio Shack |
1974 |
Rogoff Mortimer |
Calculator Navigation |
W. W. Norton & Company |
1980 |
Rosenstein Morton |
Computing With The Scientific Calculator |
Casio |
1986 |
Rosenstein Morton |
Strategies for scientific calculating |
Casio |
1982 |
Rosser J. Barley, De Boor Carl |
Pocket Calculator Supplement for Calculus |
Addison-Wesley Educ. Publishers Inc. |
1979 |
Roth Günter Dietmar |
Taschenrechner Handbuch: Naturwiss., Technik |
Vieweg |
1976 |
Salisbury David |
Money matters |
Prentice-Hall |
1982 |
Sánchez Hernández, Augusto
Calviño Castelo, Santiago |
Manual de calculadora científica para BUP y FP |
Escuela Espanola |
1992 |
Sherran Peter |
Essential Calculator Practice |
Nelson Thornes |
1986 |
Shaeffer Ralph E. |
Calculator Layout: The Numerical Concept |
Ralmar Pr Pubns |
1984 |
Sharp Keith |
Passive solar heating analysis programs for programmable handheld calculators |
Solar Environmental Engineering Co. |
1980 |
Sharp Keith |
Sun angle and shading analysis for programmable handheld calculators |
Solar Environmental Engineering Co. |
1978 |
Sharp Vicki F. |
How to Solve Statistical Problems With Your Pocket Calculator |
McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics |
1982 |
Schufeldt H.H. |
The calculator afloat: Mariner's guide to the electronic calculator |
Naval Institute Press |
1980 |
Slocum Jonah |
Celestial navigation with a pocket calculator |
Basic Science |
1980 |
Smith Jon M. |
Financial analysis & business decisions on the pocket calculator |
Wiley |
1976 |
Smith Jon M. |
Scientific Analysis on the Pocket Calculator |
John Wiley & Sons |
1975 |
Smith Jon M. |
Méthodes numériques pour calculateur de poche |
Eyrolles |
1977 |
Smith Jon M. |
Numerische Probleme und ihre Lösung mit dem Taschenrechner |
Vieweg Friedr. + Sohn |
1981 |
TI Learning Center |
Calculator Analysis for Business and Finance |
Texas Instruments Inc. |
1977 |
TI Learning Center |
Understanding calculator math |
Texas Instruments Inc. |
1978 |
TI Learning Center |
Student Calculator Math Book |
Texas Instruments Inc. |
1980 |
Vervoort Gerardus |
Beginning Calculator Math |
Fearon Teacher Aids |
1980 |
Vervoort Gerardus, Mason Dale |
Calculator Math |
Fearon Teacher Aids |
1995 |
Sharp Vicky |
How to Solve Statistical Problems with Your Pocket Calculator |
Tab Books |
1982 |
Shelest A.E. |
микро-калькуляторы v фесике |
Nauka |
1988 |
Pukhnachev YU. V., Danilov I. D. |
Микрокалькуляторы для всех |
Znaniye |
1986 |
Romanovskiy T. B. |
Микрокалькуляторы в рассказах и играх |
Университетское |
1987 |
Belyy YU. A. |
Электронные микрокалькуляторы и техника вычислений |
Znaniye |
1981 |
Shapiro S. I., Boyko A. B. |
Программируемые микрокалькуляторы в обучении |
Radio i svyaz' |
1989 |
Trokhimenko, V.P. Zakharov, N. P. Romashko i dr. |
Программируемые микрокалькуляторы: Устройство и пользование |
Radio i svyaz' |
1990 |
- |
Микрокалькуляторы в играх и задачах |
Nauka |
1986 |
Fink L. M |
Папа, мама, я и микрокалькулятор |
1988 |
Pukhnachov YU.V. Danilov I.D. |
Микрокалькуляторы для всех |
1986 |
Lyubimov K.V., Revunov A.D., Chezhegov A.A. |
Микрокалькулятор на занятиях по физике в 7 классе |
Prosveshcheniye |
1985 |
Tatzl Gerfried |
Der Taschenrechner als Mini-Computer 1 :
Optimale Nutzung von Elektronenrechnern |
Wiedbaden |
1979 |
Tatzl Gerfried |
Der Taschenrechner als Mini-Computer 2 : Kalkulation in Produktionsbetrieben mit programmierbaren Elektronenrechnern |
Bauverlag BV |
1979 |
Tatzl Gerfried |
Der Taschenrechner als Mini-Computer 3 : Auswertung von Baustoffprüfungen mit programmierbaren Elektronenrechnern |
Bauverlag BV |
1980 |
Tatzl Gerfried |
Der Taschenrechner als Mini-Computer 4 : Anlagenbuchhaltung und kalkulatorische Kostenermittlung mit programmierbaren Elektronenrechnern |
Bauverlag BV |
1980 |
Tatzl Gerfried |
Der Taschenrechner als Mini-Computer 5 : Anwendungsbeispiele programmierbarer Elektronenrechner |
Bauverlag BV |
1981 |
Tatzl Gerfried |
Der Taschenrechner als Mini-Computer 6 :
Lösung von Aufgaben hohen Schwierigkeitsgrads mit Hilfe programmierbarer Elektronenrechner |
Bauverlag BV |
1981 |
Vangeluwe M., Glorieux P. |
La Calculatrice scientifique |
Hachette |
1979 |
Vitrant P. |
Calculatrices de poche et informatique - Fonctionnement et applications |
Masson |
1980 |
Warner Joan Elisabeth |
Business Calculator Operations |
Prentice-Hall |
1983 |
Weir Maurice |
Calculator Clout: Programming Methods for Your Programmable |
Prentice-Hall |
1981 |
Westermann Horst-Dietmar |
Berechnung der Energiegehalte im Mischfutter mit Taschenrechner |
Dt. Landwirtschafts-Ges. |
1981 |
Williams David |
Mathematics Teacher's Complete Calculator Handbook |
Prentice-Hall |
1984 |
Winia D. |
Guide pour l'utlisation des calculatrices scientifiques |
Eyrolles |
1979 |
Zehna Peter W. |
Probability with calculator |
Prentice-Hall |
1982 |
Zehna Peter W. |
Statistics by Calculator |
Prentice-Hall |
1982 |
Sasaki Tadashi |
電卓技術教科書 - Calculator Technology Textbook - Fundamentals |
Radio Technology Co., Ltd. |
1971 |
Sasaki Tadashi |
電卓技術教科書 - Calculator Technology Textbook - Research Edition |
Radio Technology Co., Ltd. |
1973 |
- |
MOS/LSI Databook |
National Semiconductors |
1977 |
Everything you've always wanted to know about RPN |
T.K. Enterprises |
1976 |
- |
Comment utiliser une calculatrice scientifique |
Shift Editions |
80's |
Programming books
Autor |
Title |
Info |
Editor |
Date |
Allen J.M., Medley Max W. |
Microwave Circuit Design Using Programmable Calculators |
Artech |
1980 |
Alt Helmut |
Angewandte Mathematik Finanzmathematic Statistik Informatik für UPN-Rechner |
Viewveg |
Andersen Adolf, Zirpel Martin |
Die Programmierpraxis der technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen
Taschenrechner |
Franzis |
1984 |
Appert M., De Fraguier B.R. |
Programmer sur calculatrices et ordinateurs de poche |
Dunod |
1996 |
Aronovsky J., Frame R., Gerynolds E. |
Programmable calculators : Business Applications |
McGraw-Hill |
1978 |
Barnes John Edmund |
Pocket programmable calculators in biochemistery |
Wiley-Interscience |
1980 |
Baumgartner Gary, Petigan Jean-Marie |
Pico-informatique et gestion d'entreprise |
édition d'organisation |
1981 |
Böhme Hans-Dietrich |
Programmierbare Taschenrechner |
DVW-Bayern |
1982 |
Blackwell W. Wayne |
Chemical Process Design on a Programmable Calculator |
Mcgraw-Hill |
1984 |
Bromm Karl Udo |
Programmierbare Taschenrechner in Schule und Ausbildung |
Vieweg & Sohn |
1979 |
Bruhn Jörn |
Statistik für programmierbare Taschenrechner |
Vieweg Friedr. + Sohn |
1984 |
Carlson Bruce |
Sourcebook for Programmable Calculators |
Texas Instruments Inc. |
1978 |
Clarke Frank |
Calculator programming for chemistry and the life science |
Academic Press |
1982 |
Cole Jim |
Pocket computer programming make easy |
ARCsoft Publishers |
1981 |
Cornu B., Robert C. |
Du calcul à la programmation |
Magnard |
1981 |
Danilov I.D. |
Секреты программируемого микрокалькулятора. |
- |
1986 |
Daryanani Sital |
Building Systems Design with Programmable Calculators |
McGraw-Hill |
1980 |
Didi Roger, Ferrant Marc |
LRN tout un programme... |
Bordas |
1980 |
Eisberg Robert M. |
Countdown: Skydiver, rocket, and satellite motion on programmable calculators |
Dilithium Press |
1979 |
Eisberg Robert M. |
Applied mathematical physics with programmable pocket calculators |
McGraw-Hill |
1976 |
Eisberg Robert M. |
Mathematische Physik für die Benutzer programmierbarer Taschenrechner |
Oldenbourg |
1981 |
Engelsohn Harold S. |
Programming Programmable Calculators |
Hyden Book Co. |
1978 |
Farrando Ramon |
Como programar las calculadoras de bolsillo |
1982 |
Gloistehn H. H. |
Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele mit dem programmierbaren Taschenrechner (AOS) |
Vieweg+Teubner |
1981 |
Gloistehn H. H., Thießen P. |
Programmieren von Taschenrechnern (5 volumes) |
vieweg |
1980 |
Guérin D., Vaschalde P., Warusfel A. |
Le calculateur programmable de poche et ses jeux |
Hachette |
1978 |
Guenter Schoenberg |
Einsatz programmierbarer, druckender Taschenrechner für Einzel- und Routineberechnungen im Bau- und Ausbaubetrieb |
RG-Bau |
1980 |
Heller Hartmut, Tatzl Gerfried |
Programmierbare Taschenrechner in der Agrarwirtschaft |
1982 |
Hellwig F. |
Saitenberechnung mit dem programmierten Taschenrechner |
- |
1983 |
Hoffman D., Mohler L. |
Mathematical Recreations for the Programmable Calculator |
Hayden Book Co. |
1982 |
Hoffman Norbert |
Allgemeinde Anwendungen (TI-59, HP-41C, FX-602P) |
Vieweg+Teubner |
1984 |
Hohenstein Louis |
Using programmable calculators for business |
Wiley |
1982 |
Hocquemiller Marcel |
Mathématiques Appliquées Et Calculatrices Programmables |
Masson |
Kolb William |
Curve fitting for programmable calculators |
Imcec |
1984 |
Kompis Martin |
Programmierbare Taschenrechner selbst gebaut |
Elektor |
2008 |
Kreul Hans |
Programmierbare Taschenrechner |
VEB Fachbuchverlag |
1981 |
Lange Dieter |
Standardprogramme der Netzwerkanalyse für BASIC - Taschencomputer (CASIO) |
Vieweg Friedr. + Sohn |
1988 |
Ludwig Hans-Joachim |
Programmieren von Taschenrechnern (AOS) |
Vieweg |
1979 |
Marter Melvin |
Handheld Calculator Programs for Engineering Design |
McGraw-Hill |
1983 |
Meck H.R. |
Scientific analysis for programmable calculators |
Prentice-Hall |
1981 |
Meyer Michael |
Ökologische Datensätze - Programme für Aos-Rechner und Basic-Taschencomputer (TI 58, 59, PC 1211, 1212) |
Springer |
1984 |
Morgan Kenneth Scott |
Calculator Programmes for Pipe Stress Engineering |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. |
1986 |
Mullish Henry |
Programmable Pocket Calculators |
Hayden Book |
1980 |
Murdock Bruce |
Handbook of electronic design and analysis procedures using programmable calculators |
Rade Lennart |
Take a chance with your calculator - probability problems for programmable calculator |
Dilithium Press |
1977 |
Rade Lennart |
Tentez votre chance avec votre calculateur programmable |
Dilithium Press |
1977 |
Reid Larry T. |
TSD rallying with a programmable calculator |
Tab Books |
1978 |
Rothman J., Boice H., Austin H. |
Epidemiologic Analysis with a Programmable Calculator |
U.S. Dept. of Health |
1979 |
Sacher W. |
Einführung Statistik für programmierbare Taschenrechner |
Oldenburg |
1977 |
Schauer H., Barta G. |
Methoden der Programmerstellung für Tisch- und Taschenrechner |
Springer |
1979 |
Sippl Charles, Sipple Roger |
Programmable calculators: how to use them |
Matrix Publishers |
1978 |
Snover Stephen, Spikel Mark |
How to programm your programmable calculator |
Prentice-Hall |
1979 |
Sternberg L.F. |
Программирование на микрокалькуляторе (Programming on a Microcalculator) |
- |
1988 |
Venz Gerhard |
Lineare Algebra für programmierbare Taschenrechner |
Oldenbourg |
1980 |
Volk William |
Engineering statistics with a programmable calculator |
McGraw-Hill |
1982 |
Weber Helmut, Grami Jehanger |
Numerische Verfahren für programmierbare Taschenrechner |
Bibliographisches Institut |
1980 |
Cavaseno Vincent |
Calculator programs for chemical engineers |
Chemical engineers magazine |
1982 |
D. J. Deutsch |
Calculator programs for chemical engineers vol. 2 |
McGraw-Hill |
1984 |
- |
Train-ing with Your EC-4000 Programmable Calculator |
Tandy Corporation |
1977 |
Machine specific books
Autor |
Title |
Info |
Editor |
Date |
Baier Erwin |
Programmieren von Taschenrechnern: SR-56, SR-51 |
Ennsthaler |
1977 |
Bauman W. Scott, Komarynsky Jaroslaw, Goytre John C. Siska |
Investment Securities Program Guide: Using the Hp-12C |
Mcgraw-Hill |
1986 |
Chassinat, R. |
Programmez votre calculatrice de poche TI 57/TI 58/TI 59 |
Editions Technique Et Vulgarisation |
1981 |
Chenevert Martin E. |
HP-41Cv Applied Drilling Engineering Manual |
Gulf Publishing Co. |
1983 |
Coffin W, Loux J. W. |
An Easy Course In Using The HP-27S |
Grapewine Publication |
1988 |
Cornu Bernard, Robert Claudine |
Mathématique et calculatrice programmable T.I. 57LCD |
Magnard |
1983 |
Dearing John |
Calculator tips and routines (especially for the hp-41c/41cv) |
corvallis software inc. |
Dearing John S., Jarett Keith |
Tricks, Tips und Routinen für Taschenrechner der Serie HP 41 |
Heldermann |
1984 |
Dodin J.-D. |
Au fond de la HP-41C |
Editions of Cagire |
1984 |
Donnelly J. |
The HP-48 Handbook |
Armstrong Publishing |
1990 |
Duffy E., Foley G. |
Canola in the classroom |
Sapphire Books |
1975 |
Duval N. |
Premiers pas vers l'informatique de gestion à l'aide du TI-57 |
Maganrd |
1981 |
Emery Ken |
HP-41 MCode for Beginners |
Synthetix |
1985 |
Ferrard, J.-M. |
La Maitrise de la HP-28S |
D3I Diffusion |
1990 |
Fraikin D., Suquet C. |
Du bon usage de la calculatrice au lycée - Appliqué à la HP-20S |
Hatier |
1989 |
Friedl Josef, Krajicek Gerhard, Meissl Peter |
Taschenrechner Hewlett-Packard HP-45: Die Benützung und Anwendungsbeispiele
für die Vermessungstechnik |
Geodät. Institut |
1974 |
Gloggengiesser, Kröplin, Lhotzky |
TI-Taschenrechner im Unterricht |
mvg-Verlag |
1979 |
Hewlett Packard |
HP-92 Calculator Investor Applications |
Hewlett Packard |
1977 |
Garrison Paul |
Programming the TI-59 and the HP-41 Calculators |
McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics |
1982 |
Gery William |
La gestion sur HP-41 |
Eyrolles |
1984 |
Henrici Peter |
Analytische Rechenverfahren für den Taschenrechner HP-25 |
R. Oldenbourg |
1978 |
Henrici Peter |
Computational Analysis With The HP-25 Pocket Calculator |
John Wiley & Sons Inc |
1977 |
Houbert Pierre |
LRN Programmer en LMS - TI-57 / TI-58 / TI-59 |
TheBookEdition |
2012 |
Houbert Pierre |
LRN Programming my TI - TI-57 / TI-58 / TI-59 |
TheBookEdition |
2012 |
Jarett Keith |
HP-41 Synthetic Programming Made Easy |
Synthetix |
1983 |
Jarett Keith |
HP-41 La programmation synthétique c'est facile |
Editions of Cagire |
1984 |
Jarett Keith |
HP-41 Extended functions made easy |
Synthetix |
1983 |
Jarret Keith, McCornack Alan |
HP-41 Advanced Programming Tips |
Synthetix |
1987 |
Kahlig Peter |
Graphische Darstellung mit dem Taschenrechner (TI-58/58C und TI-59) |
Vieweg |
1981 |
Kahlig Peter |
Elliptische Integrale für TI-58, 59 |
Springer |
1983 |
Kahman Jürgen |
Numerische Mathematik: Programme für den TI 59 |
Springer |
1981 |
Kezirian Philippe
Assembleur sur HP48 |
D3i Diff. |
Kreth Horst |
Lehr- und Übungsbuch für die Rechner Sharp PC-1246/47, PC-1251, PC-1260/61, PC-1350, PC-1401/02 |
Vieweg |
1986 |
Lange Dieter |
Algorithmen der Netzwerkanalyse für programmierbare Taschenrechner (HP 41 C) |
Vieweg |
1982 |
Lange Dieter |
Analyse elektrischer und elektronischer Netzwerke mit Basic-Programmen (Sharp PC-1251 und PC-1500) |
Springer |
1984 |
Lartigue R. |
Programmothèque mathématique TI 57/58/59 |
Magnard |
1981 |
Lartigue R, Leventoux M. |
Initiation à la programmation sur TI-57 |
Magnard |
1981 |
Meehan D. Nathan |
HP-41 Reservoir Engineering Manual |
Pennwell Corp. |
1982 |
Mier-Jedrejowicz W. A. |
Extend Your HP-41 |
Synthetix |
1986 |
Mier-Jedrejowicz W. A. |
Customizing your HP-28 |
Synthetix |
1988 |
Milovidov, Perlov, Prichodko |
??????????????? ????????????????? ? ??????? ???????? MK-54 |
Vyscha School Kiev |
1989 |
Pulluard Robert |
La HP-48 en liberté |
D3i Diffusion |
1994 |
Rado Roy |
Rado's Marine Navigation Programs: For Casio FX2700P and FX3600P Pocket Calculators |
Rado Enterprises |
1982 |
Rosenstein Morton |
Using the Scientific Calculator: A Guide to the Sharp El 5065, El 508, El 509 |
John Wiley & Sons |
1981 |
Skillman William A. |
Radar calculations using the TI-59 programmable calculator |
Artech House |
1983 |
Schärf Julius , Schierer Helmut ,Baron Werner |
Programmieren mit dem Taschenrechner TI-57 |
Oldenbourg |
1978 |
Schärf Julius, Schierer Helmut, Strecha Robert |
Der Taschenrechner SR-51-II in Schule und Praxis |
Oldenbourg |
1977 |
Schärf Julius |
Programmieren mit den Taschenrechnern TI-58 und TI-59 |
Oldenbourg R. Verlag GmbH |
1980 |
Schärf Julius, Schierer Helmut, Strecha Robert |
Die Taschenrechner SR-50A und SR-51A in Schule und Praxis |
Oldenbourg |
1977 |
Schärf Julius , Schierer Helmut ,Baron Werner |
Programmieren mit dem Taschenrechner SR-56 |
Oldenbourg R. Verlag GmbH |
1978 |
Sharp Electronics |
Conquering the Sciences - Applications for the Sharp EL-515S Scientific Calculator |
Sharp Electronics |
1983 |
Smith Jon M. |
Advanced analysis with the Sharp 5100 scientific calculator |
Wiley |
1979 |
Snover Stephen L., Spikele Mark A. |
Programming the TI-55 slide rule calculator |
Prentice Hall |
1982 |
Spindler F. |
Sammlung von mathematischen und regelungstechnischen Programmen für den Taschenrechner TI-59 |
Univ. Dortmund |
1980 |
Staps M.J.P. |
Codenames of HP Handheld Calculators and PDAs |
Stichting POCKET |
1996 |
Strelyanov A. I. |
Производство вычислений на программируемых микрокалькуляторах (МК-52, МК-54, МК-61) |
Mashinostroyeniye |
1990 |
Swinnen Maurice E.T. |
Application software for the Sharp EL-5500 and PC-1403 scientific computers |
Systems Publications |
1987 |
Szilard Rudolf |
Finite Tragwerksanalyse mit dem Taschenrechner TI-59 |
Ernst W. + Sohn |
1986 |
Texas Instruments |
Understanding Calculator Math |
Texas Instruments |
1976 |
Thrift Stanley W. |
Ti-59 and HP-41CV Instrument Engineering Programs |
Gulf Publishing Co. |
1983 |
Thrift Stanley W. |
Hp 41CV Instrument Engineering Programs Bar Code Supplement |
Gulf Pub. Co. |
1983 |
Vaske P., Dörrscheidt F., Selle D. |
Programmierbare Taschenrechner in der Elektrotechnik. Anwendung der TI58 und TI59 |
Teubner |
1981 |
Wadman Ted, Coffin Chris |
An Easy Course in Programming the HP-11C and HP-15C |
Grapevine Publications, Inc. |
1984 |
Wadman Ted, Coffin Chris |
An Easy Course in Using the HP 12C and Other HP Financial Calculators |
Grapevine Publications, Inc. |
1984 |
Wickes W.C. |
Synthetic programming on the HP-41C |
Larken |
1981 |
Wickes W.C. |
La programmation synthétique de la HP-41 |
Éditions du Cagire |
1984 |
Wolf Frank, Hank Volker |
Inside The HP-41 |
1985 |
- |
Taschenrechner HP 45 und HP 65: Programme und Anwendung im Vermessungswesen;
eröffentlichung des Institutes für Allgemeine Geodäsie |
Technische Hochschule Wien |
1974 |
- |
Die Taschenrechner TI-30, TI-45 und SR-40 in Schule und Praxis |
R. Oldenbourg Verlag |
1977 |
- |
Programmer Soi-même |
Texas Instruments |
1977 |
- |
The Calculator and Converter Handbook |
Texas Instruments |
1981 |
- |
Making tracks into Programming - TI-Programmable 57 |
Texas Instruments |
- |
Programmieren mit dem Taschenrechner TI-51-III |
Oldenbourg R. Verlag GmbH |
1978 |
Site |
Description |
Link |
BE-CALC, Devidts Serge |
The history of Mister Rocket | |
Ohio State University |
Calculators: A categorized compilation of references | |
Ohio State University |
Reference bulletins from the calculator information center | |
Casio Ltd |
History of CASIO | |
Datamath Collector Musuem, Jörg Wörner |
The Story of the Datamath Calculator | |
EE times |
Commercial reality | |
HP museum , Mier-Jedrzejowicz W. |
HP Calculator History - Calculator Families | |
HPcalc calculators literature |
Hewlett Packard calculator literature | |
John Wolff's Web Museum |
Sharp models | |
La Maison des Calculatrices Classiques, Evrard Gérard |
Histoire générale | |
Tertisco Alexandru |
Calculatoare Stiintifice | |
The calculator reference, Furr Rick |
Electronic displays | |
TI-time |
Calculatrices digitales de poche | |
Vintage Calculator Web Museum, Tout Nigel |
The race to make a calculator | |
Vintage Calculator Web Museum, Tout Nigel |
Calculator Technology |
Vintage Calculator Web Museum, Tout Nigel |
Calculator Companies |
Vintage Calculator Web Museum, Gilbert Larry |
Commodore hand-held calculators 1971-1978 |
Calcolatrici tascabili digitali |
Calcolatrici tascabili digitali | |
Unusual WEB |
Soviet Calculators vs. Evolution | |
Xnumber world of calculators, Redin James |
A Brief History of Calculators | |