| Description |
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A |
abc (5) | 1991 | Musical composition language. This notation language was originally designed for transcribing Irish folk tunes, but has since evolved into a considerably richer language allowing, for example, polymetric output on multiple staves. This music notation format has the advantage of being extremely concise and fairly readable. | UK | Music | - |  |
Adagio | 1984 | Scoring language used by the Carnegie Mellon Midi Toolkit (CMT). | USA | Music | - |  |
ALMA (1) | 1970 | Alphanumeric Language for Music Analysis. Music programming language. | Institute for Computer Research in the Humanities (NYU), USA | Music | - | - |
AML | 1981 | AML consisted of an interpreter and a compiler. The compiler was written in and used a lobotomized version of the Digital Research MAC assembler. The compiler generated code that was read by the interpreter. The AML interpreter was written in Intel 8080 assembly language. The interpreter created up to 8 virtual machines that drove analog synthesizers using various D/A and A/D hardware. | Electronic Arts Research (EAR), USA | Music | - |  |
AMPLE | 1984 | FORTH-like language for programming the 500/5000 series of add-on music synthesizers for the BBC micro. Many listings published in Acorn User magazine. | Hybrid Technologies, Cambridge, UK | Music | - |  |
Arctic | 1984 | Real-time functional language, used for music synthesis. | USA | Music | - |  |
ARES/MARS | 1997 | Development system for realtime Digital Signal Processing techniques, sound synthesis, filters and sound effects. Sound and MIDI environments can be developped which allow it to be used as a MIDI musical instrument. | IRIS s.r.l., Italy | Music | - |  |
autoklang | 1970s | Music language implemented in Algol. | USA | Music | - |  |
B |
BOLT (1) | 1970s | Music language implemented in asssembler for the Buchla Lightning. | USA | Music | - | - |
C |
CAL (4) | 1992 | Cakewalk Authoring Language. Music language for Cakewalk. | USA | Music | - |  |
Canon | 1989 | Musical Score creation language. | - | Music | - |  |
CCPL | 1993 | Common Composer's Programming programming environment aiming at composers and researchers in the field of electroacoustic music. | Sweden | Music | - |  |
ChucK | 2003 | Programming language for real-time sound synthesis and music creation. | Princeton Sound Lab, USA | Music | - |  |
CLM | 1990 | Common Lisp Music. MUSIC V written in Common LISP. | USA | Music | - |  |
CLM-2 | 2000 | Common Lisp Music Version 2 of Common Lisp Music. The new version, named CLM-2, represents a large-scale revision of the version that existed from 1990 to 1999. | USA | Music, AI | - |  |
CMIX | 1980s | Package of routines for editing, processing, and creating soundfiles. Adapted from the MIX program. | USA | Music | - |  |
CMN | 1990 | Common Music Notation. Musical notation language written in Common Lisp. | Stanford, USA | Music | - |  |
Cmusic | 1990 | Musical composition language. | USA | Music | - |  |
Common Music | 1989 | Musical composition language. | Stanford, USA | Music | - |  |
CompoSeq5 | 2000 | Environment with Stackbased language for music composition. Algorithmic composition, sequences. | - | Music | - |  |
Csound | 1986 | Popular and widely used software synthesis package in the tradition of so-called music-N languages. It consists of an orchestra- and score-driven executable, written in C for portability. | University of Bath, UK | Music | - |  |
CYBIL (2) | 1995 | Compositional language for the efficient specification of arbitrarily complex Csound scores. It is integrated into CECILIA and can be used to generate scores for any kind of Csound orchestra. | Université de Montréal, Canada | Music | - |  |
D |
DARMS | 1975 | DigitAl Representation of Musical Scores . Music language. | Columbia University, USA | Music | - |  |
E |
EEL | 2005 | Extensible Embeddable Language. Scripting and programming language intended for scripting in real time systems with cycle rates in the kHz range, such as musical synthesizers and industrial control systems. | - | - |  | - |
ELMOL | 1970 | Electronic Music Oriented Language. Also ELMOL 70. A language to use the computer with a musical instrument, the Moog Synthesizer.
There are digital-to-analog converters which convert a binary number from the computer into an analog voltage which affects the Moog Synthesizer. Compiler is written in FORTRAN IV for IBM 1130. | St . Olaf College , New Ulm, MN, USA | Music | - |  |
Etude | 1979 | Music programming language. | USA | Music | - |  |
Euterpe | 1964 | Computer language for the expression of musical ideas. | MIT, USA | Music | - |  |
F |
FAUST | 2002 | Functional Audio Stream. Functional programming language specifically designed for real-time signal processing and synthesis. | Centre National de Création Musicale, France | Music |  |  |
Flavors Band | 1984 | Musical composition language. | USA | Music | - |  |
Foo | 1994 | The Foo environment consists of the Foo Kernel layer and the Foo Control layer. The Foo Kernel layer is implemented in Objective-C and is made accessible to Scheme through a set of types and primitives added to the Elk Scheme interpreter. The Foo Control layer is implemented in Scheme and OOPS, an object-oriented extension to Scheme. | IRCAM, France | Music | - |  |
Ford-Columbia Input Language | 1970 | Music programming language. | USA | Music | - |  |
Formes | 1984 | Object-oriented language for music composition and synthesis, written in VLISP. | France | Music, AI | - |  |
Formula (1) | 1991 | FORTH Music Language. An extension of FORTH with concurrent note- playing processes. | USA | Music | - |  |
Fugue | 1989 | Music language, implemented in Xlisp. | - | Music, AI | - |  |
G |
GROOVE | 1970 | Generating Realtime Operations On Voltage-controlled Equipment. Musical composition language. | Bell Labs, USA | Music | - |  |
GW-BASIC | 1983 | Gee Whiz BASIC. BASICA compatible; independent of IBM ROM routines. Came with versions of MS-DOS before 5.0. Included music macro language and advanced loops. (DOS and Windows). | Microsoft, USA | - |  |  |
H |
Haskore | 1996 | Set of Haskell modules for creating, analysing and manipulating music | USA | Music | - |  |
HMSL | 1985 | Hierarchical Music Specification Language. programming language for experimental music composition and performance. It was popular between 1986 to 1996. HMSL is an object oriented set of extensions to the Forth language for the Amiga and the Macintosh. | Mobileer Inc., USA | Music | - |  |
Hyperlisp | 1994 | Real-time MIDI programming environment embedded in Macintosh Common Lisp. | MIT Media Laboratory, USA | Music | - |  |
I |
IBM VS-BASIC | 1970s | Mainframe hybrid compiler/interpreter implementation frequently used with such operating systems as McGill University's MUSIC/SP. | USA | Music |  | - |
J |
JMSL | 1998 | Java Music Specification Language. Programming environment for experiments in music performance, composition, and intelligent instrument design. Based on HMSL. | USA | Music | - |  |
K |
KeyKit | 1995 | Interpreted multi-tasking awk-like language designed for MIDI algorithmic and realtime manipulation. | USA | Music | - |  |
Keynote | 1990 | Interpreted programming language and GUI, algorithmic and realtime MIDI processing, music editor written in Keynote itself, hence customizable, piano-roll style with pop-up menus. | USA | Music | - |  |
KyCE | 2006 | Kymatica Compositional Environment. Object-oriented compositional environment based on Nasal, a clean and flexible dynamically typed scripting language with garbage collection. Suitable for live performance (real-time recompiling of objects), algorithmic composition and experiments. | Sweden | Music | - |  |
Kyma | 1986 | Language for specifying and manipulating sound. | Symbolic Sound Corporation, USA | Music | - |  |
L |
LOOM | 1993 | Language Of Objects Of Music. Visual programming language for defining algorithmic processes and composition structures. | UK | Music | - |  |
M |
ManuScript | 1998 | Simple CAL like language for manipulating MIDI and Sibelius specific data. | USA | Music |  |  |
Max | 1986 | Graphical, object-oriented language in which precompiled input/output primitives of specific function can be 'patched' together graphically onscreen to create large interactive systems. | IRCAM, France | Music | - |  |
McLeyvier Command Language | 1981 | Macro language for configuration and control of analog oscillators, filters, VCAs, LFOs, amp, mixer, etc., music notation. | Hazelcom, USA | Music | - |  |
MIX | 1978 | Conceived to perform algorithmic composition using digital audio soundfiles on a IBM 3031 mainframe computer. | Princeton University, USA | Music | - | - |
MML | 1983 | Macro Music Language used by the BASIC interpreter on MSX home computers. | Microsoft /ASCII Corp., USA | Music | - |  |
Moxie | 1984 | Language for real-time computer music synthesis, written in XPL. | - | Music | - |  |
MSX BASIC | 1984 | Extended version of Microsoft Standard BASIC Version 4.5, and includes support for graphic, music, and various peripherals attached to MSX Personal Computers. Generally, MSX-BASIC is designed to follow GW-BASIC, which is one of the standard BASICs running | Microsoft, USA | - |  | - |
MUCAL | 60's | Language for playing music on PDP-8. | - | Music | - | - |
MusBox | 1979 | Aka MBox. Music compiler for the Sampson box at CCRMA. Re-implemented as "Sambox", it was the primary music making program at CCRMA | USA | Music | - |  |
MUSCMP | 1970s | Music compiler. A Music V implementation at heart. | USA | Music | - | - |
MUSIC | 1957 | Languages for musical sound synthesis. Versions: Music I through Music V. For IBM 704. | Bell Labs, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC 10 | 1971 | Musical composition language. | USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC 11 | 1973 | Port of Music 4 composition language to the PDP-11. | MIT, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC 360 | 1969 | Port of Music 4B to the IBM 360. | Princeton University, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC 4B | 1964 | Port of the Music IV composition language to the IBM 7094 (written in BEFAP, hence the B). | Princeton University, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC 4BF | 1965 | FORTRAN adaptation of MUSIC4B | USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC 4F ORPHEUS | 1965 | Musical composition language. Written in FORTRAN IV. | Argonne National Laboratory, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC 6 | 1975 | Evolution of MUSIC V. | USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC 7 | 1975 | Evolution of MUSIC for the XDS SIGMA7 computer. | USA | Music | - | - |
Music Composition Language | 1980 | 8-bit sampling, graphical additive synthesis and command line sequencing implemented in Forth. | Fairlight Instruments, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC I | 1957 | First version of MUSIC. | Bell Labs, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC II | 1958 | Version 2 of MUSIC. | Bell Labs, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC III | 1960 | Version 3 of MUSIC. | Bell Labs, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC IV | 1963 | Version 4 of MUSIC. | Bell Labs, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIC V | 1969 | Version 5 of MUSIC. | Bell Labs, USA | Music | - |  |
Music-1000 | 1978 | Score and orchestra language for DMX-1000 signal processor. implemented in LSI-11 assembler. | USA | Music | - |  |
MUSICOL | 1973 | MUSical Instruction Composition Oriented Language. | - | Music | - |  |
MUSICOMP | 1966 | Hiller's second composoition system. | USA | Music | - |  |
MusicScript | 2000 | Music scripting language that creates an entire song from a script file. | USA | Music | - |  |
MUSIGOL | 1966 | MUSical alGOL. Musical composition language, based on MUSIC I-V but founded in Algol rather than FORTRAN. On Burroughs B5500 using Adage Ambilog 200. | University of Virginia, USA | Music | - |  |
MUSTRAN | 1972 | MUSic TRANscription. Music description language. | USA | Music | - |  |
MUSTRAN III | 1977 | Music Translator v3. | USA | Music | - |  |
MuTeX | 1978 | Tech extensions for typesetting music. | Canada | Music | - |  |
N |
Nyquist | 1997 | Language for creation of synthesised waveform sounds. | Sweden | Music | - |  |
O |
ORPHEUS | 1963 | Microtone-capable musical performance language for the SOLIDAC (one of the very first dedicated musical computers). | Computer Science Department at Glasgow University, UK | Music | - |  |
OSW | 2000 | Open Sound World. Scalable, extensible programming environment that allows musicians, sound designers and researchers to process sound in response to expressive real-time control. | - | Music | - |  |
P |
Panoramic | 2007 | Simple basic-like language with many proprietary functions ans statements. Panoramic has all the needed features to handle system objects, sounds, musics, pictures, movies, 2D. | - | Graphics | - |  |
Pcmusic | 1995 | Version of the cmusic sound synthesis program for the IBM PC and compatibles. | UCSD, USA | Music | - |  |
PILE (2) | 1976 | Synthesis language for real-time instruction synthesis on a PDP-15. | Institute of Sonology, Netherland | Music | - |  |
PLA | 1983 | High-level music programming language, written in SAIL. Includes concurrency based on message passing. | USA | Music | - |  |
Plaine and Easie Code | 1970 | Music programming language. | USA | Music | - |  |
PLAY (1) | 1977 | Language for real-time music synthesis. | - | Music | - |  |
PMML | 1995 | Musical event description/manipulation language designed for computer-controlled performances with MIDI instruments. | UCSD, Japan | Music | - |  |
Pure Data | 1995 | Visual programming language developed for creating interactive computer music and multimedia works. | USA | Music |  |  |
Pyrite | 1990s | Lisp-like object programming language implemented as an object to be used within the Max system. | University of Iowa, USA | Music | - | - |
Q |
Q | 1991 | Functional programming language based on the term rewriting calculus. | Germany | Music | - |  |
R |
RAVEL | 1984 | Real-time Audio-Visual Language. | - | Music | - |  |
RTcmix | 1990s | Real-Time Cmix. One of the MUSIC-N family of computer music programming languages. RTcmix is descended from the MIX program. | USA | Music |  |  |
S |
SAOL | 1999 | Structured Audio Orchestra Language (SAOL) is an imperative, MUSIC-N programming language designed for describing virtual instruments, processing digital audio, and applying sound effects. It was published as subpart 5 of MPEG-4 Part 3. | - | Music |  | - |
SCOT | 1978 | Music programming language. A Score Translator for Music 11. | MIT, USA | Music | - |  |
Scriptu | 1977 | Music programming language. | USA | Music | - |  |
SDML (1) | 1984 | Standard Music Description Language. | USA | Music | - |  |
SKINI | 1996 | Synthesis toolKit Instrument Network Interface. Language designed to be MIDI compatible and extend MIDI in incremental but profound ways. | Princeton University, USA | Music | - |  |
SOGO | 1978 | Music programming language. | MIT, USA | Music | - |  |
SuperCollider | 1996 | Programming language of the SuperCollider environment for real time audio synthesis program. | University of Iowa, USA | Music | - |  |
T |
Tclmidi | 1993 | Tcl-based MIDI language, for creating and editing Standard MIDI Files. | USA | Music | - |  |
TEMPO | 1968 | Transformational Electronic Music Process Organizer. The first programming language designed especially for sound synthesis. For IBM 360. | USA | Music | - |  |
TES | 1987 | Teletau Encoding System. Music encoding language. | - | Music | - |  |
V |
VMM | 2003 | Virtual MIDI Machine.programming language that allows you to send and receive raw midi messages and has built-in libraries for higher level MIDI functions. | Belgium | Music | - |  |
Z |
Zel | 1998 | Computer language for creating MIDI data. | Zel Software, USA | Music | - |  |